Canadian Tire Canada Scratch and Win! Sept 12-13

Canadian Deals & Coupons


It’s the Canadian Tire birthday bash and you’re guaranteed to win either a $5 coupon, free mccain cake, or a $5000 gift card.

Canadian Tire has a new scratch card out this weekend!
Everyone’s a Winner Birthday Bash!

Scratch and Win one of:
– $5000 CT gift card
– $5 coupon – to be redeemed this weekend
– Free McCain Deep ‘n Delicious cake coupon – use anywhere and exp Sept 26

They are giving away 5.78 x 10^6 each of the $5 coupon and cake.

There are 3 $5000 gcs.

Find the scratch card with your Canadian Tire flyer!!

Thanks to ~IamJ~ for posting this great deal for us.

15 responses to “Canadian Tire Canada Scratch and Win! Sept 12-13”

  1. Corbinx says:

    Last time my hubby won a free cake but they didn’t have any so they gave him $2 (or was it $3?) off his purchase.

  2. Andie says:

    oooh, awesome! i live in a building and everyone throws their flyers in the recycling bin. now that i know the scratch-and-win secret – i’m looking forward to this! 🙂

  3. Kelly says:

    ^ What is the scratch & win secret ? I am going to CT this weekend already, might just as well save.

  4. Kelly says:

    Duh ! Never mind. I re-read the post 🙂

  5. itsjustmebub says:

    LOL Andie, lucky you!

  6. miniv says:

    ooooo omg is it out already? or this weekend?

  7. Justine says:

    @ miniv – it is sept 12-13. Flyers should be coming soon though.

  8. mousy says:

    Can you combine these like you could the other scratch cards?
    I NEED a new vacuum and I would love to use these cards towards it!

  9. The_Scarecrow says:

    I got the cake last year…. love it.

  10. G says:

    My flyers were in the post office today:)

  11. 9inchTroy says:

    hmmm… threw mine away accidentally.. will they have scratch and win cards available at the store???

  12. Eric says:

    The Cake is a Lie.

  13. mini says:

    Eric, did u got ur quote from the game portal? lol!

  14. The_Scarecrow says:

    I got 2 cakes and $5 off plus $4 in CT money back from price match on a new phone. Canadian Tire is the best for price match cuz their policy is to give 10% of the sale price not the difference, so if you buy a $500 tv and somewhere sells for $499 you get $50 in CT money.

  15. penny says:

    You just have to try this!
    Online Scratch Cards
    £/$/€ 5 Free with No deposit required!
    Click Here To Claim!


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