Forget that new car smell! We want the new car sound!
Do you like the sound of an engine that is running like new? Then you will like a synthetic Motor Oil that provides outstanding protection and performance! You will want to get your hands on this 4.4L Mobil 1 Synthetic Motor Oil at Canadian Tire for only $29.99. That is a total of around 40% savings! Save 40% and make your car run 100%!
Mobil 1 Synthetic Motor Oil from Canadian Tire features:
- advanced synthetic formula that provides excellent lubrication and protection for all driving styles.
- prevents deposit and sludge build-up
- aids fuel economy with enhanced frictional properties
- exceptional start-up protection in cold temperatures
- Canadian Tire 1 Year Exchange Warranty
This product also has a 5 star rating on Canadian Tire’s site.
So what are you waiting for? Get this excellent Mobil 1 4.4L Synethetic Motor Oil from Canadian Tire for only $29.99 here! Save 40% and feel 100% driving your brand new sounding car! Forget that new car smell! We want the new car sound!
This is a decent deal… however if you don’t typically use Synthetic oil in your car, this is $30 wasted.
Putting synthetic oil only once in your car will provide very little benefit. Ideally, you should start to use it early in your engine’s life, and use it regularly.
It’s not really a “treat” for your engine to do it once in a while. The remnant conventional oil will pool (not mix) with the synthetic and create an inconsistent blend.
That being said, if you plan to switch, then winter is the worst time to do it. The conventional oil will be sludgier (?) in the cold than the synthetic and can cause inconsistent globs of oil in your crankcase. Instead, do so in the spring, and make the change permanent. It will take a few changes for the residual conventional oil to completely be removed from your motor, but it wont be affected by the cold weather. So by late summer or fall, you’ll be better off when the cold weather comes.
Ideally, changing from conventional to synthetic should be done if you’ve just replaced a head gasket or other major motor seals, when it’s certain that your entire oil stock has been drained.
All that being said… $30 for this container of Mobil1 is decent deal, if you use it.