Canadian Freebies: 50 Free Digital Prints from Walmart Canada Photo Centre

WALMART Canada Photocentre

Walmart Canada Photo Centre is giving out 50 Free Dgital Prints when you sign up for a new account. Here’s how to get your 50 free digital prints:

  1. Click here to sign up for a new Walmart Canada Photo Centre account
  2. Once you have signed up you will get a welcome email. You must confirm yor account from the email.
  3. You will then be offered 50 free digital prints 😀

Again, note that your 50 free prints will not be available until you confirm your account from the welcome email. This email will be sent to you shortly after you’ve completed your registration.

Click here to get your 50 free prints from Walmart Canada Photo Centre

34 responses to “Canadian Freebies: 50 Free Digital Prints from Walmart Canada Photo Centre”

  1. Guy says:

    How come I am being charged .19 cents for each photo. I thought it was FREE

  2. Deb says:

    I registered and got mine for free.
    Once you are registered, you are credited 50 photos free.
    This came at a great time, as I need approx 40 pics printed!

    Thanks for posting this offer! it’s a fantastic offer!

  3. Boo Radley says:

    Guy, you need to follow my instructions.

    Deb, you’re welcome 🙂

  4. Lena says:

    Thanks so much Boo! Do you know if there is an expiry for the prints? The website says that the 50 free prints will be deposited in my account – will they stay there until I use them up? Hope so!

  5. Boo Radley says:

    You’re welcome Lena! Unfortunately I don’t know if they expire or not. I’ll try finding out.

  6. tofuu says:

    Awesome! I just printed a couple this weekend at Wal-Mart, will use this to print the rest of my graduation photo’s 🙂

  7. Lena says:

    Congratulations on graduating, tofuu!

  8. Alex says:

    Wal-Mart: Discounted Workers’ Rights

    New Yorkers protest Wal-Mart’s labor policies.

    Barb Kucera, editor of Workday Minnesota, sends us this report on Human Rights Watch’s Carol Pier’s presentation on Wal-Mart’s long history of union-busting, weak U.S. labor laws and how the Employee Free Choice Act will protect workers’ freedom to form unions and bargain for a better life.

    Want to understand why so many of America’s workers find it so hard to organize unions in their workplaces? Look no further than Wal-Mart, says Carol Pier of Human Rights Watch who says

    Wal-Mart is a case study of the abysmal workers’ rights regime we have here in the United States.

    Pier is a senior researcher on labor rights and trade for Human Rights Watch, an independent, nongovernmental organization that investigates human rights violations around the world.

    In a recent speech at the University of Minnesota, she described her two-and-one-half-year study of Wal-Mart’s labor-management record, which culminated in a 210-page report, issued in 2007, titled Discounting Rights: Wal-Mart’s Violation of U.S. Workers’ Right to Freedom of Association.

    The report found that while many American companies use weak U.S. laws to stop workers from organizing, the retail giant stands out for the sheer magnitude and aggressiveness of its anti-union apparatus. Many of its anti-union tactics are lawful in the United States, though they combine to undermine workers’ rights. Others run afoul of soft U.S. laws.

    Pier told the University of Minnesota Law School audience:

    I like to think about it as a “death by small cuts.” And the effect is devastating.

    In the course of her research, Pier interviewed dozens of current and former Wal-Mart “associates” (the term the company uses for its employees) and supervisors in six states and pored through thousands of pages of material from the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the federal agency that enforces U.S. labor law.

    Wal-Mart uses a subtle form of union-busting that starts with new employee orientation, where training includes watching an anti-union video, Pier said. The corporation has a 24-hour hotline for managers to report any signs of union organizing activity and a “labor relations team” is quickly dispatched to assess the situation.

    Depending on the level of union activity, workers may be subjected to mandatory “captive audience” meetings ,where they are lectured on the evils of unionism. In some stores, Wal-Mart has crossed the line from subtle to heavy-handed by conducting surveillance on employees, disciplining and firing some.

    When those actions are taken—clearly in violation of U.S. labor law—the failings of the system become clear, Pier said. Wal-Mart takes advantage of the exceedingly slow NLRB process to draw out cases for years. When a worker finally wins a case, the company faces no penalty—other than the requirement to reinstate the worker with back pay (minus anything he or she earned in other employment) and to post a notice saying “they won’t do it again.”

    With nearly 1 million employees in the United States, Wal-Mart is the country’s largest private employer. Yet none of these workers belongs to a union. Employees at two stores in Quebec, Canada, finally won union representation, but both stores have been closed, the second one last month.

    Pier said the International Labor Organization (ILO) has cited the lack of penalties—and the fact that workers can be “permanently replaced” if they strike—as reasons that U.S. labor law fails to meet international human rights standards.

    The proposed Employee Free Choice Act—supported by President-elect Barack Obama and many congressional Democrats—would address some of the shortcomings in U.S. labor law by imposing monetary fines of up to $20,000 for each violation and permitting workers to choose union representation by signing cards, bypassing the drawn-out NLRB election process during which many employer violations occur.

    Still, Pier worries the new law would not be effective without a broader campaign to improve people’s knowledge of unions. Companies like Wal-Mart still could continue the kind of early union-busting—such as showing videos during employee orientation—that create a chilling climate for organizing.

    Pier said of the proposed legislation:

    The Employee Choice Act will help. The Employee Free Choice Act is necessary.

    Pier’s talk was sponsored by the Institute for Global Studies and the University of Minnesota’s Human Rights Program and co-sponsored by the Labor Education Service, publisher of Workday Minnesota.

    You can read Pier’s report, Discounting Rights: Wal-Mart’s Violation of U.S. Workers’ Right to Freedom of Association here.

  9. mark ceci says:

    im a teacher i graduated
    i tried this and it didnt work
    boo whats up with that

  10. mark ceci says:

    congrats on graduating
    im still waiting for an answer

  11. Boo Radley says:

    Mark, you need to follow my instructions. You should get an email from Walmart, open it and click on the confirmation link. If you did not get an email check your spam folder.

  12. Dawn says:

    As long as you have clicked on the email they send you, once you put pictures in your shopping cart, once you continue to checkout the 50 free prints will be applied at that point…you don’t see them until you go through the checkout process.

  13. neyugn says:

    Does this apply if you get it done instore? :S so confused…

    or do you order them online first and pick it up there? :S

  14. Sally says:

    NO party is complete witout Alex, congrats on graduating Mark, hope you got the 50 free prints 🙂

  15. Erica says:

    holy sweet!!! right at a time when I need to print photos and dont wanna pay. lol

  16. Jen says:

    Thank a lot!! I also created an account for my friend, so that’s a total of 100 prints FREE!

  17. Jen says:

    Thanks a lot!! I also created an account for my friend, so that’s a total of 100 prints FREE!

  18. mycatsnameisziggy says:

    I just ordered my free prints and thought the process was ever so easy. Thanks!

  19. cafe_canuck says:

    I have done this and the promotion must be over – I signed up and did get a welcome e-mail but no option to confirm my e-mail address or offer of free prints. Ordered $20 worth of prints and checked out etc. and no offer of free prints then either….

  20. amycanada77 says:

    I got my friend to try and didn’t get anything either – just a confrimation of the walmart account – nothing stating details about the 50 free prints – it must be over 🙁

  21. Ann says:

    Thanks, I just signed up and am waiting for my email for my free prints.

  22. Tracy says:

    Try entering bonus50 in the promo code line of your order page. This instruction was in my Welcome Email from Wal-Mart.

  23. teresa says:

    doesnt work for me 🙁 i think it expired.

  24. adam12 says:

    You now have to buy 100 prints and get 50 of them free. Still a good deal….but not free.

  25. Ambers mommy says:

    It still works, I just did it 5 mins ago. I already had an existing account and the promo code to use is 50MOM.

    And no, Walmart Canada is not unionized, I work there. Some stores in Quebec went unionized only in the tire and lube sections and Walmart combated them and closed down the tire and lube sections in those specific stores.

  26. Cmoody says:

    IT STILL WORKS Just enter the 50MOM promo code at checkout. You need to have 50 prints in your shopping cart!

  27. Cmoody says:

    Sorry just realized this is a new member PROMO….. there is also a 50 free print promo where you enter 50mom at checkout & get 50 prints for FREE… sorry for any confusion!!!!

  28. YK says:

    I’m a new member…I just created an account, but there is no such thing as 50free photo prints. I also tried typing in 50MOM and it doesn’t work either.

  29. Jeremy says:

    This is for new walmart photocentre accounts only. Existing photocentre accounts do not qualify for this promotion – I just found out the hard way.

  30. Dee says:

    The current promotion on the photot centre site is buy 100 get 50 free prints if you enter the code bonus50. and once again its only on new accounts not existing ones.

  31. sam says:

    has to be buy 100 then free 50. total 150.

  32. lilla says:

    just did it and saved soo much ordered 100 prints and saved about 10 dollars

  33. Rachel says:

    It worked for me! Thanks!

  34. Rachel says:

    Yes…I ordered 111 photos…23 ish and got 50 of them free…so it was like 12 something! 🙂


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