Announcements Day 12 Contest Winners

Thank you for sponsoring yesterday’s contest! Click here for video of today’s winners.

Winners are: 

  • 103 Christine
  • 112 improperganda Free 2 X $50 of items – SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 12

Lavinia Lingeria

Today’s contest is for the ladies only! Sorry gents! is sponsoring the contest.

Before I introduce I have an interesting story… I usually ask each contest sponsor to provide me with pictures that I can use for the contest. When I got the pictures from the LaviniaLingerie folks I was eek. The pictures are awesome but at least one of them is not very suitable for the blog. I thought I’d share them with you anyhow since they do showcase their products (may be nsfw): pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 pic5.

So as you can see brings beautifully-made, uniquely-styled lingerie and activewear to its customers. It’s a family-owned business that was founded in 2002 and is based in NYC. It appears that their product prices are very reasonable and cheaper than most Lingerie stores. 

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 12: Free 2 x $50 of products from

Today we’ll have 2 winners, each getting $50 worth of free products from

How do I enter the contest?

Click  here to go to and choose the items you like up to a maximum of $50. Then leave a comment on here listing your choice(s) of items.

Contest Rules

  • 1 entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • The item you choose cannot be a gift card
  • Canada only.
  • You may only win a max of 2 contests throughout the whole giveaways event to give others a chance to win.

About this Contest:

It’s here! SmartCanucks’ BIGGEST CONTEST GIVEAWAYS EVER! Every single weekday until 2010 I’ll be giving out atleast $100 worth of prizes daily!

After the success of the $10 daily contest giveaways we had earlier this year I decided to kick it up a notch… or ten… by giving out $100 daily instead! Of course I couldn’t afford that kind of money since I’m just a graduate student at Queen’s. So I decided to seek sponsors and I was surprised by the huge amount of interest I got. Many people were interested in sponsoring a contest day that we may end up going into January as well.

This contest is not your typical contest however! It’s fun fast and different! Here’s how it’ll work: Everyday we’ll have a contest and the winner(s) will be announced immediately the next day! There’s also another twist to this contest: You will win what you choose! To enter most contests you’ll need to leave a comment with a list of items you want to get! If you win you get these items for free.

You also have a good chance of winning since no person will be allowed to win more than 2 prizes throughout the span of the giveaways. This means that we’ll end up with loads of winners. Winners will be chosen randomly using random number generator. Day 11 Contest Winners

Thank you for sponsoring yesterday’s contest. Click here for video of winners.

The winners are:

  • 110 Sallycat
  • 275 Katy 

Congrats, please send an email to smartcanucks at gmail d0t com to claim your prizes.

Total winners so far: 27 Free 2 X $50 of items – SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 11


Welcome to the third week of giveaways! so far we’ve had 10 weekdays of giveaways, almost $1000 worth of prizes and 25 winners and we’re not even quarter way through the giveaways yet! 😀

Today’s giveaway sponsored  by

The Leakey Collection was founded by Katy and Philip Leakey. Their work includes the design and manufacture of contemporary jewelry that is hand made by the Maasai women and men of Kenya from environmentally sustainable materials. The flagship item of the collection- Zulugrass-  is sold in individually or in multistrand, which allows you to get precisely the color, depth and weight of the jewelry that you want. It has an organic look and feel but is completely modern.

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 11: Free 2 x $50 of products from

Today we’ll have 2 winners, each getting $50 worth of free products from

How do I enter the contest?

Click  here to go to and choose the items you like up to a maximum of $50. Then leave a comment on here listing your choice(s) of items.

Contest Rules

  • 1 entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • The item you choose cannot be a gift card
  • Canada only.
  • You may only win a max of 2 contests throughout the whole giveaways event to give others a chance to win.

About this Contest:

It’s here! SmartCanucks’ BIGGEST CONTEST GIVEAWAYS EVER! Every single weekday until 2010 I’ll be giving out atleast $100 worth of prizes daily!

After the success of the $10 daily contest giveaways we had earlier this year I decided to kick it up a notch… or ten… by giving out $100 daily instead! Of course I couldn’t afford that kind of money since I’m just a graduate student at Queen’s. So I decided to seek sponsors and I was surprised by the huge amount of interest I got. Many people were interested in sponsoring a contest day that we may end up going into January as well.

This contest is not your typical contest however! It’s fun fast and different! Here’s how it’ll work: Everyday we’ll have a contest and the winner(s) will be announced immediately the next day! There’s also another twist to this contest: You will win what you choose! To enter most contests you’ll need to leave a comment with a list of items you want to get! If you win you get these items for free.

You also have a good chance of winning since no person will be allowed to win more than 2 prizes throughout the span of the giveaways. This means that we’ll end up with loads of winners. Winners will be chosen randomly using random number generator. Day 10 Contest Winners

Click here for video of contest winners

The winners are:

  • 467 Perry
  • 501 Judstir (Judy Spicer)

Total winners count so far: 25 Free 2 X $50 of items – SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 10

DHC Care Canada

Being a huge fan of Japanese products (and culture), I proudly present to you our new sponsor…!  DHCCare is Japan’s largest direct mail skin care company. DHCCare’s uniqueness lies in their use of olive oil in most of their products. I won’t talk too much and will let their website speak for itself!

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 10: Free 2 x $50 of products from

Today we’ll have 2 winners, each getting $50 worth of free products from DHCcare

How do I enter the contest?

Click  here to go to and choose the items you like up to a maximum of $50. Then leave a comment on here listing your choice(s) of items.

Contest Rules

  • 1 entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • The item you choose cannot be a gift card
  • Canada only.
  • You may only win a max of 2 contests throughout the whole giveaways event to give others a chance to win.

About this Contest:

It’s here! SmartCanucks’ BIGGEST CONTEST GIVEAWAYS EVER! Every single weekday until 2010 I’ll be giving out atleast $100 worth of prizes daily!

After the success of the $10 daily contest giveaways we had earlier this year I decided to kick it up a notch… or ten… by giving out $100 daily instead! Of course I couldn’t afford that kind of money since I’m just a graduate student at Queen’s. So I decided to seek sponsors and I was surprised by the huge amount of interest I got. Many people were interested in sponsoring a contest day that we may end up going into January as well.

This contest is not your typical contest however! It’s fun fast and different! Here’s how it’ll work: Everyday we’ll have a contest and the winner(s) will be announced immediately the next day! There’s also another twist to this contest: You will win what you choose! To enter most contests you’ll need to leave a comment with a list of items you want to get! If you win you get these items for free.

You also have a good chance of winning since no person will be allowed to win more than 2 prizes throughout the span of the giveaways. This means that we’ll end up with loads of winners. Winners will be chosen randomly using random number generator. Coupon Codes & SmartCanucks Day 9 Contest Winner

Thank you for sponsoring Day 9 of Daily Giveaways and it’s a pleasure chit chatting with you Krista 😉

If you did not win but are interested in buying items from Krista has kindly provided us with coupon code GWSSC . This coupon code is good for 10% off all Victorinox Swiss Army products (watches, knives, luggage) and all Point Zero (socks, leggings, tights, legwarmers). The coupon is good for one-time use and is valid from today through November 18th.

Now onto the winner… Click here for video of today’s winner.

The winner is 548 rainy Free $100 of items – SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 9

Giant Warehouse Sale Canada

Sorry for the delay in posting this contest. As a result of this delay the contest will go on until Saturday, then Friday’s contest will go on from Saturday till Monday. Then we are back on synch by Monday 😀

Today’s contest is very interesting because the large selection of inexpensive brand name products that offers is HUGE! They sell everything from brand name watches and perfumes to sports equipment. For the original brand names that they sell their prices are exceptional. Compared to Costco for instance, their Swiss Army watches are much cheaper. For example:

  • Swiss Army Officier’s 1884 Mother of Pearl with Diamond Watch
  • Reg Retail: $1095.00
  • Our Price: $399.99
  • Swiss Army Original Watch
  • Reg Retail: $275
  • Our Price: $99.99
  • Victorinox-Werks Traveler
  • Reg Retail: $200.00
  • Our Price: $79.00
  • Fiskars Anvil Pruner
  • Reg Retail: $20.00
  • Our Price: $5.49
  • Fellowes 12″ Laminator
  • Reg Price: $287.99
  • Our Price: $39.99
  • Point Zero Striped Tights for Girls
  • Reg Price: $10.00
  • Our Price: $4.99


SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 9: Free $100 of items from

Today we’ll have 1 winner but a huge $100 prize!

How do I enter the contest?

Click  here to go to and choose the items you like up to a maximum of $100. Then leave a comment on here listing your choice(s) of items.

Contest Rules

  • 1 entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • The item you choose cannot be a gift card
  • Canada only.
  • You may only win a max of 2 contests throughout the whole giveaways event to give others a chance to win.

About this Contest:

It’s here! SmartCanucks’ BIGGEST CONTEST GIVEAWAYS EVER! Every single weekday until 2010 I’ll be giving out atleast $100 worth of prizes daily!

After the success of the $10 daily contest giveaways we had earlier this year I decided to kick it up a notch… or ten… by giving out $100 daily instead! Of course I couldn’t afford that kind of money since I’m just a graduate student at Queen’s. So I decided to seek sponsors and I was surprised by the huge amount of interest I got. Many people were interested in sponsoring a contest day that we may end up going into January as well.

This contest is not your typical contest however! It’s fun fast and different! Here’s how it’ll work: Everyday we’ll have a contest and the winner(s) will be announced immediately the next day! There’s also another twist to this contest: You will win what you choose! To enter most contests you’ll need to leave a comment with a list of items you want to get! If you win you get these items for free.

You also have a good chance of winning since no person will be allowed to win more than 2 prizes throughout the span of the giveaways. This means that we’ll end up with loads of winners. Winners will be chosen randomly using random number generator.

Remembrance Day SmartCanucks Day 8 Contest Winners

I should have NEVER decided to choose the best 2 entries because I just wasted the past 3 hours trying to choose these 2 winners! It was an impossible task so at the end I just chose the best few entries and randomly chose two out of them… Now I feel grateful for the random number generator!

Click here for video of the 3 random winners

The 5 winners are:

  • 29 Cmoody
  • 125 babygonnermann
  • 127 Jen
  • 229 baggypants
  • 243 Kimberly D

Please send an email to smartcanucks at gmail d0t com to claim your $10 Loblaws gift card. Canada Day 7 Contest Winner

Thank you for sponsoring Day 7 of SmartCanucks Giveaways

Click here for video of Day 7 contest winner

The winner of $100 from is:

  • 50 CSLT

Please send an email to smartcanucks at gmail d0t com to claim your prize. Free $100 of items – SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 7


Today our sponsor is a small family-run Canadian business that sells 100% organic skin, hair, body, baby and household products. was founded by Anita Kaiser in 2006. Anita is very passionate about our planet. It’s wonderful to see someone who genuinely cares to the point of running a business around not harming ourselves and the creatures and environment around us. Selling products based on on a high standard of manufacturing ethics and  principles is risky and costly to her and I respect that and wish her the best of luck.

Read more about Anita and her philosophy here

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 7: Free $100 of items from

Today we’ll have 1 winner but a huge $100 prize!

How do I enter the contest?

Click  here to go to and choose the items you like up to a maximum of $100. Then leave a comment on here listing your choice(s) of items.

Contest Rules

  • 1 entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • The item you choose cannot be a gift card
  • Canada only.
  • You may only win a max of 2 contests throughout the whole giveaways event to give others a chance to win.

About this Contest:

It’s here! SmartCanucks’ BIGGEST CONTEST GIVEAWAYS EVER! Every single weekday until 2010 I’ll be giving out atleast $100 worth of prizes daily!

After the success of the $10 daily contest giveaways we had earlier this year I decided to kick it up a notch… or ten… by giving out $100 daily instead! Of course I couldn’t afford that kind of money since I’m just a graduate student at Queen’s. So I decided to seek sponsors and I was surprised by the huge amount of interest I got. Many people were interested in sponsoring a contest day that we may end up going into January as well.

This contest is not your typical contest however! It’s fun fast and different! Here’s how it’ll work: Everyday we’ll have a contest and the winner(s) will be announced immediately the next day! There’s also another twist to this contest: You will win what you choose! To enter most contests you’ll need to leave a comment with a list of items you want to get! If you win you get these items for free.

You also have a good chance of winning since no person will be allowed to win more than 2 prizes throughout the span of the giveaways. This means that we’ll end up with loads of winners. Winners will be chosen randomly using random number generator.

Thermos Canada Day 6 Contest Winners

Sorry for the delay in posting today’s winners and contest. I had a headache all day.

Click here to view Day 6 Thermos Canada winners.

The winners are:

  • 328 Melanie (soft cooler)
  • 602 Nisha (hydration bottle)
  • 644 Canadian Chick (Food Jar)

Please email me at smartcanucks at gmail d0t com to claim your prize.

Thermos Canada Free Coolers, Hydration Bottles, Food Jars – SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 6

Thermos Canada

Today’s contest is one of my personal favourites and the value of prizes in this contest can easily top $200 depending on what the winners have chosen. Today Thermos Canada is sponsoring the contest.

I think the reason I personally like Thermos so much is because it’s always been a part of my life. I grew up knowing we had basic necessitates in life: TVs, video games (yes that was a necessity), couches, VCRs (oh no now I feel old), tables, chairs, … , and Thermos. My grandama and probably great great grandma owned a Thermos and so will I and very likely many generations to come.  Thermos is by no shadow of a doubt the manufacturer of the highest quality coolers, hydration bottles and food jars in the world.

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 6: One person wins Cooler, one wins hydration bottle and one wins Food Jar from Thermos Canada

Today we’ll be having 3 winners!  One will win a Cooler of their choice, one win a hydration bottle of their choice and one will win a food jar of their choice.

How do I enter the contest?

You need to leave 1 comment only and include your choice of the items you’d like to win from Thermos in all 3 categories:

Note that you need to choose a product under the Thermos® category not Urban Elements or any other brand.

  1. Click here to choose one of the Soft Coolers you’d like to win (24 cans max)
  2. Click here to choose the Hydration Bottle you’d like to win
  3. Click here to choose the food jar you’d like to win

Then leave a comment with your 3 choices. 

Contest Rules

  • 1 entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • Canada only.
  • Contest ends on Monday with the announcement of the next contest.
  • You may only win a max of 2 contests throughout the whole giveaways event to give others a chance to win.

About this Contest:

It’s here! SmartCanucks’ BIGGEST CONTEST GIVEAWAYS EVER! Every single weekday until 2010 I’ll be giving out atleast $100 worth of prizes daily!

After the success of the $10 daily contest giveaways we had earlier this year I decided to kick it up a notch… or ten… by giving out $100 daily instead! Of course I couldn’t afford that kind of money since I’m just a graduate student at Queen’s. So I decided to seek sponsors and I was surprised by the huge amount of interest I got. Many people were interested in sponsoring a contest day that we may end up going into January as well.

This contest is not your typical contest however! It’s fun fast and different! Here’s how it’ll work: Everyday we’ll have a contest and the winner(s) will be announced immediately the next day! There’s also another twist to this contest: You will win what you choose! To enter most contests you’ll need to leave a comment with a list of items you want to get! If you win you get these items for free.

You also have a good chance of winning since no person will be allowed to win more than 2 prizes throughout the span of the giveaways. This means that we’ll end up with loads of winners. Winners will be chosen randomly using random number generator.

Sears Canada Day 5 Contest Winners

As you guys requested I’ll be posting the video and listing the winners 😀

Click here for video of the 1st Winner – Note that I clicked on the random generator twice by mistake so I used the first number that showed up to be fair.

Click here for video of the 2nd Winner

And the winners are:

  • Blog: post 8 by Caring
  • Forum: Post 9810 by Sunraven

Winners please sent an email to smartcanucks at gmail d0t com with your mailing address and the items you chose will be mailed out to you!

Total number of SmartCanucks Winners so far: 13

Sears Canada Free 2 x $50 of items – SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 5

Sears Canada

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any better 😀

Today’s sponsor is Sears Canada. recently launched their new website design and they wanted to take that opportunity to introduce it to you guys. So today they are giving out 2 $50 worth of items to 2 winners, one on the blog and one on the forum.

SmartCanucks Giveaways Day 5: Sears: 2 people win $50 of free items each

Today we’ll be having 2 winners! Each getting $50 worth of items for free from Sears Canada. One winner will be as usual chosen from the blog comments, but the other will be chosen from the forum.

How do I enter the contest?

Click  here to go to and choose the items you like up to a maximum of $50. Then leave a comment on here listing your choice(s) of items. 

For the forum version of this contest please click here

Contest Rules

  • 1 entry per household i.e. you may only leave 1 comment on the blog. If you want to discuss anything or share your thoughts please include it in that 1 comment.
  • The item you choose cannot be a gift card
  • Canada only.
  • Contest ends on Monday with the announcement of the next contest.
  • You may only win a max of 2 contests throughout the whole giveaways event to give others a chance to win.

About this Contest:

It’s here! SmartCanucks’ BIGGEST CONTEST GIVEAWAYS EVER! Every single weekday until 2010 I’ll be giving out atleast $100 worth of prizes daily!

After the success of the $10 daily contest giveaways we had earlier this year I decided to kick it up a notch… or ten… by giving out $100 daily instead! Of course I couldn’t afford that kind of money since I’m just a graduate student at Queen’s. So I decided to seek sponsors and I was surprised by the huge amount of interest I got. Many people were interested in sponsoring a contest day that we may end up going into January as well.

This contest is not your typical contest however! It’s fun fast and different! Here’s how it’ll work: Everyday we’ll have a contest and the winner(s) will be announced immediately the next day! There’s also another twist to this contest: You will win what you choose! To enter most contests you’ll need to leave a comment with a list of items you want to get! If you win you get these items for free.

You also have a good chance of winning since no person will be allowed to win more than 2 prizes throughout the span of the giveaways. This means that we’ll end up with loads of winners. Winners will be chosen randomly using random number generator.

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