Canadian Deals: Danactive Yogurt $1.99 With Coupon at Shoppers Drug Mart (ON)


In the Shoppers Drug Mart (ON) July 3-9, 2010 flyer, Danactive probiotic yogurt (8 x 93 mL) is advertised for $3.99. If you still have the $2 off Danactive coupon from, you can get it for only $1.99! My family loves this yogurt and I plan to stock up. Hopefully they have a long expiry date. These are regularly priced at $5.99 so paying only $1.99 each is definitely a deal! The strawberry-banana flavour pictured above is yummy!

Click here to view the SDM (ON) flyer July 3-9, 2010.

Big thanks to cesme77 for posting the flyer for us!

9 responses to “Canadian Deals: Danactive Yogurt $1.99 With Coupon at Shoppers Drug Mart (ON)”

  1. improperganda says:

    Thanks, thanks awesome!

  2. Natalka says:

    Any difference in digestion, etc. when having a probiotic yogurt? I know that Activia does…
    Just wondering… son likes yogurt, but I don’t want there to be tummy troubles.

  3. julyprincess says:

    Awesome!!! My fav is Cranberry!

    @Natalka, I guess the reaction varies by person to person. I know in my case, I can’t have more than 1 a day (I believe that’s what it says on the package too) otherwise it’s too much for me.

  4. mlongboat says:

    cranberry is SO good!

    I think theis pro-biotic” is marketed as improving your immune system. Its called “L casei defensis” sounds man-made to me.

  5. Katia says:

    Ya it’s all a bunch of crap. The bacteria are all the same. The L. Casei Defensis is just a made-up name, but the yogurts are tasty so that’s why I buy them. And this deal is awesome. I have a bunch of $1 coupons that I got at the mall. Danactive people were giving away samples and coupons. Time to stock up!

  6. Jill says:

    It also has 13 grams of sugar per 93ml bottle. Enormous amount of sugar. Not at all healthy or beneficial to you at all.

  7. Colleen says:

    Sounds great gonna check my coupons and see if i have it!!

  8. Tara says:

    Same deal in the West too!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. blue says:

    whoa! 13g of sugar for that tiny bottle? That’s A LOT!


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