Canadian Quick Question: Where Do You Prefer To Shop? In Store Or Online?

Other / Canada

The weather has taken a turn for the worse across most of Canada and many of us are instinctively starting to hibernate.  Casual, long summer walks seem like years ago as we look out our windows at howling winds, driving snow and a biting temperatures that freeze your eyelashes shut.  Yes folks, winter is upon us and it is here to stay for the next few months.

The poor weather conditions which always bring poor road conditions help convince us to plant ourselves at the kitchen table and promise we will not step outside for anything other than work or emergencies.  It’s a lot harder to justify a trip to the mall when your vehicle windows are fogged and your feet are numb against the pedals.  Why bother when you can shop online?   It’s fast, there is usually a better selection, you can stay in your pajamas and free shipping promotions are abundant. 

However, there are those that argue shopping in store is the way to go.  There is just something about stepping into a mall and gazing across a horizon of brightly lit signs and fake foliage.  The people around are bustling, busy and perhaps even a little excited.  The merchandise may be limited, however you at least get to touch it, smell it, look at it in 10 different lights and try it on, if necessary.  The store employees may even be able to offer additional information not available on a website and let’s face it, most of us gain a little enjoyment from interacting with actual people, rather than a computer screen.  Oh yeah…and you instantly get what you want!

Recent studies have indicated that online shopping is on the rise, especially with the introduction of “shopping tools” such as Pay Pal and secured websites.  In fact, some guess that at least 50% off all shopping is happening in somebody’s living room, rather than in a store. 

So, where do you prefer to shop?  In store or online?  Do you hunker down and let FedEx take over driving duties?  Or, do you race to the mall with family/friends and shop til you drop?  Let us know!

5 responses to “Canadian Quick Question: Where Do You Prefer To Shop? In Store Or Online?”

  1. JR says:

    if I stay in too much, I start getting cabin fever….or at least very irritable. Every few days I gotta get out, that’s why malls are great especially in winter.

  2. adora says:

    I prefer to buy online because store clerks these days are unprofessional.

    I can do more research online than in-store. I especially hate shopping cosmetics at department stores. I mean, there are only 30 products in your counter, you stand there 6 hours a day, can’t you study them? Many people do research online then buy them in the store. I refuse to dignify them with business that they don’t deserve.

    The only store always with knowledgeable staff is Best Buy. I feel bad that many closed down because people go in for research, then shop on Amazon.

    In general, stores for women have more unprofessional staff. I think it’s because women are nicer and more tolerable for stupid people. It’s got to stop.

  3. Jenn says:

    Definitely the stores. I prefer to see and touch the product before buying, especially clothing. Clothing is something that you never know until you try it on. My sister is a perfect example. She has so many unwanted clothing in her closet from purchasing online that she never bother returning because of the hassle.

    There are always exceptions, but I only do research about the product online before going to the stores most of the time.

  4. Shawnna says:

    Online! There at always good coupon codes, and I don’t have to take all the kids to the mall!

  5. saver says:

    I look online at pricing,and to compare/research. Some things are okay to buy online but I’ve never had much luck buying clothing online due to sizing issues. I’ve bought things online thinking they were a good deal but end up not being due to return costs or not liking it. dvds/books items such as this are much easier to buy online.


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