
The Smart Canucks Cutest Pet Contest

The Smart Canucks Cutest Pet Contest

Do you own a own a cute pet or does a family member or close friend own one? If you do, you could win the Smart Canucks Cutest Pet Contest and receive a FREE gift

Submissions open from now till October 24, 2007.
From October 25 – 31, 2007 all Smart Canucks get to vote for the cute pets. The top 15 winners receive a prize each.

1st – $20 Shoppers Drug Mart gift card
2nd – $15
Shoppers Drug Mart gift card
3rd – $10
Shoppers Drug Mart gift card
4th – $5 CARA gift card
5th – $5 CARA gift card
6th – 1 Engalnd magnet (you get to choose the magnet first)
7th – 1 Engalnd magnet (choose next and so on)
8th – 1 Engalnd magnet
9th – 1 Engalnd magnet
10th – 2 SmartCanucks magnets
– 2 SmartCanucks magnets
12th – 1 SmartCanucks magnet
13th – 1 SmartCanucks magnet
14th – 1 SmartCanucks magnet
15th – 1 SmartCanucks magnet

Click here for instructions on submitting a picture of your pet to the contest

Congratulations Jim Squires!

Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!

Congratulations Jim Squires!

This new little Baby Girl so tiny small and neat
And especially magic makes your family complete
No words could ever relay or truly express
The wishes sent for you at this time of happiness
She′s shining an Angel with a tiny sweet nose
So completely made up ten fingers, ten toes
She′s laughter and teardrops so small and brand new
And amazingly angelic and she′s sent to bless you
She′s one special Baby the best of life′s treasure
And she′ll surely bless you loving family pleasure.

Here’s what Jim had to say on his blog:

Lot’s of new baby photos on my wife’s flickr if you’re into that sort of thing.

EDIT: We’ve actually decided against Virginia. She’s had the name for two days and it just didn’t seem to fit. Plus, people are already giving her annoying nicknames that we don’t approve of like “Ginny.” The official name (we’ve already written it on the Health Card app, so there’s no going back now) is Emily Jennifer Jane.

Payphones now 50 cents


Just a heads up for the next time you forget your cell phone at home. As of last week, the cost of a local call on a Bell Canada payphone is 50 cents. I think it’s safe to assume that other payphone companies will follow.

It’s a been a long time coming — not only has there not been an increase in payphone costs since 1981 (back then they were a dime) but competition from mobile phones has pretty much rendered the standard payphone obsolete. They’re really only there for the small percentage of the population that hasn’t gone cellular yet and for when the rest of us forget our mobile devices on the charger at home.

In a different age I could see a lot of people getting bent out of shape about this, but really – does anyone care that the cost of a phone call has doubled?

The Smart Canucks Cute Baby Contest

Do you have a son, daughter, grandchild, sibling, nephew, niece or cousin that was born in 2007 or 2006? If you do, they could win the Smart Canucks Cute Baby Contest and receive a FREE gift

Submissions open from now till May 31st, 2007
First week of June all Smart Canucks members will vote for the cute babies.


1st place: $25 Shoppers Drug Mart or Indigo/Chapters or Cara gift card
2nd place: $20 Shoppers Drug Mart or Cara gift card
3rd place: $15 Cara gift card
4th place: $10 Shoppers Drug Mart or Cara gift card
5th place: $10 Shoppers Drug Mart or Cara gift card

I chose these gift cards because they’re all Canadian companies. I like Cara because you can use their gift cards at several restaurants including Swiss Chalet, Montana’s, Kelesy’s, Second Cup and Harvey’s.

How to join the contest

1. You need to sign into the forum. If you’re not a member you can register here.

2. Go to Upload an Image. A new form will show up. Use that form to upload your images.

3. Now that you’ve uploaded the image go to Your Images. Copy the code next to “BB Code IMG”, reply to this thread and paste the code you copied in your reply message.

You also need to provide the following information:

  • Baby name or nickname or initials (full name is not required for privacy reasons)
  • Gender
  • Month and year of birth (day not necessary)
  • Your relationship to the baby

4. You can upload several photos of your baby but you can only officially use one for the contest. However you can refer members to the other photos if that will help you get more votes .

Please feel free to ask any questions here or discuss the cute pictures


You can view the submissions here

The Blog’s new look

I just finished upgrading the blog and I also changed the template. The new template has two sidebars instead of one so there’s more space for for adding other useful stuff in the sidebars 🙂

During the upgrade I lost about 10 comments from the last two days. I’m terribly sorry about that. It was purely unintentional.

Please let me know what you think of the new design and what you’d like to see in the sidebars 🙂 Forum

Sorry I haven’t been posting a lot this week. I’m very busy writing reports, posters, exams and what not. Once this week is over I’ll have plenty of time 🙂

In the meantime. the forum has a wonderful group of friendly folks, fun activities and thousands of freebies and deals. Please feel free to pop in and say hi and if you’ve been a regular “lurker” we’d love to get to know you 🙂

Here are some of the forum’s sections:

Chit Chat section

Canadian parental and family discussion

Canadian Freebies section

Coupons section

Contests section

Deals section

Feb Contest: 2 Days Left to submit your photo!

Submit a photo of the weirdest thing you have at home!

Click here to view the submitted photos so far

The top 5 contestants will win the following prizes:

  • 1st place: $25 Shoppers Drug Mart or Indigo/Chapters or Cara gift card
  • 2nd place:$20 Shoppers Drug Mart or Cara gift card
  • 3rd place: $15 Cara gift card
  • 4th place: $10 Shoppers Drug Mart or Cara gift card
  • 5th place: $10 Shoppers Drug Mart or Cara gift card

Submissions are open till the end of February. Please email me your photo to
Weird Photo Contest February Contest! – Reminder

To have some fun at I thought of starting a new contest. Here it is 🙂

Submit a photo of the weirdest thing you have at home!

Be creative! the more interesting, weird or funny that “thing” is, the larger your chances of winning. Any photo quality is fine: this is not a photography contest, it’s simply about the weirdest thing you have in your home!

Submissions are open till the end of February. Please email me your photo to:
boo at smartcanucks dot ca
I will then post your photo here

During the first week of March all SmartCanucks’ forum members will vote for their favourite photos. The voting results will be live and visible to everyone. The top 5 contestants will win the following prizes:

Gift Card for top 5 winners!

1st place: $25 Shoppers Drug Mart or Indigo/Chapters or Cara gift card
2nd place:$20 Shoppers Drug Mart or Cara gift card
3rd place: $15 Cara gift card
4th place: $10 Shoppers Drug Mart or Cara gift card
5th place: $10 Shoppers Drug Mart or Cara gift card

– Shoppers Drug Mart is PharmaPrix in Quebec so Quebecers can join the contest too.
Cara gift cards could be used at Swiss Chalet, Second Cup, Kelsey’s, Harvey’s and Montana’s

Looking forward to some weird hilarious photos 🙂

You can discuss anything related to this contest here

FJETSAM: A pop culture blog from the makers of SmartCanucks

Announcements 0 comments


Last month Boo let you all in on a little secret. I was working on relaunching my old driven blog as a brand-spankin’ new, independently-hosted, multi-user driven, cinammon scented, trans-fat free dynamo! Well the time to unveil it is finally here. So if you’ll all join me in making that drumroll noise in your head…

(insert drumroll noise here)

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, I present to you FJETSAM, the eighth wonder of the world!

When not defending our borders from virus-carrying monkeys and David Hasselhoff, FJETSAM likes long walks on the beach, sunsets, and reading/writing Ann Landers. FJETSAM is not a food stuff. Swallowing FJETSAM will harm you. FJETSAM is not recommended for pregnant women, individuals suffering from a heart condition, or the elderly. Take FJETSAM twice daily or as recommended by your doctor.

Now that that’s out of the way, let me tell you what FJETSAM is: FJETSAM is a blog presenting and confronting the best of pop and internet culture, from the most popular movies to the most obscure TV shows, from the best of the web to the worst of YouTube, FJETSAM’s got you covered.

In addition to my plug, I’d just like to take this time to give a special thanks to Boo. Boo was a big believer in my old site and offered to help with the relaunch the minute I mentioned it was on the table. He’s been absolutely indispensible, and I can’t thank him enough. And just a reminder kiddies, Boo not only helped launch the site, he’ll be contributing there too! So don’t be afraid to come on by and see some of your old SC friends — and you might even find some new bloggers you like there to!

Visit FJETSAM here.

SmartCanucks’ Forum

The forum is almost complete and there’s a lot going on in there.

You’ll find much more deals, freebies and coupons at the forum. You can also chit chat with other members of our little community 🙂

Click here to visit the forum

*I will repost this message every now and then for our new visitors* Forum Extreme Makeover

Sorry the forum looks like a mess right now. I’m installing new software and adding loads of new features. Once everything is set and done the new forum will be a zillion times better than the old one. in 2007


Hello everybody

I’ve been very busy during the holidays with my family and friends, and wasn’t posting as usual, so I thought I’d update you on my plans for as we start a new year 🙂

I have a couple of exciting ideas lined up for which I’m currently working on, including new stuff for the blog, a new section (working on it with my friend) which I’ll keep a secret until it’s ready 😉 and some contests and rewards.

As for the forum, I feel guilty for my slow maintenance and updates. I spend most of my forum time cleaning up automated spam! a total waste of time! So I’ve decided to install a completely new and better forum which has way more features and better spam protection. I have some ultra-fun ideas for the forum and a huge surprise 🙂 It should be ready within a week – or two if I procrastinate 🙂

I’m also helping JimmyCanuck develop his own pop culture blog. He already chose and bought the domain name but I’ll let him reveal the name once it’s ready 🙂 Many of the enjoyable posts on are written by JimmyCanuck. His blog should be ready by March.

If you have any suggestions, ideas or complaints please let me know! I’m always looking for new ways of improving My email is [email protected]

Thank you everyone for being part of either by contributing to the forum, writing comments or even just visiting. Thank you 🙂

Merry Christmas Canada!

Merry Christmas


Sorry everyone for my sudden absence… I was extremely busy these last couple of days. I’m glad JimmyCanuck kept you entertained with his enjoyable posts. Thanks Jim!

As Jim promised, we’ll be brining you the latest deals and greatest ideas for the last few days before Christmas 🙂

Look What the Cat Dragged in… (jimmycanuck joins the SmartCanucks team!)

Announcements 0 comments

Hi everyone! As the latest addition to the editorial staff here at SmartCanucks I thought I should take a few moments to introduce myself. Many of you already know me and my antics – I’ve been a pretty active member in the SmartCanucks forums on and off for the past year. For those of you that aren’t familiar, let me take a moment to introduce myself. My name’s jimmycanuck, and I’m a blogoholic. 😉

I’m a father to a soon-to-be two year old daughter and a husband to a soon-to-be mother of two. I’m a student with Athabasca University and an avid gamer. But most importantly, I’m an active blogger finding himself more and more active by the day. In addition to my exciting new role here at SmartCanucks, I’m a regular contributor with the gaming blog bits bytes pixels and sprites and the primary contributor to the pop culture blog flotsam/jetsam which should be relaunching in the Spring of 2007.

I’m a busy guy, and life just keeps getting busier. I’m looking forward to becoming an active contributor here at SmartCanucks, and hopefully you’ll all come to know and love my irreverent sense of humour the seemingly random selection of topics I’ll bring to the table.

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