Schneiders is offering a great freebie. Simply click here to vote wether you would like the turkey or ham and you will receive a coupon via Websaver for a free package of Country Naturals! Hurry they are only offering 5000, I was lucky enough to see this 1 minute after they posted it and blogged it immediately, so there are TONS left.
Click here to access the offer via Facebook
Not a Facebook user? Click here to try this link
*Offer is over all 5000 have been claimed. However they are now offering $2 off coupons.
** Now it’s only $1 off!
thank you
Thank you
Thanks! Yay for free ham!
got it thank you!
Thanks! We love this product!
What did you choose? Turkey or ham? I went with ham, although I like both
thanks so much for posting this!
woohoo Oven roasted turkey breast my fav
thank you!!
turkey for me! thanks!
I voted for turkey, however I love both 🙂
Thanks! Great freebie …hurry, count is up to >4600
thank you so much…got it
They are almost out, hurry
Just saw on Facebook that coupons are almost gone – hope everyone grabs one quick for this great freebie
Thank you! This is one of the few luncheon meats that my husband can eat, because he can’t handle most of the stuff they put in processed meats. It is nice to catch a break as it tends to be expensive.
Link did not work for me…
3:30 sask time Facebook coupon is now $2.
The other link you gave gives me this message after I choose other websaver coupons – I’m in Saskatchewan (Love the availability date, LOL!)
Sorry, these coupons are not available in your province.
Schneiders® Country Naturals™
when you buy any one Schneiders Country Naturals Sliced Meat product
Available Dec. 31/69
OK, now I see there is a two hour time difference!
this is a terrific coupon!! thanks so much
mine just says $2 off….
guess i was too late
Mine also indicated it was for $2.00 off.
2 dollars but only 3000 voters, not 5000 as they said
voting was only at about 4000 when I placed my vote…still only got a $2 coupon. I guess its better than nothing!
Hanley, people used the direct link as well. Websaver has a counter of how many were ordered.
thanks its hard to get most of these freebies as i work sucks but someones gotta
voted and had a link for the $2 off coupon, but it didn’t show up in my cart in websaver…
Aww I missed it! That sure went fast 🙁
Got the $2.00 off coupon…yay…love to get Facebook coupons!!
I couldn’t get it because you have to choose a minimum of 3 coupons and all the other ones were blurred out because not enough time has elapsed since I last ordered them 🙁
Darn…I leave the computer to go get my mail and walk the dog and miss out on a great freebie!
Question Please. It seems that some get the Smart canucks email before others. How does this work? Many times I just open the email, go to the freebee and it has been gone for a few hours already. Thanks for any information anyone might have. 🙂
Can’t wait to get this coupon! so many fb freebies up lately
Wow…I am desapointed all the freebies came the day when I worked or do something else so I am getting frustrated missing those….5000 coupons run off in 2 hrs …that was fast
Not available in Quebec… grrr…
Correction : on the facebook page, it says it is not available in Quebec, but when I use the Facebook-free link, it is okay.