Canadian Deals: Get 3 Gillette Antiperspirant, Deodorant, Shave Gel, Satin Care for $0.97 with Coupon at Shoppers Drug Mart


Here is an opportunity to use that “Save $5 when you buy 3 Gillette products” that expires on May 31, 2010 from the P&G Brandsaver flyer. Shoppers Drug Mart has Gillette 3x deodorant/antiperspirant, aftershave gel/lotion, foam mousse, and Satin Care shave gel for $1.99 each from Saturday, May 8 until Monday, May 10, 2010. There is a limit of 4 on the $1.99 price point, and it will be $2.49 each thereafter.

Click here to view the Shoppers Drug Mart flyer (ON) May 8-14, 2010.

Huge thanks to Sharpie once again for the flyer post!

12 responses to “Canadian Deals: Get 3 Gillette Antiperspirant, Deodorant, Shave Gel, Satin Care for $0.97 with Coupon at Shoppers Drug Mart”

  1. missy says:

    why are the coupons not valid in Quebec pharmacies ? whats with all the restrictions on Quebecers ? They are treated like a third World country.

  2. Melanie says:

    Thanks for the post!
    I think it’s time to convince my husband he needs to use Gillette deodorant instead of right guard!! I stocked up on the shave gel last time it was on sale so don’t need any of that.

  3. Brooke says:

    I used this coupon at SDM a few weeks ago. I got three shave gels (satin care is by gillette for women). So all three cost me $1.00 after the coupon! I was so excited about it! I wish I could order more of those coupons.

  4. Nicole says:

    That’s fabulous! I think this sounds like a great time to stock up for my guy!

  5. TJ says:

    How is the limit of 4 applied for the 1.99 price ? Say I buy 3 Deodrants and 3 Shave Gels are they considered to be 6 items hence exceeding the limit of 4 or is it not considered to be exceeding the limit of 4 as the Gel & Deo are 2 diff products ??

    Is it 4 per Shave Gel , 4 per Deo , 4 per Shave foam etc or 4 per any combination ???

  6. CarlyinCanada says:

    TJ, yes limit 4 for each item!

    I’ve got enough Gillette stocked up to start my own store, lol J/K but darn close! haha

    I’ll be making up baskets for all the men for Father’s Day, Birthdays etc!
    They never have to pay full price for this stuff ever again!

  7. TJ says:

    Thanks Carly..Cool in that case I will be getting 3X Gels , 3X Foams & 3X Deos in that case with 3 X $ 5 WUB any 3 coupies !!!..for 9 items in total for a grand total of 2.91 ( before taxes )..LOL

  8. TJ says:

    ^^^ Hi CarlyinCanada , I went to SDM today they did not apply the limit of 4 for each item as you mentioned , but they applied that limit to ANY combination of 4 Gillette products :shrug: 🙁

    So Be careful with the Limit 4 , the limit of 4 is for any combination of the Gillette products , its not Limit of 4 for each diff. item , so its not Limit 4 for Gel , Limit 4 for Deo etc .

    So if you buy 2 Gillette Deodrants , 2 Gillette Gels and 2 Gillette Foams , its considered to be going above the limit of 4 .

    It happened to me today , I bought 3 Gillette Antiperspirants and 3 Gillette Shave Gels i.e 3 each of 2 diff products but only 4 of them scanned for $ 1.99 and 2 scanned for $ 2.99 .

    So I got the 3 Gillette Antiperspirants for 1.99 each , but only 1 Gillette Shave Gel for 1.99 ( the remaining 2 Gillette Shave Gels scanned for 2.99 )

  9. julyprincess says:

    @TJ This happened to me as well today however, I still feel its 4 per product (gel, antiperspirant, etc.) not a maximum combination of 4. I bought 6 Gilette items (3 deo and 3 gels) and two were scanned at $2.99 after 4 limit. I called SDM to make sure and they confirmed it was a maximum of 4 of each item…so went back and received SCOP for two of my deo.

  10. TJ says:

    Wow..that’s amazing ( SCOP ) …good for you .

    Anyways I will be buying 3 Gels , 3 Foams & 3 After shaves etc @ 4 diff SDM’s to prevent hassles..( Their flyer is so vague , nowhere does it mention that its a limit of 4 for any combination of products ) you mentioned it should be Limit 4 per product/item .

    The cashier wasn’t too happy when I pulled out the $ 5 OFF WUB 3 coupons ( he let me use them though ) I didn’t want to create a scene or anything for a couple of bucks …I just asked hime to void the transaction & only took the 3 deos.

    I will getting the rest ( foam , gel etc @ other locations )..its a bit of a hassle going to 4 diff SDM’s but at the end of the day I’m getting the deal so I’m HAPPY:-)..all the 4 diff SDM’s are within walking distance for me so not a big problem..LOL…SDM’s are popping up like gas stations or Tim Horton’s in my area .

    I will be using the $ 5 OFF WUB 3 coupons on all of them ( I’ve 5X such coupons ) I am getting 3 items for .97 anyways ( at 4 diff stores though ) I didn’t want to make a big deal about it .

  11. Melanie says:

    I just got home from shoppers and the 73g antiperspirant rang up at $2.99. It was busy so I didn’t go back in to get it fixed but checked and the shelf says $2.99 but the gel ones below said $1.99. I also double checked the flyer and according to that it should be $1.99. I am going to go back tomorrow with my receipt – what should I do – should I therefor get all 3 free? But I will only save the .97 if I do cause I used my last $5.00 off coupon. any thoughts would be appreciated. I’m kinda new to all this and don’t really know what I am entitled to….thanks!!

  12. Abby says:

    Was so excited to get this deal twice this weekend!


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