Canadian Deals: Parasuco Jeans Warehouse Sale – GTA

Parasuco Warehouse Sale

Up to 80% OFF!!! 4 Days Only!!!
Just in time for the holidays, an awesome selection of PARASUCO JEANS for women and men, including Denim, T-shirts, Jackets, Leathers, Accessories, Party Dresses and lots more – all at up to 80% OFF.

Sale Dates and Times:

December 10th –  13th, 2009
Thursday, Dec. 10: 11am – 9pm
Friday, Dec. 11: 11am – 9pm
Saturday, Dec. 12: 10am – 6pm
Sunday, Dec. 13: 10am – 6pm


The International Centre – Hall 4
6900 Airport Road
Mississauga, ON  L4V 1E8

Payment Methods:


Parking is free!!!

I don’t normally shop at Parasuco as none of their stuff would ever fit me. But for those that like their stuff but dislike spending too much on one pair of jeans, this sale is UP TO 80 % off. Note that this means that not all items are 80% off but that is the highest discount available.

7 responses to “Canadian Deals: Parasuco Jeans Warehouse Sale – GTA”

  1. bargainlover84 says:

    Ontario has all the good warehouse sales! *sighs*

  2. Marianne says:

    Has anybody been to this before? How’s are the sizes/selection? Wouldn’t be interested if items were only XXXS and XXXL with nothing in between

  3. Faithn says:

    The sizes are good, they actually separate jeans by sizes on different tables (from 2-14 or something like that). Styles, you’d have to go on first or second day to have the most variety because they do sell out). But typically, you can score a pair of jeans there for around 30 bux. Rmb to pay attention to the lengths.

  4. Marianne says:

    Thanks! 🙂

  5. FunkyMunky says:

    stupid location though 🙁 not very TTC accessible

  6. haily says:

    I missed the VIP day yesterday. Can anyone tell me that how to get the VIP day coupon? Thanks!

  7. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Haily, you can visit and under the heading “Insider Presale”, you will see “Click here to register now.”


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