Canadian Deals: 2 FREE Nescafe Collectible Mugs with Purchase!


For a limited time, purchase any two NESCAFÉ Rich products, 200g or larger and receive 2 collectible NESCAFÉ mugs FREE! Complete this form and send in your original sale receipt and $3.95 S/H to receive your FREE Mugs! Offer expires April 30, 2010

*Thanks iloveluca! 🙂

9 responses to “Canadian Deals: 2 FREE Nescafe Collectible Mugs with Purchase!”

  1. carlycanadian says:

    FB has Nescafe Rich 200g on sale until 24Sept for $2.88! limit 4! Great deal & get mugs too!

  2. Jimmy Z says:

    This doesn’t sound like a great deal, considering you have to drop almost $4 for shipping and handling AND also buy two Nescafe products.

  3. D says:

    I agree with Jimmy Z. If you have to pay for shipping, it’s not really free.

  4. I Miss Eatons! says:

    Plus the mugs are ugly so…

  5. cheapskate101 says:

    i changed it to deals 😛

  6. johnnycash2 says:

    Doesn’t make sense to me, you have to pay stamp,S/H and some time to get those 2 logo-ed mug.

  7. Alex89 says:

    No wonder the offer is good till April 2010…lol! Thanks for sharing anyway. Maybe the collectors will want some?

  8. Sally says:

    Theres nescafe coupons out there, 4$ for two mugs for nescafe lovers isn’t bad.

  9. saima says:

    where we can get nescafe coupon???


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