Old Navy Canada One Day Wonder $2 Tank Tops June 25!


I LOVE this sale!  On June 25 you can get tank tops at Old Navy for only $2 each.  There is a limit of 5 per person and they are for all the ladies of the household, sorry gents.  Looks like I’m getting 5 new tank tops on June 25!  Don’t forget to mark your calendars for this one.  Some stores are opening at 7AM for this sale.

Huge thanks to Nat for such an early heads up on this One Day Wonder!

9 responses to “Old Navy Canada One Day Wonder $2 Tank Tops June 25!”

  1. Felicia says:

    Great Sale! Thanks for Posting and the heads up!

  2. maggiew says:


    We have been eagerly waiting for this sale!

  3. honeybee. says:

    I’ve been waiting for it since May!Thanks for posting!

  4. mic says:

    there is nothing for kids either????

  5. Rockin' Kitty says:

    Are men able to purchase the ladies tanks?

  6. kass says:

    Does anyone know if its on the maternity ones too???

  7. Talia says:

    lol i don’t see why not! =D

  8. Nat says:

    Hey Everyone!
    Hope this answers all your questions and that you all get some sweet tanks!! You’re all welcome and thank you for any recognition/praise!


  9. Alexa says:

    Hi, I work at Old Navy.
    There is a limit of 10, at least at most stores in my region (waterloo)
    Last year it was 5, but they increased it. Tanks are for men, women, and kids. 10 per paying customer. Can be mixed from each shop (kids,womens,mens) etc.


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