Note: It works, but you have to sign up as a student, not Mentor or Guest.
Thanks Fritz for the above tip
Thanks Joel for emailing me about this!!! 😀
Hey Boo,
Microsoft’s FREE software is back through imagine cup. Remember last year when they were giving away OS’s for free by “accident”, well, they screwed up again this year and are offering free copies of Vista Business. ( I have tried it multiple times and it works! =) )
As last year, you have to sign up with imagine cup : at
After you register, you must update your profile to be enrolled in one of the categories or else it wont work.
Then go to:, and order/download Windows Vista Business x32.
just tried and Not available, no luck last year either, keep trying i guess……Thanks
It works! Awesome. I hope they put Office up there too.
The page indicated by the link asks for a password. Where do you get one?
You register here:
It works, but you have to sign up as a student, not Mentor or Guest.
Just tried again and same thing ….resource unavailable, signed up as student
I tried too. it did not work
Is it really only 404 KB? The .exe file I downloaded is only 404KB =\ I’m kinda afraid to open it because I thought it would be 2.3 GB…hope it’s not a virus/spyware.
After you sign up, it will redirect you to your profile. You must tick one of the categories and click update profile. As it say in the post, if you don’t “enroll” in one of the categories, it won’t work.
I register, confirm my registration and then go to the last page that is listed above, log in and get this message;
“We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to download certain Microsoft software for free to help you develop your Imagine Cup entry. Only registered Imagine Cup competitors qualify for the free software download.
Get started now.”
The get started now is a link, and when I click on it, it does nothing,
didnt work for me
The exe file is not spyware, it’s just a downloader. e-Academy is part of Microsoft, so I doubt that they distribute viruses.
Justine, check your pop-up blocker. e-Academy opens up in a new window
Sorry guys. I re-registered. Somehow, it works!!! Hurry up!!!
Just tried it and I got the resource unavailable thing but I tried going to the page a few more times, updated my profile and tried again and it worked. So keep trying, maybe the server is just busy.
The most important thing is getting a serial number. The download itself is not as crucial
does it work is this credible
For those having trouble, here are some screen shots
The pdf document is displayed as a portrait instead of landscape so, when you open it, click {in Adobe Reader} View>>Rotate view>> clockwise and it should look good
Sara, this is a Microsoft website. Yes it is credible.
I get the account, click the link to get started downloading, and then get the message:
We’re sorry, the resource you are looking for is unavailable at this time. Return.
Ted, dollars to doughnuts you havent enroled in one of the competitions’ categories. You have to update your profile…
I have done everything, but when I click “get started now” i keep getting redirected to the same page… like it doesn’t direct me to academy,,,
YES!!! got it to work,i registered, update profile, i choose photography as category, click update profile, DON’T sign out just minimize, click on the 2nd link in original post to open new window where you get the software, choose vista business and download remembering to note the registration code.Thank you!!
i just had a warning come up when downloading in my internet security showing as unknown publisher?? are you sure this is not a viruse ????
Quick question for someone a little more tech savvy than me, i am running windows XP, i have the vista download saved but if i open this will it crash my computer as i am already running XP? How would i burn a copy to install on my computer after i remove XP? Thanks
I got it no problem using Firefox (there is a Popup after you click “continue” on the , couldn’t get it to work in IE)
1. Signed up
2. Updated profile (Software Design)
3. (don’t even need to confirm email)
4. Allow the popup
5. Add Vista Business, check out
No it is not a virus, not spyware. This is an official Microsoft website.
It is more important to get and write down the serial number than download the file.
Thanks Jerry for the detailed instructions 😀
Thanks Jerry!! I got it to work on FireFox in one try!!
I just downloaded Vista business and Expression Studio, worked fine. Thanks for the post
It works, just follow the instructions above. Make sure you allow popups
Now does anyone know where i can find microsoft office for free? 🙂
Just tried it now and it worked
I’m still downloading, pretty slow tonight.
Will I be able to burn this to a DVD as backup to install on my other PC?
plus If I have the Key can any Windows Vista DVD be used to install and I just use my Key?
OMG this is such a awesome find thanks hope I get it to work 🙂
Worked great the first time. Thanxs for the post. Never would have been able to do that on my own.
thanks for this awesome find boo,i was able to get it after the second time with joel’s instructions, thanks to joel also.
what exactly does this offer entail? Just Windows Vista Business?
What are the other Free Microsoft Products?
Not working fo me…got this message
We’re sorry, the resource you are looking for is unavailable at this time. Return
I will try later ….
i did everything and still there is only a 404 file instead of the 2.3gb one
anyone care to help me out?
It works for me. Thanks for your instruction Jerry Hung
Michelle, make sure you follow the instructions to the letter. I just tried it and it is still working.
wuns, the 404kb file is a downloader. The MS downloader lets you download vista in pieces if you wish eg you can stop and resume any time. Try running the .exe file and it should work.
I dowloaded it fine. It did the unpacking part. Now how do i make it run? Or do I have to copy download to cd …then run from there?
Help. Im stuck. Thanxs.
Its gone its not there anymore damnit.
I just tried it and it’s not on the site anymore… D=
melanie, I downloaded Vista and was left with an .iso file in C:\Temp. “ISO” files are disk images, and using DVD burning program like Nero etc. you can burn it to DVD, then use it to install Vista.
I did all this on a Mac in VMWare, so the way I did it was totally different and will just confuse matters.
In other words, what you downloaded is not a program to install Windows, but rather a file that contains the entire install DVD for Vista.
do you think they are gonna put it up again?
How come I only see VS2005 (2 similar ones) SQL Server 2005 (32 and 64 bit) and Expression STudio only?
I don’t see Vista. 🙁
It’s “Out of Stock”
WTF they better put it up cause i want my share!!
What do you mean by “Out of Stock”? I don’t even see Vista listed there anymore :\
i tried it as soon as they took it away, damnit im using basic =.=
Fritz. I’m a little or alot confused. I ended up with an “iso” in my c:\temp as well. The “iso” is 2.49 GB. I was also sent this confirmation.
Product Name: Windows Vista Business DVD
> Delivery Method: Download Only
> Quantity: 1 unit(s) @ $0.00 per unit
> Sub-Total: $0.00
So is this rendered useless?
thanxs for the help.
ISO is a file format to burn it into a dvd with multiple folders 😉
DOes this automatically install it or can i save it burn it to disc?
I just signed up and am downloading it now (cross my fingers everything goes alright), so I don’t see why it wouldn’t be there for the rest of you guys..
Melanie, try running the application now and it should go through a process of 1. Authorization, 2. Downloading (this is where i’m at), 3. Unpacking and 4. Launch Install. Hope that helps.
oh, nvrmind.. i think you guys are a step ahead of me..
Melanie, it sounds like you’ve gone through the first three steps that cloudwatchin listed. What you are left with is an ISO file, that you need to burn to DVD with Nero or something similar.
If you do not have Nero, there is a free app that I have used before called ImgBurn ( You will need a DVD burner in your computer, and a blank DVD obviously 😉
i can’t download… is it because im already using windows vista business?
If possible, could some one link me to the product page of Vista itself right now? thanks.
OMG its not there…. wtf
The process still works BUT Vista is not an downloadable option anymore.
I’ve got this message 🙁
“We’re sorry, the resource you are looking for is unavailable at this time.”
I just need the link to the Vista Product. CAn someone please link to it for me? 🙁
it worked but the free software options changed – now it’s expression studio and sql server
its gone… my heart is breaking
If you read the rules, you have to sign up with an email address that is a university or college email address. That is how they verify that you are indeed a student.
how do u get the serial #? i dl/ed it already..
Damn, can’t find Vista this year–last year I got Vista Business, Office, etc. It was schweet. I wanted another copy o’ Vista for another laptop, but it doesn’t seem to be listed anymore. =\
Vista is no longer an option
If someone still has a link to the product page for VISTA only, can you please post it here? Hopefully it might work 🙂
Here is the link, but, no, it doesn’t work
Riche Rich: you just need any copy of Vista disc (either borrow from a friend or BT), you have the legit serial # to activate the OS, and that’s the key (not the disc)
Note: I am not promoting illegal use of software
Is it over? Should I even bother trying?
Can someone check their history for the download link? It should look similar to this:*********&parentID=1
Where **** is the missing information
JT here is the links to the exe files that MS provided me.
They are no longer on the website but I uploaded them to a googlepages host:
I am not sure if they will still work if you don’t have an acct. I assume that they do…
Thanks Joel I dont think that will work because it doesnt give an actiavtion code but if anyone else wants to try it let me know 🙂
Jerry Hung: I am well aware that Vista contains all versions of the OS on any of its DVDs. Thank you for the consideration.
However, I needed the link to get the license key 😉
Since I could just slipstream a disc and use that license xD
~Richie Rich
Ya I tried the link and it downloaded the program and went to install it but it asked for an activation code 🙁
Sorry, I assumed that you had a COA Key. Um, there is not much that you can do about not having a key. Try to trade someone for one in the forums or something.
Thank you Joel!
Thanks Joel I appreciate what you did it was always worth a shot I thought maybe it would magically appear ha ha
does this still work? i think i am too late
You can easily understand my computer within your profile. You can do the resource until you’re mentally exhausted, just to be sure that it is all working and you’re learning. If they’re bad for vista business, they’re bad for a serial number.
Please let us know when this offer comes up again please.
I did register with
But when it comes to
The user name and pass are incorrect.
Do I use the user name and pass created at
I’m I doing something wrong?
I registered twice… nothing worked. A waste of time… very dissappointed.