LOST complete series on DVD/BluRay 70% off at Amazon.com *TODAY ONLY*

Another hot deal from Amazon for you TV lovers

Today it’s 70% off the complete LOST series, seasons 1-5


$72.99USD for the DVD set and $108.99USD for the BluRay set.

Click here to get yours

Personally, I lost interest in season 2-ish – too flipping confusing!! … but I know some crazy Lost fans who will be sure to take advantage of this one!

15 responses to “LOST complete series on DVD/BluRay 70% off at Amazon.com *TODAY ONLY*”

  1. Cmoody says:

    wow – great deal, we have 1-4 and paid roughly $50 each – wish the individual seasons were on!!!

  2. poohbear2973 says:

    great deal.
    Its not that confusing if you watch the seasons all at once. I rented and watched all four seasons within a few months and wasn’t confused at all.
    The new and last season starts next February. It will be interesting to see what literary references they will incorporate in this season. I’m surprised they haven’t made a reference to ‘The Prisoner’ yet.

  3. poohbear2973 says:

    even though that was a TV show.
    …just finishing a thought there.

  4. itsjustmebub says:

    yeah if i watched it all together i think it would enjoy it again

  5. macfsh says:

    Seems this deal is only available at amazon.com not amazon.ca. I’ve never bought from amazon before. Any hidden charges?

  6. macfsh says:

    Well I just went ahead and bought it. I’ve never seen an episode but I’ve heard it’s awesome. That must be a lot of dvds. Should keep us busy this winter! Says it should arrive between december 21st and 24th. Fingers crossed.

  7. itsjustmebub says:

    I don’t think there are any hidden charges. people order from amazon.com all the time! 🙂

  8. ak says:

    What a crazy deal! I’m so glad I waited this long to buy the DVD’s 🙂

  9. Melissa13 says:

    I just went on the site to see what the total price would be.

    + $7.98 for S/H
    + $8.76 import fee depsoit

    So the total is $89 US. Im a little torn.

    I know its still a good deal, but since it’s for myself I think i’m going to wait.

    It seems that since I found this site Im spending more than I normally would. The deals are just too good to pass up. Anybody else find this happening?

  10. Ashling says:

    Wow, what a great deal for this set!
    Lost is one of the few shows that I don’t ever miss an episode of. I really wish I could spoil myself and buy it…..or maybe it will be on sale somewhere after Christmas 🙁

  11. itsjustmebub says:

    @ Melissa13 … lol yes i could see that happening … you just have to be smart about it … don’t go for every deal obviously, or things you realllllly don’t need or won’t use. try to save your $ for the fantastic deals you can’t live without! 🙂

  12. Sunraven says:

    We already have 1-4 but picked up Season 5 tonight from WM for $60. 🙂

  13. macfsh says:

    Impressive. Original estimate said I would get it dec 21 or 24th. Now they are saying the 15th. They’ve already mailed it. These guys seem to have their act together. I may become an amazon addict like melissa13

  14. itsjustmebub says:

    I know!! i ordered the arrested development set the day before and it already said shipped yesterday morning!

  15. poohbear2973 says:

    February 2cd is the big Lost day!


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