Sign up now and you’ll get a free 2010 New Yorker calendar poster as a thank you for continuing to read The New Yorker! No strings. Nothing to buy. Measuring 18″ x 26,” the calendar is printed on heavy, high-gloss paper that is perfect for display. Offer expires October 31, 2009. Quantities are limited.
** Make sure you select that you do NOT want the subscription!!!
Thanks to over4omommy for sharing this deal with us!
Update: It looks like this is US only…
I think this would look very nice framed.
No purchase necessary. While supplies last. Users must fill out complete mailing address to receive poster. Offer good for US residents only. Please allow up to 8 weeks for delivery.
Hmm… it has a part for country on the form.
I ordered, hope it comes! Has Canada listed…hmm
In the official rules it does state US only. I ordered already so can’t go back now.
I was able to order too! Hm, we’ll see what the end up doing!
sorry for link post. I meant to copy and paste the prompt message after submitting the entry request. I ordered and they do have Canada on the form drop down menu. It looks like a nice calendar. Thanks.
Thank you for requesting the free New Yorker 2010 calendar poster. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Thanks for this little heads up. I got my form in okay. Maybe it will arrive in time to use as a Christmas gift. Hubby will like it, he’s from Newy York. 🙂