Cash In Your Kool-Aid Canada Points Now!

Canadian Deals & Coupons

Kool Aid Canada

I just called ‘Be Kool’ toll free number (1-877-2bekool)to confirm that there “Get Stuff” program is in fact expiring on 12/31/09 and will not be replaced.Too bad as I just started collecting the points and didn’t have enough to get anything big so I traded them!!The shipping is kinda high but the stuff is cool and will make great collectibles.

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Thanks to SC newbie hogama for the heads up!!

18 responses to “Cash In Your Kool-Aid Canada Points Now!”

  1. Erin says:

    Oh no! I’ve got a ton of them. better see what I can get. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. honeydoo says:

    koolaid still exists?!

  3. itsjustmebub says:


  4. Sally says:

    erm not sure if the swearing is Sc appropriate lmao.

  5. Eric says:

    Huh. I used to collect these as a kid. But when I realized I’d never be able to get anything (with the exception of those plastic pitchers/mugs) I never bothered to keep the points.

  6. itsjustmebub says:

    boys and their penny-arcade!!! lol

  7. Erin says:

    I just counted, we have 1048!! We’ve been collecting for over 10 years…lol. Some are 100, 4, and 10 value one’s though. 🙂

  8. Sally says:

    Gosh, Boo im gonna clean your mouth out with soap.

  9. Princesstefer says:

    Ok, I no longer have any reason to ever buy Koolaid.

  10. B says:

    The end of an era. 🙁

  11. me says:

    NO way mayne, aint nothing like some red koolaid

  12. Lynn says:

    IT’S ABOUT TIME! May 30, 2008 I had 2468 pts. I’ve added lots of points since then. Lynn

  13. Zookeeper says:

    Thanks for the heads up. I’ve been collecting for years too and should be able to get a little something….

  14. Laura says:

    Aww Penny Arcade comic *tear*

  15. ashley says:

    wow. thats A LOT of points. I started collecting about 5 years ago. I tihnk all of them are 10’s. i should probably send them in soon, huh?

  16. Mickie says:

    Please help!! I need a link to where I can pick out some stuff to buy with my kool-aid points… Thanks in Advance!

  17. cadierutan says:

    land during melts routes risk glacial significantly


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