Canadian Freebies: The New Yorker – FREE 2010 Calendar!

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Sign up now and you’ll get a free 2010 New Yorker calendar poster as a thank you for continuing to read The New Yorker! No strings. Nothing to buy. Measuring 18″ x 26,” the calendar is printed on heavy, high-gloss paper that is perfect for display. Offer expires October 31, 2009. Quantities are limited.

** Make sure you select that you do NOT want the subscription!!!

Click here to order yours.

Thanks to over4omommy for sharing this deal with us!

Update: It looks like this is US only…

10 responses to “Canadian Freebies: The New Yorker – FREE 2010 Calendar!”

  1. Sue says:

    I think this would look very nice framed.

  2. JB says:


    No purchase necessary. While supplies last. Users must fill out complete mailing address to receive poster. Offer good for US residents only. Please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery.

  3. carlycanadian says:

    I ordered, hope it comes! Has Canada listed…hmm

  4. Justine says:

    In the official rules it does state US only. I ordered already so can’t go back now.

  5. Nina says:

    I was able to order too! Hm, we’ll see what the end up doing!

  6. lbal says:

    sorry for link post. I meant to copy and paste the prompt message after submitting the entry request. I ordered and they do have Canada on the form drop down menu. It looks like a nice calendar. Thanks.

  7. FreebieChick says:

    Thank you for requesting the free New Yorker 2010 calendar poster. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.

  8. mcminsen says:

    Thanks for this little heads up. I got my form in okay. Maybe it will arrive in time to use as a Christmas gift. Hubby will like it, he’s from Newy York. 🙂


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