Canadian Shopping Discussion: PC Optimum – Your Thoughts & Reviews?

PC Optimum Reviews

Now that the program is “fully functional”, how is the new PC Optimum working for you?

Last week, we saw generic offers while they connected our previous shopping to our accounts.  Today, my own offers are mostly items I would buy.  Not necessarily this week, but mostly not items that are far removed from my usual shopping preferences.  There are some duplicates that I am not sure are an error or will credit twice (if so, free cookies!).  It still seems a little buggy too.  I woke up to 26 offers but now only have 19 showing.  How are your offers looking?

PC Optimum at Shoppers Drug Mart

PC Optimum Review - Earning Points at Shoppers Drug Mart

There are very little changes as far as PC Plus, but Shoppers Drug Mart is quite the change. I have very little in my offers that could be purchased at Shoppers Drug Mart.  Sure, I have the exclusive when you spend offers over the week, but none of the items I would buy to maximize my points.

Shoppers Drug Mart has a flyer offer of 25,000 points when you spend $75 or more this weekend.  While they claim that this is in line with previous offers, you can’t save them to make the usual 18,500 Shoppers Optimum points worth more at bonus redemption.  Even at the old maximum redemption of $170, those points were worth $33.  Will this impact how you shop at Shoppers Drug Mart?  Do you have more drug store type offers showing?

PC Optimum at Grocery Stores

PC Optimum Review - Earning Points at Grocery Stores

It is definitely nice to see some store offers for No Frills.  They are likely just introductory offers and will decrease at some point so take advantage while you can.  There is very little change for me compared to PC Plus now that my offers have normalized.  I wouldn’t make a trip to the grocery store for just $10 so the lower redemption threshold isn’t a big deal for me.

It is also nice to see that not only are the buttons for saving an offer for next week or not showing one again working, but available for those who use web access instead of the app.

Are the store offers enticing you into Loblaws banner stores?  Have you experienced the communication failures that many are talking about and not receiving points?  Hopefully now that many people have switched their cards, the glitches will become a thing of the past.

What are your thoughts on the changes?  Will you shop more or less at these stores?  Do you miss your old Shoppers Optimum program already?

135 responses to “Canadian Shopping Discussion: PC Optimum – Your Thoughts & Reviews?”

  1. sara says:

    I’m still trying to link my pc mc and optimum cards. After 2 hours on hold last night they hung up on me. there was no announcement of what the wait time would be. not impressed.

    • Roseanna Greig says:

      I am so far very dissatisfied with the new program. I used to receive bonus points from Shoppers daily. I have received one in the last three weeks since Feb ist which was if I spend $75. The Pc grocery promotions have also been minimal and for nothing i would consider purchase. Yes, I have registered and downloaded the app. Shoppers was always my go to place but I am now less likely to shop there. Very very disappointed

      • Tracy says:

        I agree. Not at all impressed. I’m getting offers for shoppers that I won’t use and my grocery offers have been totally lame. I spent $258 yesterday and normally would have got a crap load of points. This week there were no grocery offers available and I left with zero points. Not a fan. Won’t feel the need to stay loyal to zehrs at this point.

        • DBob says:

          $81.00 = 1000 points at Shoppers. It definitely shows this was no merger, PC bought out Shoppers. Items that I bought previously at $2.99 are back to regualr price at $4.99 but they are on sale at Fortino’s at 2.99. Giant scam to get Shoppers customers to PC stores. Coupled with the fact that there is a noticeable reduction in staffing since Wynn’s minimum pay raise [Did she REALLY expect companies to just fork out $100 per employee without cutbacks?] it makes Shoppers look unworthy to be loyal to.

      • Sherri says:

        I haven’t received any shoppers extras and I’m pissedbecause i usr to get alot of points…if everyone send an email maybe they will change it back…a service rep told me to email shoppers head office and for everyone to do it.

        • Bob says:

          I agree. Since the changeover there have been far fewer “bonus’ points which drew us to Shoppers however it seems as if they want you to switch to Loblaws which we will not do. It may be good bye Shoppers. Dissapointing!

    • Annette says:

      I have nothing good to say about this new program. I have yet to receive my Optimum points transferred to my new PC Optimum card. I spoke to someone about 2 weeks ago and he reassured me that the glitch in their system would be fixed and I should expect my points very soon. Well, I have tried numerous times to contact an “ambassador” but to be disconnected after 3 attempts and 1.5 hours later. What is really going on?

    • D. Hiebert says:

      I, too, am unable to link my cards. I cannot even redeem the points as they are “earn only” cards … and cannot change that. Hope to redeem my points one of these days and then will cut up the cards … don’t want them just tracking my spending habits.

  2. George says:

    Still can’t link my optimum card.

    • FallenPixels says:

      I ended up going to the store after it kept telling me it could not verify. But it seemed to be working online this week for most people (as long as your email matches)

  3. franca says:

    asked 4 times for password reset request and still waiting….cant link with a new password

  4. Karen Hay says:

    Links my cards online, super easy, no problems at all

  5. Andrea says:

    I linked my cards without any issue. Had 13 offers last week but none today. I hope some appear at some point today or tomorrow. Losing out on the higher value levels (95,000 points for $170 is now 95,000 worth $95 really sucks.)

    • FallenPixels says:

      Did you update the app to the latest version? There is an update to the one released last week and I have seen people say that only the latest version gets offers

  6. Joan says:

    I am not at all impressed so far. Today (first “new offers” day since I got the Optimum card) the few offers I’ve been given are mostly on things I have never bought and am unlikely to buy. I have virtually no offers from Shopper’s now, and the one offer that Shopper’s used to give me routinely (bonus points on milk) is not there. I was glad to get the combined points value on the two card, but am really hoping they work the bugs out of this. By the way, I e-mailed them a specific question about my account several days ago (a question, not a complaint) and got a generic reply saying, “We will be sure to share your comments with the appropriate department. …If you have no offers and haven’t loaded any offers this week, please call Member care… for help.” I’m even wondering now if maybe one reason they combined the programs was in order to lay off some of their customer support staff? Just a thought — I have no idea. But so far I am not impressed.

    • Joan says:

      Sorry, typo — “on the two cards”

    • FallenPixels says:

      Perhaps, I have seen people post that they have been on hold for over an hour trying to call them too

    • ND says:

      I totally agree; I never cared about the grocery app. The only thing I liked was my SDM Optimum offers – I don’t want to see a bunch of grocery offers for things I don’t want or need. All the grocery offers are very annoying – at least give us the right to de-select the grocery offers!!!!. Yet, i cannot delete them and the app no longer offers any SDM promotions!! As someone who loved Shoppers, I may have to reconsider my purchasing decisions.

    • Sherri says:

      Complain to head department at shoppers and if enough do it hopefully they go back.

    • A.khan says:

      Same here, it’s getting worse every week. I am seeing less and less of the items I buy regularly at Fortinos. Wondering what outdated tracking system they are using.
      Thinking of shopping at other grocery stores now on.

  7. Ali says:

    had dup offers too. Putting the 2 programs together is a huge undertaking for them so will give them a bit before seeing how I feel about it. However, I won’t be shopping at SDM as much anymore unless them tempt me with good offers.

  8. tara says:

    I had 55,000 points on my pc plus card when I linked it on the pc optimum app, it now says I have zero, I put in a points inquiry last Friday and tried calling in twice when time allows with no answer, really disappointing, I honestly rely on these extra grocery funds to feed my kiddos 🙁

  9. Lucie says:

    Not a good start… I go to YIG for my regular grocery shopping, give my old PC card to link with the new one… no points for my groceries this week! Must register online first. They tell me to bring this new card to Shoppers and link that card automatically. They can’t. Would have to have started at Shoppers first. No points for my Shoppers buys. Then I ask for Senior discount… no senior discount because they couldn’t link my card since I first got it at YIGs. Bummer all around! Hope this isn’t an omen for what’s to come.

    • FallenPixels says:

      New cards have terrible offers even if it was activated. I had ones for baby food, gluten free/health aisle food etc. Nothing I usually buy.

  10. Bargain Seeker says:

    I am not feeling too much pain about the changes yet. Transferring my cards and my PC MasterCard went without any problem. I am one of the Shoppers customer that was only redeeming at the highest level so I thought I would lose out however since I can now redeem at the Atlantic Superstore and get bonus points added on it might all get equal in the end. Last week I redeemed $150 and got 15,000 points and more; this week I am redeeming $75 and getting 7,500 plus 4000 points for every $20 spend on produce plus whatever else I have personal points for.

    One thing I am missing in my 20x on milk at Shoppers. I am still hoping this will show up soon.

  11. Priscilla says:

    We have two PC credit cards link to the same PC account, My credit card shows right PC balance but my husband’s show 0. Send a question to them on Feb 6 after wating on the phone for 1 and half hour. But my other missing points after I requested they made the adjustment in 2 working days.

    • Raven says:

      I had the same issue – my mom and I have two PC credit cards linked to the same PC account. My card was fine but her card showed a 0 balance. I had to create a new PC Optimum account with my mom’s credit card and then add her to my household.
      This seems like a roundabout way of doing something that was previously super easy. After 2 weeks of everything being linked, I have to say I’m not impressed with the offers. Compared to the old program, the new grocery offers are lackluster and don’t reflect my shopping habits. I used to use the app on my tablet, but can’t download the new one because it’s incompatible.

  12. Sandra5 says:

    I won’t be regularly showing my card unless I get some better offers. The whole point of the program is to track and analyze people’s spending habits. If people are not enticed to pull out their cards with reasonably generous offers, PC Optimum won’t be getting much useful info.

    • FallenPixels says:

      But if they don’t know what you buy, they can’t give you relevant offers. I am ok at the moment with the store offers but I don’t see shopping at SDM nearly as much with the current offer types

  13. Nora McCaffrey says:

    I managed to link my my old PC PLUS, Optimum and PC FINANCIAL cards on Feb 1. I have since made purchases with the FINANCIAL card but the only transactions posted are the 2 at Loblaw – but no points awarded whatsoever. I tried to phone, on hold for too long. Chat window was momentarily opened and then immediately “CHAT SESSION ENDED” message popped up.
    PC PLUS used to have features such as suggested recipes, shopping lists, immediate feedback on points earned. Now it is just a vehicle for tracking points and they’re not even doing a very good job at that. What’s the point?

    • FallenPixels says:

      I don’t think many people actually used the other features so they were not worth keeping for them.
      My purchase from Feb 3rd just showed today (the system was down when I was in the store) but the one since credited immediately. There is a Missing Points/Missing Transaction button under Account

  14. pettyfan4343 says:

    I cashed out all my points on Black Friday last year, after I had heard of the merger of the programs. Like all “reward” programs, they are not set up for the customer to win.

    I updated to the new app, and was only offer 6 “deals” this week

    I know I got caught up in buy stuff i didn’t need just to get the points, but with Loblaws selling the gas stations last year, and closing down the banking division, I was bound to lose a lot of points every month. I spend on average $250 a month on gas, that would usually get me $10 a month points.

    I have now switched my gas purchases over to Costco and will try that for a year to see what I can accumulate with the executive member ship. If I can’t at least pay for the higher end membership costs along with the cash back credit card, I won’t be keeping that either.

  15. WestCoastMom says:

    not a great start for me either – SDM offers are far and few between and the ones I’ve been given disappear off the app before they expire. Yesterday all the offers were removed from the app at @ 5pm PST. New offers came up this morning. Zero offers for SDM. One exclusive to no frills and 18 offers for PC. None for SDM. My friend got 35. 2 for SDM and 33 for PC. Everything is so random and has no rhyme or reason right now. Hope the kinks get worked out.

  16. mommy2alayna says:

    I was so disappointed by my new offers this morning. I had a total of only 4!
    2 SDM offers (1 of which isn’t available for a couple of days still…) and 2 grocery offers, for Joe Fresh and some brand of hand soap I’ve never heard of. I thought the Quaker offer promoted in several of the grocery store flyers would show up in my list, but it wasn’t there. So I thought it must be an in-store offer and bought $11 worth of Quaker and still no points added in-store. I had to wait in the huge customer service line to get my points manually added. Not cool PC Optimum, not cool!

  17. Stacy says:

    My pc plus points show up as zero. I called was on hold for an hour and spoke to someone. They said after you register the points take 24h to appear. I’ll check tomorrow.

  18. kerry says:

    I have mine and 2 other family members onboard the new website and everything is fine.All cards were linked without trouble and I like my new offers and glad that I can use the at Shoppers Food Stores if I want.The offers are more flexible now where you can buy any flavour, size and with lower spending requirements.My offers include most things I buy including baby foods.I didn’t get points on 1 offer but it was quickly resolve after a points enquiry

  19. Paulette Thibodeau says:

    This PC Optimum is now geared to a Loblaws store to collect points. Used to be a very loyal Loblaws customer but then they changed and don’t have all the brands I use so now I hardly ever go to the store. I am however a Shoppers Drug Mart loyal customer but now with the optimum loyalty program gone I am not at all happy. We used to get lots of Shoppers ways to collect points but now geared for Loblaws Stores. I must say I give this program a thumbs down now

  20. Workingmom says:

    I end up going to the store to link my card, and I had to create a new password, it would not allow me to use the password from PC plus. I am now getting my offers, but not getting the points for my offers when I shop. Also, I had points from No frills on Friday, shop at shoppers on Saturday, it seems when it updates the points from shoppers I lost my points from No Frills…. growing pains.. wasting of our time… they need to fix the issues soon, if not customers will get fed up

  21. Stacy says:

    My points did not show up on my new card, and it has been over 24h. Great, now I’ve got to call again and wait on hold for 1h+.

  22. Dana says:

    I LOVE Shoppers Drug Mart, BUT since Loblaws has taken over, all decent offers have disappeared and the offers I receive are for things I HAVE NEVER bought at either store.
    My “personalized offers” are NOT personalized for me.
    I used to be a loyal SHOPPERS customer.
    Loblaws- You are ruining the best points program that existed. The SELF checkouts are being pushed by the cashiers. I have had several errors on my receipts. items scanning through twice. The errors are always corrected, but I am paying VERY careful attention at the till now.
    Perhaps Loblaws has to pay for the BREAD SCANDAL. I see bread increased from 2.00 to 2.99 in a time span of 8 days.
    VERY disappointed in the merger.
    Understandable there would be some glitches, but the SHOPPERS program was flawless, now PC Optimum is full of glitches.
    I will hold out hope things improve. If now BOTH stores have lost me as a customer.

  23. Sara says:

    No problem connecting but I feel that the offers now don’t reflect anything that I would ever buy or have EVER bought in the past. This new system is really disappointing. I loved loading the offers on my phone and getting them through my card – which is another complaint that I have – no actual physical card. Now I have to scan my phone over the actual store scanner – super gross! Sorry but this one is a #superFAIL !!!

  24. Jonathan says:

    I think it’s a bit early to tell for sure. But I’ve been a been a Big Shopper Points guy for a few years. I plan my shops, and generally have always earned about 60% of Dollars spent back in points. Only ever redeeming at Highest level and as often as possible on Redemption weekends.

    So Far I have been pleased. My first shop on 76 dollars spent I earned 44,000 points back which is on par with my past experiences. My second shop I only managed 50% back, but that’s because I had an emergency requirement and wasn’t able to double up on offers as much as normal.

    Also all my offers have been excellent. I did have the 20 x milk good for shoppers only the first week. But not the second week. *Crossing my fingers on that one*.

    Super pumped now that I can earn points like crazy at Shoppers and use them for Meat and vegetables at Independent Grocers. I literally filled my freezer with Sirloin Pork Chops, and Chicken legs that were on sale, along with Cheap Heads of Cauliflower.

    NOTE: The PC FInancial World Elite Card has definitely helped me hit the number I have mentioned above. 🙂

  25. John says:

    Since the new update we have found the offers are terrible and don’t even know what some of the items are. This program has gone backwards.

  26. Emily says:

    I’m pretty disappointed. I live in a rural town where shoppers is the only large retail store. I always earned a ton of points and redeemed at the highest level. So far the app just started working for me with the latest update a couple days ago and the offers are useless for someone who mainly shops at Shoppers. I feel that it’s just trying to make me go to Superstore to earn points instead. We will see how it pans out over the long run but there are no offers which will encourage me to shop at Shoppers at all. I wish they wouldn’t have needed with such a wonderful program 👎☹️

  27. Jane Hurst says:

    Not impressed ! Far less offers especially at SDM (who I used to get emails from on a near daily basis) So I am happy that I saved my points from before the merger (and I did take a hit on points) This is not a “new and improved” programme – far from it as far as ensuring customer loyality

  28. Cathy says:

    I went from shopping at Shoppers Drug Mart 3 times a week to only once every two weeks. For me the Optimum program was the best in Canada, now it is nothing special. It will probably save me money in the long run,just because I will shop there less.

  29. Carlita says:

    I did have problems linking and with the app in general when it was new but my big complaint is that the offers I’m getting now do not reflect at all the types of items I was receiving offers on before. They seem to be mostly for obscure PC and Life brand products that I have never bought during my membership and are not even in the product categories in which I shop. I dearly hope that the new program becomes and stays as valuable to me at the PC and Shoppers programs were as individuals.

  30. Anne B says:

    My card linked okay, but the new coupons and specials suck! I shop both SDM and No Frills regularly, all prices went up on the items I buy bi-weekly by at least a buck, I may as well start shopping at Walmart, it will cost less because my points are not accumulating and I am not getting my usual shop thru the week and earn extra points coupons. To bad, I loved supporting my small town stores, but now I am off to Walmart in the city. Bad choice to change our favorite program!

  31. Anita says:

    The transition to the new card was smooth; however, the new points system is not as good as it used to be. The problem is that now we don’t earn points for money spent (in No Frills). The points are attached to certain products. I spend money but I don’t get points as I don’t buy these products. I loved the old SDM program. Now ‘m very disappointed.

  32. Jason says:

    hate the new program…not really all that interested in shopping at Shoppers Drug Mart now, where I was there quite often before to shop for my family’s groceries. And the value of the points has dropped significantly, so why would I go there? I seem to always get pushed to use the robot checkout which tells me the store doesn’t really want to deal with me. They just want my money and try to cut more jobs in the process. I stopped getting prescriptions there because it takes forever and the friendliness between customer and pharmacy techs has ceased. They all seem like robots now. I go to smaller pharmacies because I can talk to an actual pharmacist who isn’t overwhelmed with the mass of prescriptions to fill.
    I’m finding more value in the air miles program now if you can believe that so I’m shopping at Safeway more now than ever and anywhere else that provides air miles. The store is clean and the dim lighting gives off a calm atmosphere, even when the store is busy. And I’m not pushed by someone to use the robot checkout. It’s there if I wish to use it and that’s the way it should be.
    So take heed big corporate pharmacy. We still want friendly customer service from actual human beings. Don’t force the robot checkout on us. And give us good prices with rewards from time to time.

  33. JR says:

    Not working for me, unable to accumulate points, all my points on the PC financial master card have disappeared. Just impossible to get a customer service rep; no frills staff not helpful at all – just say call customer service

  34. ROGER KELL says:

    I am “So Unimpressed ” with Loblaw PC Plus & Optimum.
    From this point I will shop at Rexall for many items.
    The merger is a total disgrace. I have been trying to merge the two cards for over two weeks now. They send e-mails all positive promotion and it’s a mess. Anything from a sixty minute wait and then cut off or today a minimum 45 minute wait. An no chance of talking to ANYONE

  35. Stacy says:

    I’ve called them numerous times. On hold an hour, or better yet, the call gets dumped. My PC points never got linked. They put in a case and provided me the #. Said it takes 2 days to fix. Ya, right, 8 days later, I call again, and said “you shouldn’t tell people 2days, cause obviously it didn’t.” Now it’s been raised to a “high priority.” Still 2 days after that, no points. It’s $50 in points too! I need to fight for them.
    If you call right at 8am (EST), when the phone lines open, less of a wait. I waited 10-15min.

  36. Rick says:

    I am super disappointed with the merger. I was a frequent shopper at SDM I loved the 20 times the points sales. Now I very rarely see 20 * point sales but I do see 15 times and 12 times and 8 times. It seems ever since Loblaws bought shoppers the points been tougher to acquire and now as many readers have said you spend money at Loblaws and unless you buy there random specific personal buying suggestions you get bupkus for points. But I’m sure the suits aren’t listening. Last year from April 15th until September 1st I learned $510 in points from Shoppers Drug Mart let’s see how much iron in the same period this year

  37. Unsatisfied Shopper says:

    I am extremely disappointed in the merger. Ever since I switched over to the PC app, all I’ve gotten are random grocery store item offers and they are on items I rarely, if at all, buy! I am not getting my SDM offers at all – I miss my offers like spend $30 get 6000 points. I tried calling in to tell them to please give my offers back and they are completely useless. The lady on the phone just said they are still updating their system (whatever that means) and I may have to wait a couple of weeks before I will get offers. This is really turning me off from buying at shoppers and I may as well shop at Walmart if I cannot get bonus points or offers.

  38. grace gagliano says:

    I too was a loyal SDM shopper. I treated my points like money in the bank. Would normally spend $100 or more each week. Shopped for all my cosmetics, which at times are expensive brands that I would not normally buy, but the point value make them worth it. I have lost faith in this program now and will be buying all my items at Sephora if the program does not change. My PC points always took so much more time to even get to the $20 saving amount. Really disappointed with the merger…

  39. Rob says:

    Yep new program is almost not worth having. Not as many points. Points on stuff I never buy. Points only on items at PC Superstore. My spending at Shoppers is down to about 25% and no the other 75% is not being spent at Superstore.
    They have lost my purchases almost all together. How to wreck customer loyalty in just over a month.

  40. Christine Durocher says:

    Very disappointed with the new program, not worth the detour, I get no personalized offer form Shoppers like I use to. Was told it would be a better program than before by staff but all I get so far is PC products offers, not even stuff I would buy and no offer to accumulate more points faster like before. Will be using the points left and then forget about this program.

  41. Isabel Durkin says:

    This is an appalling change. Previously I received offers appropriate to me even though I might not be buying it this week. Since the change I have received 1 (yes I mean 1) item that I would ever consider buying. This is either the 7th or 8th week since it started and I have received 1. I know you can’t go back but I dislike the new programme. I’m almost at the point where I just say “Goodbye”!

  42. John says:

    I’m thinking of mailing my points card in to sloblaws in protest for their appalling corporate decision regarding the shoppers points program. For the cost conscious consumer the shoppers program was a nice perk but now its gone, leaving no reason to shop at shoppers, considering how expensive it is. Goodbye shoppers, it was good while it lasted but it is time to move on.

  43. Penny Spina says:

    This new points program is very disappointing. Previous Shoppers Drug Mart awards and points were worth the trip, now, not so much. Not a fan, taking my business elsewhere. Im not interested in receiving 200 points for every dollar I spend on lemons! Did they honestly think that their consumers where going to be happy with such drastic changes and minimalistic points collections! Bye Bye Shoppers, bye bye Presidents choice!

  44. Oliver Merk says:

    Received email on March 14th/18 saying there was a technical error and I have to re-sign up and go through the transfer fiasco all over again. Now I get nothing but a crappy error message when I try to add a card. Contacted support 3 times – no reply. Likely going to ditch this whole thing.

  45. Stacy says:

    6 weeks and my points are still missing. Called many times and was told 2 days to fix. Nope. Then called again 1.5weeks later and it was put as a high priority. Four weeks later still no points. What a disaster.

  46. G says:

    Poor response time to missing points enquiry. Old PC Plus card response time was almost instant. So frustrating when you purchase an offer and do not get points for it.

  47. Barbara says:

    Very little if any incentive to shop at Shopper’s anymore. Used to be in there every week.

  48. Myles S. says:

    Finally dug into this to see what I was getting, and it is “nothing”! Points only for a half dozen grocery items that either we do not use/eat, or perishables that we do not currently need. Rather than getting us into the store, this has alerted us to the fact that other stores have better points programs. Looks like we will be switching away from the Loblaws chains that we have shopped at for years and go where we get points for buying what we want & need.

  49. BCooper says:

    Features, points with dollar redemption, bonuses, prices of products and in-store service (now less cashiers & more self-serve terminals) were better before this merger. My PCOptimum card is not working when I try to redeem any points/ money on it and when I called the 1-800# today the rep (sounded like it was fielded out to a 3rd world country) couldn’t provide any answers; was told I’ll get an email in 5 – 7 business days. I wouldn’t shop there but its out of convenience and where I’m located there’s not as many options if you don’t have a car to carry groceries – otherwise I would redeem my points when this is finally sorted out & go somewhere else. Shoppers DM will now suffer too as there’s less incentive to shop there.

  50. Nellie says:

    Not at all impressed with the merger. Don’t get the same offers from SDM anymore and used to shop there much more often to collect the bonus points. Thought the merger would allow some sort of collection for ALL shopping at Loblaws but no, only on their special offers and only if you download…lame! Not even worth bothering to use their program at Loblaws at all. The best offer at SDM since inception has been 25,000 points when spending 75$…that used to equate to 44$ of free goods when you cashed in 95,000 points, now it is $25. Not a great translation of a very successful and loyal program in the past…will choose to switch to Rexall options and give them my loyalty instead rather than SDM for specials and at least collect bonus airmiles.

  51. AJ Ross says:

    Once I started seeing No Name & PC brand items replacing the name brand, quality items on the shelves at my local Shoppers, I knew it was only a matter of time before the store turned into a larger version of the pharmacy section at the Great Canadian Superstore. The Shoppers Optimum program (now PC Optimum) was a great incentive to get me into the store. The app had some great offers and I would sometimes rush to get in before midnight to take advantage of the deals. It’s shocking to me that they would abandon so many loyal customers and arrogantly presume we would just forgive & forget and take to the new PC program. I’ve never liked Superstore and found the experience at Shoppers was higher end – a pleasant shopping experience, whereas Superstore has always been a nightmare from the parking to the in-store experience to the check-out. The Shoppers Optimum program was nice while it lasted. They had a good thing going for what must be over 20 years now that I can recall! I’ve cashed in my points and have started frequenting London Drugs & Wal-Mart. The Shoppers vibe has changed entirely and has become soulless. Fail on this one.

  52. Shawn Dermody says:

    If used properly, the Optimum & PC Points programs were by far the 2 best programs going. Now that they are combined PC Optimum is a super program that will save families hundreds to thousands of dollars each year. It’s unfortunate some people had issues but in the long run they will reap the benefits. I give it 5*s

  53. Shar says:

    After a frustrating set up period, I am now collecting points properly on the program and I also have a PC credit card.
    The ‘use it next week’ option is great. This week there was a deal for Armstrong cheese but I could move it to next week when it’s on sale.
    I rarely used Shopper’s Drug but did buy my recliner chair from there so double points for me.

  54. Sarah says:

    I was hopeful that this merger would benefit most people, but it seems to be a disappointment all around. My usable offers are few and far between, and the “Don’t show again” and “Save for next week” options don’t work on my app. I’ve contacted their staff 3 times asking when these options would return and when I would be receiving offers tailored to my shopping habits. The first two responses were generic, “this is how to use the app” instructions. The third response stated that the options would return once the first week after the merge. It’s now the end of March. I’m going to continue to use the app to get points here and there, but I’m no longer loyal to the PC franchise. I’m looking forward to shopping at local markets this spring and summer.

  55. Deb Provencher says:

    So far, not impressed at all. I used to receive point offers for the products I normally use which was awesome.
    Now I’m getting offers for nothing but items that I NEVER use.
    Very disappointing!!

  56. wendy says:

    Not happy. Every week I get my e-mail to load my offers very late in the day. I e-mailed PC two months ago to ask why this is not e-mailed out early in the morning, I never got any kind of reply. I shopped yesterday afternoon and sure enough in comes my e-mail to load my offers at 9:30PM!!! And to top it off I bought 5 cream cheese (this is Easter weekend) and on my offer was each one was 400 points so I lost out on 2000 points! Does not sound like much but this happens every week!

  57. CMW says:

    Like most others, very disappointed with the new “combined” program. It’s a total crock … yet, I doubt they care what the consumer thinks because most of us will just continue to buy from both of these overpriced companies.

  58. Dan says:

    Not impressed. I used to get $20.00 in grocery points at Fortinos about evry 3 to 4 weeks. It’s been 5 weeks now and barely $10.00. Three weeks worth of groceries with ZERO points earned. My offers make no sense, and don’t seem to relate to what I buy or what I want. I was shopping at Fortinos because of the points (their pricing is nothing special), now I’m looking at the new Sobey’s that just opened closer to me.
    Unless they fix this, they lose my business.

  59. John says:

    I am now getting offers from Shoppers that require you to show the coupon to the store clerk.
    What happened to “Load to card”?
    What is the point of the card now?

  60. Dennis says:

    The new offers suck. I used to offers for individual grocery items that I used to buy often. Now it’s more generic “spend a certain amount of money” which is stupid.

  61. Julia says:

    I have been a loyal Superstore supporter for decades. They ditched me as a banking customer so now I get fewer points because of the this. But I find the new offers insulting. They do not reflect how I shop in anyway. I used to get offers for the staples that I buy weekly. Now it’s for a pile of crap products I never buy. I used to praise the Superstore, PC banking and the PC Points loyalty program and tell all of my friends about what they were missing out. Now I will be bad mouthing it and it will take A LOT to win my loyalty back.

  62. Caroline says:

    Worst roll out ever! When they “merged” my 2 cards they didn’t do it correctly and I was now a man and I had 100’s if people linked to my account. They have no idea where my points are and I have spent over 6 hours on the phone with them trying to get it sorted out. The worst part is is that it is extremely challenging to get someone on the phone that speaks English!

  63. Pam says:

    Not impressed with my offers at all, its now April thought might have been able to be better by now

  64. A.O. says:

    This program is the worst one they could came up with. Customer Service is ZERO comparing with how it was before. They stopped respond to Points inquire and THEY DO NOT CREDIT MISSING POINTS ANYMORE. The offers they send me is usually for something I don’t buy but probably they have it in overstock and would like sell it. That’s a shame and I think this program is pure FRAUD.

  65. Nan Smuk says:

    Also noticed that no more Birthday (4000) points. Their cheapness is costing them dearly…….

  66. Haley says:

    I am quite dissatisfied with the new program. My “weekly” offers are not at all tailored to the things I buy, making it next to impossible to earn points. Moreover, 2/3 of the offers I receive are for Shoppers Drug Mary products. Unfortunately this is not where I buy my groceries. I wish this merge never happened.

  67. Karen says:

    The Shoppers Optimum Card was the best loyalty card on the market. I shopped at Shoppers often regardless of the points value. I recommended the card to many others. The PC Optimum program is just a total disappointment. Focus is now more on groceries and minimal points being rewarded; consequently, I will try to find the products I want elsewhere and limit any purchases of all PC related products.

  68. Erin says:

    New PC Optimum plan is HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, BAD, ROTTEN, USELESS, well I could go on using every synonym in the thesaurus and still it would not be enough words to describe just how disappointed & unhappy I am with the new plan. For many weeks I only received 10 – 15 offers, most of which were for items I never used & several of which would end unexpected short of the week they should have been on for. Several of the items (that I have never used) were sent as offers for 3 weeks straight & when I said to never show me that item again it would disappear for 2 week & come back the next. SDM cashiers never applied my points when using my PC MC, even when told to & I would have to dig through 4 levels in the app to get to the missing point section. Basically you took a good program & made it SUCK

  69. Linda says:

    I am very disappointed in the new PC Optimum program. My offers are very generic and mostly items that I have never purchased or ever intend to purchase! I have also noticed that Superstore has had a major increase in their prices in the last two months. Assuming this is to compensate for the loyalty program. After all someone has to pay for them, right? As for Shoppers I do not spend a great amount at one time and will never take advantage of the minimal offers that have been sent to me as of late! Looks like my points will not be accumulating much. Will likely take advantage of my Costco membership more now.

  70. Twylla S Walker says:

    After spending hours on the phone and weeks of trying to combine my optimum pts with my pc points I now find that my personal offers must be designed for someone other than myself. Two and a half months into the program and all I get week after week are offers that I have never purchased prior nor would purchase now.
    The Loblaws Corporation marketing strategy is to try and get as many customers to purchase items they would never usually purchase all to earn a measy few points. NOT NOW, NOT EVER WILL I FALL FOR THIS PLOY. MY DOLLARS WILL NOW BE SPENT AT COSTCO OR WALMART.

  71. Shannon says:

    So upset these two companies joined together. I’ve had problem after problem. Fist my account was hacked and when I called they couldn’t fix the issue. So I started a whole new account, then everytime I use my card the points are NEVER added, where as befor right away they were. Again I try to contact but no luck, I just did a live chat and the idiot just told me to call. Not helpful at all, i just wish it would go back to the way it was, I love collecting my points at shoppers to cash in for all my baby products and now I can’t seem to get any points even added to my account and no one is able to help. Very disapointed.

  72. Bob Levo says:

    We just realized how little value the PC Points card represents to our Shoppers Purchases. My wife spent over three hundred dollars and received not a single point. We have decided to move all of our prescriptions and another discretionary shopping away from Shoppers to Rexall and will use AirMiles. If we need to purchase anything at Shoppers we will charge to Visa Avion to minimally get points thought that program.

  73. Elias says:

    My wife and I loved getting points at Shoppers, and we still do. We didn’t know what to expect with the No Frills merger, we are extremely disappointed with the amount of points we get from No Frills. We are actually now splitting our shopping between Value Mart, Food Basics and No Frills. We totally feel like we are getting ripped off by the silliness of the No Frills offers and somewhat insulted. Whoever’s strategizing these offers needs to get their head examined. This is the typical points offer from No Frills: Get 400 points when you spend $2 on Kraft salad dressing, then they mark the price to $1.99! ( We have seen this dozens of times with different products). This is ridiculous and it’s insulting to people. How dare they be this way? Well as mentioned, we are now shopping somewhere else and so is the rest of our family. When we do shop at No Frills we are no longer using our PC Financial MC, not worth it, we are using other credit cards because we are getting better point values, touche No Frills and eat the 2% now!
    There is absolutely no value in using the PC Mastercard as other credit cards offer us greater point values.

  74. Chrystal says:

    the web site of pc plus was fine before they changed it to link the pc optimum cards. Now i can t even see my weekly offers since i have to login after i click the link to see them. It take an eterrnity to be said oops there appears to have been a problem, or are you trying to login in your pc mc account? it does not work anymore. Even of you change your password and it takes forever when you try to login it still says ,,,We are sorry an unknown problem has accured.

    How can i then go do my grocery shopping to that place when it will amount to no points in return since i just can t logging to see and confirm my offers.

    It should just be automatic, no need to confirm the offers just get the points if you had it on your list of offers. When you want to ajust your list by what you buy then go on the site….

    it is not the first problem i had with them since the merger. In the beginning it was also the none accumulation of points that were on my offers also. even if i have complained, and still did n t see the points being given back to me.

    It is also very difficult to be able to sign in to the site i think today was my second time changing the password to see if anything changes to not have those messages in reply…

  75. Jane says:

    It’s been over 2 months since they combined the 2 programs and I still am not getting offers that actually match my buying habits. I used to get offers every week for products I bought regularly but no more. Surely by now their system should “know me” and what I buy. I emailed them to complain and they told me that I should click on “view details” for each offer item individually and then select the option “don’t show again”. That supposedly would make my offers more personalized in the future. Guess what – the option is greyed out so it’s not accessible. So that info was basically useless. On the rare occasions when I get points on an in store offer, they never show up on my account and I have to keep emailing them to get it fixed. It’s happened 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Walmart’s prices are actually better in most cases and they still bag the groceries for you. I prefer shopping at a Canadian owned store but am getting totally fed up with them. You’d think, after the price fixing fiasco, they’d be doing everything possible to improve their image

    • youif says:

      i have same frustration not being able to customize my offers with don’t show again and save for next week actions. I’ve been repeatedly told they will be available in the future, once my offers are personalized. But can’t get an answer on when that will be or what it actually mean (i.e. what specifically trigger the system to make these actions available to me).
      to me it seems my offers will not be personalized until i am able to customize them with the actions… but am being told they will not be available until offers are personalized… a never ending circle.

    • Sharon says:

      If you swipe left on the app you should be able to select “don’t show again” or “again for next week” for individual offers, however I’ve found even though it’s an option, its impossible to get this function to work properly. Offers you specifically request not to WILL show up again the next week. Every week, the same several ones I continue to select “don’t show again” and every week they come back as one of my new offers. It’s a joke. So incredibly frustrating, products I have never and will never buy and am specifically requesting to stop including in my offers, yet again and again they are there.

  76. Ingrid says:

    Have been waiting almost 3 months to get a reply regarding missing points. Terrible customer service.

  77. Pix says:

    Wow. Disappointment is a gentle way of putting this. 15 points for every dollar spent at Shoppers Drug Mart? $10 for 10,000 points (minimum amount for redemption). That is $666 spent before any reward. That just seems like a crazy low reward system in exchange for all of my personal information, including their ability to track, and market to, my spending patterns. I am definitely worth more than that.

  78. Julie says:

    It’s been a few months now and I must say I am VERY disappointed in the new program. We used to get tons of good offers – 20x, 15x the points, large point value coupons for a spend amount, and bonus points on things we actually purchased. Now we don’t seem to be getting any of those offers and the ones we do get are on things we don’t buy. Their new “bonus point offers” are also a trick! For example, 1400 points (notice it doesn’t say bonus) on every $7 spent on Life brand Naproxen. You used to get the bonus for purchasing the product. As I recall the last time I bought that product it cost $6.99 so WTF. It’s not really even a bonus because you are going to have to buy two of them which costs $13.98 to get that. So now you have to spend DOUBLE the money for the same type of offer?!? Really SHIFTY AS FUCK marketing. Shame on you Shopper’s Drugmart.

  79. Lynda says:

    Very disappointed with the way this PC Optimum merger has happened. When I receive an email telling me to load my offers more often than not the website is down and I cannot load them.
    I will soon only shop at Metro where I can use my airmiles card.
    Fix it people!!!!!

  80. Tracy Anne Gordovez says:

    My receipt reflects that I earned 710599 during my latest shopping visit at Nofrills but no points appears in my PC Account. I called costumer service several times but they cannot give me an acceptable answer. I am very dissatisfied. I regret that I swapped my shoppers optimum card to the pcoptimum card. If this issue cannot be resolved I will never shop at any participating stores again.

  81. Alex says:

    This whole thing is way too confusing. Trying to read all the how-to’s online took me an.hour because there are so many steps. I’m very.discouraged by this and wish they hadn’t changed.

  82. youif says:

    Is anyone able to use the “don’t see again” or “save for next week” actions for each offer on their offer list?
    I can not! I’ve been told repeatedly these actions will be available in the future… when my offers are “personalized” but can’t get an answer on when they will be available or what specifically needs to happen for the system to make them available to me.
    to me, it seems my offers won’t be personalized until i am able to customize them with these actions, but am being told they won’t be available until my offers are personalized… a never ending circle?

    • Sharon says:

      If you swipe left on the offer you can select “don’t show again” or “again for next week”, however I’ll warn you, its impossible and a lost cause to get this function to work properly. Offers you specifically request not to WILL show up again the next week. Every week, the same several ones I continue to select “don’t show again” and every week they come back as one of my new offers. It’s a joke

  83. Natalie says:

    This has been a mess of a situation. I’ve been trying to link my multiple optimum cards for months and it has been a nightmare. I’ve wasted HOURS of my time on the phone! Talked to multiple representatives who are never apologetic and don’t seem to care that this transition has caused so much grief for customers. It definitely makes me want to take my business elsewhere. Get it together!!!

  84. Leigh says:

    I wanted to start off saying that I love the program, perks and offers and it is a good marriage between the PC Plus and Shoppers Optimum loyalty program.

    That said, I find that there’s a disconnect between what is offered and marketed is not what the customers receives. There’s been a lot a glitches and I do mean far too many, giving it a rocky start to two previously strong foundations.

    My issue is mainly with the PC Travel offers as I do a lot travel and the points adds up…that is, when it is properly awarded. A good example of this is, what is offered is not what you get and I find myself having to constantly follow up on the points and having to go through the process of regurgitating what was already submitted in reference to a particular transaction because customer service never includes the message that was originally sent them.

    And then there’s a up to 6 weeks wait for the points to issued, which is fine however, by then, the points history is no longer available for viewing so I’m back at square one. I wonder if this is done deliberately so that one forgets about it.

    I really miss the option of being able to view my points history over a 90 days, 6 months or even a one year period. Now that I know better, I download the detail regularly to ensure that I have records.

    The other issue I have is the delay in receiving the points. I just don’t get why all the points cannot be issued at once. Again this relates to PC Travel, where either 3x, 5x or bonus points are on offer. So they’ll post the $ x 10 pts to the account almost immediately, and if you’re lucky, you get the other $ x 20 pts within 6 weeks. More times than not, the remainder of the points simply doesn’t get posted unless you noticed the missing points and create a points inquiry and even then, there are hurdles to go through and more back and forth with CS. Fingers crossed that resolutions to my many inquiries will be forthcoming.

  85. Nick says:

    Unbelievable poor service.I have been unable to use my card since March and after countless calls to the service dept,(I have requested to speak directly to a manager the last 4 times) but still they say they will get back to me in a week with a resolve, still not done. Yes since March and I still I have no access to my account and the card still does not work. These people are definitely the most incompetent people I have ever dealt with, I wish I had kept documentation from day one because if I told my experience with these people to any one they would have to think I was lying or grossly exaggerating. I am retired and made my living as a purchasing manager, never have I dealt with any business with such disgusting customer service or lack of respect
    for a customer.

  86. nancy says:

    i too am totally dissapointed with the new pc optimum card. i have only gained 700 points since feb. if all im gonna gain is a buck a year, i ll keep the card in my wallet.

  87. abe says:

    the program sucks. a few of my favourite items stopped being offered. i barely collect any points so ive switched grocery stores. your loss loblaws

  88. Teri Caldwell says:

    I no longer receive any points on loaded offers. Numerous emails, phone calls but still no points. I was asked to send in scanned copies of my receipts as apparently, they can’t see any transactions under my card. I know my card works as I do receive points for gas purchases at the Mobil station at Superstore.

  89. Teri Caldwell says:

    I no longer receive any points on loaded offers. Numerous emails, phone calls but still no points. I was asked to send in scanned copies of my receipts as apparently, they can’t see any transactions under my card. I know my card works as I do receive points for gas purchases at the Mobil station at Superstore.

    • Sri says:

      The same thing with me. no points at all on gas with loaded offers. I am planning to contact media and local news channels about their scam.

  90. Jo-Anne says:

    I am having the same issue, spent over $600.00 in groceries and received not even 1 point. This has happened more than once. I sumbmiited my complaint, only to be told that I have to calculate my points. PC OPTIMUM is tracking my information, they know how much I spend and on what I spend it on. It seems unnesecarily punative to have customers calculate their own points for what seems to be a system issue on PC Optimum’s part. Do they not want to pay points anymore? If not I am fine with that, just tell me the program is over and I will no longer share my personal information with them. I submitted another complaint, request they calculate my points and threatened to go to Canada Consumer Prlection Agency and CBC

  91. Sri says:

    Looks like PC optimum points is a scam. whenever there is an offer on Gas, I buy it. But i have to call customer care to get my points otherwise we don’t get any points. last week there was an offer 10,000 points on $40 purchase of gas. i still did not get points, i am still fighting for those. I will never ever go again to superstore and never use pc optimum. waste of time.

  92. Shelley Bryson says:

    I switched to super store for groceries after this and I don’t get a single point for shopping there if I don’t buy items in my offers. It’s ridiculous. I thought the merger meant that the same points I would get when shopping at shoppers just based on the spend would be similar. It’s not at all, so why go out of my way to grocery shop there. Very disappointed in this new program. Loved the shoppers program.

  93. Coffeebeane says:

    There are many issues but another one is that when you put in a points inquiry which is usually several inquiries at a time, the response that comes back is ” we awarded you X number of points” Since it is never the amount I requested and never has the store location or amount of the bill in the reply email it is very hard to match up the request with the response. It seems like they want to keep the customer in the dark. Also they say the awarding of Mastercard points is delayed 3 to 5 business days and come in batches so how am I supposed to know it is the right amount and which transactions are represented in the batch of points that was awarded? They miss so many points in PC Plus that I fully expect they miss Mastercard points as well but their system makes it very hard for the customer to prove. Then they put the onus on the customer to ask for what they were already promised by Mastercard. What other company does that?

  94. Sylvie says:

    I use PC Optimum the other day for an on line purchase. There was a bonus point offer if a price point was achieved and a 20X points on top of that. I was awarded the points on the base price of the items only and I have sent them a total of 6 emails with print screens of my receipts and the offer and the answers are all the same canned scrips. They’re not giving me my missing points. I don’t know how many times I have to point things out to them. It looks like they don’t care and don’t want to help remedy the situation. I can get points elsewhere. PC’s wast of time!!

  95. IBRAHIM says:


  96. Upset at PC says:

    Program has significantly decreased the amount of points / value it used to have. Spent over $550 on one grocery visit and not a single point. Fuel fill up of over $60 earned 490 points… that amounts to 49 cents. Considering the trade for your personal information, it’s not worth it.

  97. Michael says:

    Worst customer service ever. I’ve been missing 152000 points for months now . Countless calls to the help desk. Countless emails ,left unanswered. After fighting for 2 months they gave me half of the points I earned. Now everytime I call them they say the same thing. They cant help me and have to escalate the call to managment, and I’ll be reached in 5 days . Well that never happens. To be honest I could go on for awhile telling you how awful these people are. Just be aware of your points . As far as I’m concerned they are stealing from me.

  98. Marc says:

    Worst customer service ever! Got roped in to changing my Mastercard to the World version. Big mistake, it changes your credit card number. Now they can’t link it to my points card, since my old card number is there! There’s a whole fictious department they send these issues too it seems, cause they don’t don’t talk to customers to explain the delay. Just form letters get sent out saying sorry for the delay. It has been over 2 weeks trying to get them to help out, what a joke of a company.

  99. Shannon says:

    I’ve deactivated my PC OPTIMUM account. Since day 1 I’ve had nothing but problems and every time I called in for help no one was able to help me. Finally after so many issues the biggest one was pc optimum lost all my point, $120 dollors worth. I logged in one day and they were gone. Right away I called and yet again no help what so ever I even emailed in a recent receipt proving the amount balance of point. Costumer service did not do a thing about it all I got was a reference number. After one month and still getting no where I finally called and got my account deactivated, I also cancelled my PC Mastercard. I’ve had both Shoppers Optimum and PC Mastercard for year but as soon as they decided to merge together its been nothing but constant problem. I’m happy to say I no longer deal with PC at all and I’m so much happier.

  100. Shannon says:

    Just wanted to add I hope PC Optimum takes all on these complaints into consideration and go back to the way things were befor they merged together or at least I hope they go out of business. Worst points program EVER!

  101. David says:

    I tried the two step verification and now my app does not work. I tried ordering something online form them and it said my credit card was declined yet they still charged my credit card. Very very poor technology on Optimums part.

  102. Linda Hellingman says:

    Why can I use any card to pay at Shoppers and Esso to earn point on the total amount and only use PC Master card to collect points at the Superstore?

  103. Joanne says:

    I was promised 2X the points if I paid my (pc) car insurance with my pc mastercard. I would normally never pay this bill with a credit card but I did for the extra points which would have been substantial. Didn’t get the extra points – the person that I talked to had never heard of this promotion. Complained online and got an email saying that my problem had been resolved. !!!! Nope, not on my end. I ended up deciding that the time I was spending on the phone and online trying to get my 25,000 points wasn’t worth the bother. Never again ! Don’t believe them. Along with the fact that the new pc website is horrible I’m changing cards.

  104. Shannon says:

    Card was compromised so they locked it 3 months ago and I cannot use the points I’ve earned. Keep telling me they are looking into it but nothing ever HAPPENS. So disappointing as I used to love it.

  105. Kid Kool says:

    PC Optimum SUCKS! They have completely ruined Shoppers Drug Mart. Prices have doubled and points program completely BLOWS! Crap offers, missing points and ZERO customer service. You know a company TOTALLY SUCKS when they hide behind a boiler room in Manila Philippines they call their “customer service” department. If you have missing points you can call people who don’t give a sh** and will tell you to fill out an encyclopedia of crap so they can then do more NOTHING about it. Shoppers Drug Mart and PC Optimum SUCK!

  106. Aysan says:

    DO NOT trust the optimum card!! I collected $500 worth of points in my card and it got hacked and all my points were gone!!! It was such an obvious hack but their unreliable system couldn’t detect it!!! Two other people from two different provinces were added to my point card as people in my household!!! And after collecting all our points the hacker could easily get $1000 worth of goods from shoppers using our points!!! Their system is so fragile and doesn’t have minimum security and is not trustable at all!!! #optimumcardhackedeasily #optimumcardisnotreliable #shoppersdurgmart #optimumcard

  107. jay B says:

    The PCF World Elite Mastercard says it gives 30 Optimum points for each $1 of groceries at Superstore. Well, the Mastercard transaction states the correct points assigned on the online account, but the Optimum program seems to never properly desplay and accumulate the points. Very frustrating – we have to watch it like a hawk and spend way too much time fighting over points.

  108. Glen Erin says:

    After reading some of the reviews here, It’s just amazing that nothing has changed so far. There is no accountability from PC Optimum or Loblaws corporate.
    This system that is in place between PC Optimum/PC Mastercard & Loblaws is the worst I have seen, and amazing that it has been allowed to continue for so long.
    There is no way to consolidate your MasterCard with your points earned. To confuse it even further, PC Optimum lumps different points earned together.
    My Girlfriend & I booked a vacation Trip using PC Travel using our own PC MasterCards. My Girlfriend got ALL of her points the following week. I did not.
    The travel agent informed us during our booking that it takes 5-6 weeks.
    On my Girlfriend’s statement online, her points showed up under the banner of PC Travel. I kept looking for this on my online statement and never saw it. When I called customer support without them looking into anything, I was told to wait 5-6 weeks. After 6 weeks I kept calling and every time I got a different response from the agents. I even asked for a supervisor to contact me….never happened!
    To top it off, PC Optimum’s online statement ONLY goes back 45 days. One cannot see past transactions over 45 days. How ridiculous is this?
    The agents are now saying that two amounts were credited to me a week after my booking, but not under the PC Travel banner, but as regular points.
    And of course, now that it’s over 45 days I cannot see it and to take their word for it.
    Calling Loblaws Corp. does not help, they transfer the call right back to the Optimum agents. Unfortunately, most of these agents have no idea other than it just being a job 9-5 pm.
    They get numerous calls because of what I’ve just pointed out above.
    The system should be like a bank. If I deposit $100, I see that $100 is deposited when I log in online. I can also go back for more than 6 months to see my transactions. This is the way it should be.
    I’ve been a loyal client of PC Finacial MasterCard right from the start. I hope that someone with authority can one day see the issues and frustration we are put through. In today’s world, we cannot have a system set up so badly.

  109. A U says:

    My account was recently hacked and a lot of my points were used. Reading from previous issues, PC optimum has to fix this hacking issues.

    Customer Support will tell you to refer to Section 8 from their Terms and Condition. So they get away with it!

    Wakeup Loblaw Management! Find solutions to these problems!

  110. Evelyn Strickland says:

    I have not been able to sign into my PC Optimum since October 2020. Customer HELP was useless… So, I have unsubscribed AND will only shop Loblaws/Shoppers when absolutely necessary.

  111. kevin kurtz says:

    PC Optimum did not honour my 88,000 PC points arguing those points were linked to another account after tedious phone calls, being ghosted and dropped outright on a call i finally said I am done with Optimum products gas, groceries, Shoppers Drug Mart we are talking about 88 dollars for a loss of 5-10,000 dollars a year over the course of the next 25 – 30 years I said to the “Ambassador” you do the math and I am heading over to post reviews.

    The first Ambassador I spoke with might as well called me a crackhead.


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