Remember the less fortunate this Holiday Season, remember to donate to your local Christmas Bureau Canada!



With all the hustle and bustle of the up and coming Christmas Season we musn’t forget about those less fortunate and or hit hard with the economy downturn this past year. Something as simple as donating a few non perishable items can make all that difference!

Does your local town or city have a Christmas Bureau or collecting agency?  How about putting those coupons to use and stock up on some presents for children. I have cereal eaters in the house so thoese $10 coupons for games come in handy to get the items free or nearly free to donate.

Also, lets not forget about teens! Quite often I’ve been told that this is an area people forget about. We all think about the little ones, but there is lots of families with teenagers that would be just delighted to be included! I donated baskets and stocking stuffers full of deoderants, smellies, soaps, makeups etc that are so to brighten a teenagers day!

Even if you cannot afford to help out you can offer to volunteer, help with sorting, collecting donations, help wrapping etc!

Remember the old adage. It is better to give then to receive. 🙂

20 responses to “Remember the less fortunate this Holiday Season, remember to donate to your local Christmas Bureau Canada!”

  1. abirdd says:

    Agreed! I work for a community charitable group, and have to say donating samples of perfume, makeup (Avon, Mary Kay, etc), and other promotional items are always well received by teens and women alike. Sometimes it’s a case of looking at all the freebies, and asking yourself “will I ever use this?”.

    Happy Holidays Everyone!!

  2. J. says:

    I’d choose the LOU GRAPHIC PUSH UP BRA! Very pretty!

  3. Sally says:

    Thats great J but wrong thread 😉

  4. spice_43 says:

    Thanks for the timely reminder about spreading the wealth during the holiday season…. I am on a mission to gather as many of the $10 Hasbro coupons as possible to fill the charity donation box….

  5. Eric says:

    I’m one of the people who find these things a blessing. Until very recently (ie, I start training tomorrow) I’ve been unemployed for a few years (not for lack of trying to find employment). We always did what we could to give our kids a good Christmas. Even so much as falling deeply behind in phone and power bills to do it. This year we signed up for the Christmas Angels program and that, along with the little bit I’ll have from work on my first pay, should provide the kids with a decent morning. Now…. to find a tree 🙂

  6. Pauline says:

    Eric, the girls at my work got a really nice tree at the Bay, it’s a one day sale today (Tuesday), 60% off. Good luck on the new job.

  7. abirdd says:

    Eric – you might have already explored this option, but there are PLENTY of people who freecycle articifical Christmas trees every year. If you’re in the Ottawa area, check out the Ottawa Freecycle Yahoo Groups. There are two people offering up trees right now – one is a pre-lit LED tree 6 feet, the other is a 7 feet Noma tree. If your in a different city – check out the Yahoo Groups listing for a freecycle program in your area!

  8. Eric says:

    Thanks, Pauline and abirdd. I don’t reside in Ottawa or anywhere near a Bay (Fredericton), but I’ll check around for any freecycling as well as on kijiji.

  9. Steph says:

    Absolutely fantastic thread.

    DH & I are unemployed right now, with three girls (11, 8 and 3 months). I’m on maternity leave & DH was laid off in April. I watch him apply for jobs daily, w/ no response. He’s either too qualified or not enough…such a vicious circle.

    Thankfully our daughters are old enough to understand $$ and know we are trying to save day-to-day. They are not expecting anything for Christmas. I used one of the $10 coupons to buy Scrabble(great evening in). I purchased a gift pack for Cineplex for family of 4 with my Air Miles. I’ve purchased a few other things.

    We’ve all agreed that next yr we are going to make baskets. We plan on working on them throughout the year. We will have a total of five baskets: Adult Male, Adult Female, Teen female, Pre Teen female, Baby/Toddler. We know first hand how hard it is,so we want to make another family a little happier next year.

    Hoping this thread will direct me to where I can donate our baskets in Niagara Region…

  10. Julie Leeds says:

    Please remember people need things all year long, Christmas just makes it that little bit more of a need because traditionally people splurge on themselves or their own family at this time of year and it can really be hard on a family who doesn’t have enough.

    I know I was excited when I found this site because it meant I could get a few extra things for less money but I am sure there are people who use this site out of necessity, where every penny counts for them. I try to help out when/where I can because you never know when you may need a helping hand yourself.

    I am thankful that I am able to help because it means, for the moment my family and I have enough.

  11. Sally says:

    Absolutely correct Julie. I donate all year long. Canned goods and school supplies mainly.

  12. SweetPanda says:

    Do food drives take canned formula? I have a few and if so, I am happy to donate them.

  13. abirdd says:

    SweetPanda – I’ve yet to see a food drive turn down canned formula. If you can find a local Food Bank or Food Drive, I’m sure they would be very thankful.

  14. AmberLab says:

    Sweet Panda, if it unopened formula, check to see if a local women’s shelter will take it. I’ve donated quite a few unopened cans and they were happily accepted.

  15. polacco65 says:

    It is sad to know that living in a country like Canada, there are still a lot of kids that go to bed hungry. Thank God we have very understanding kids who are not demanding at all. I guess in more ways than one we are all blessed with wonderful children. I pray that this season will bring a lot of blessings for everyone.

  16. Alex says:
    November 25, 2009. A new CLW report outlines Wal-Mart’s systemic failure to implement basic labor standards. The report focuses on five Wal-Mart supplier factories producing shoes, Christmas lights, tools, curtains and paper boxes. Violations include excessive overtime, safety issues, discriminatory hiring, and audit

  17. Ciel says:

    Personal care products in travel size or family size helps. Do be aware that some people do have scent-sensitivities, so if one is able to donate scent-free or hypoallergenic products (incl. feminine hygiene products, aluminum-free deodorant), that is good.

    The point about teens is good-check with your local school boards (public, separate, French) to see if they run teen clothing closets in certain schools. Some kids cannot afford sport socks for gym classes, so that might be a place to help out.

    For Niagara organizations, use to look up groups in your part of Niagara region. There are community agencies likely doing food and clothing drives; as for baskets–you might want to see if any group or church is sponsoring families for Xmas baskets? Might be a way to share what you can.

  18. Alex says:

    Canada high court rules for Wal-Mart in union case
    By CHARMAINE NORONHA (AP) – 5 days ago

    TORONTO — The Supreme Court of Canada said Friday that Wal-Mart Stores Inc. was entitled to close a store in Quebec in 2005, seven months after workers voted to become the first Walmart store in North America to unionize.
    The highest court in Canada ruled in a 6-3 margin that the multinational had the right to shut down the outlet in Jonquiere, Quebec, and lay off 190 employees

    Further reported in the press release:

    “The situation in Jonquiere was an unfortunate situation,” said Andrew Pelletier, the vice president of corporate affairs[Walmart]. “I think most people know that Wal-Mart tried to keep the store open.”

  19. zeinab says:

    I feel weird askin im not used to asking for help but i was wondering where i can apply for this kind of help? i live in calgary

  20. Melody says:

    Thanks for the great post,i love to read articles that are informative and beneficial in nature.


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