Canadian Freebies: Biore Charcoal Samplers *5000 Available*


If you would like to enjoy this freebie then you will need to act quickly as I am sure these are going fast! Follow the link below and complete the form, and you will receive a free Biore Charcoal sampler. Each sampler includes a Pore Penetrating Charcoal Bar and Deep Cleansing Charcoal Pore Strips for you to try.

This giveaway will run until January 30th, 2015, or until all samples are claimed, and they will probably be claimed long before then! There are a maximum of 5000 samples being given away, each sample having an approximate value of $2. Your sample will arrive in approximately 4-6 weeks. These are still available at the time of posting, as I just hit submit and claimed my sample.

Click here to complete the form and snag your free Biore Charcoal sampler!

4 responses to “Canadian Freebies: Biore Charcoal Samplers *5000 Available*”

  1. madryn_m says:

    Got mine! Thanks for posting!

  2. a007 says:

    I tried this and really didn’t like it, it completely stripped my skin! not good..

  3. mommy2alayna says:

    All gone! I tried to get one and it gave an error message, saying the entry limit had been met.

  4. Martin says:

    The 4500 (not 5000) limit reached!


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