Canadian Discount Coupons Canada

Canadian Coupons and Deals To Go With Flyer Savings October 21-27


Heres Canada’s best list once again!  Thanks to Anne D and everyone else who helps out!

Click here to view the list on the forum (more is added tomorrow as well)

Canadian Baby Deals To Go With Flyer Savings October 21-27


Odduck has compiled an awesome list again this week!

Extra Foods / Real Canadian Superstore (Ontario)
Huggies or Pampers Club Size Diapers Size 1-6 (92-180s) $29.99

Food Basics
Pampers Value Pack Diapers (78-128s) $27.99
Farley’s Biscuits or Heinz Little Kids Cereal Bars $2.49
Nestle Baby Cereal (227g) $2.99
Christie Arrowroot Cookies $3.49
Johnsons Baby Toiletries $3.99
Purex Baby Soft Laundry Detergent $4.99
Enfapro or Enfamil Infant Formula $27.99

Huggies or Pampers Wipes Tub (60-72s) $3

Earth’s Best Organics Baby Food (128mL) $0.74
Similac or Isomil Infant Formula with Omega (728-800g) $24.99
Huggies Value Pack Diapers Size 1-6 (68-152s) $25.99
Gerber Graduates Lil’Entrees, Puffs or Juice Treats $2.49
Pampers Baby Dry, Cruisers or Swaddlers Giant Pack Diapers Size 1-6 (84-160s) $29.99
Pampers Easy Ups or UnderJams Mega Pack Training Pants (21-44s) $15.99
PC Organics Straining Baby Food (128mL) $0.66
Pampers Club Pack Wipes Refill (420-576s) $14.99

Pampers Super Pack Diapers Size 3-6 (68-112s) $19.99

Huggies Little Movers, Little Snugglers and Snug & Dry Diapers (34-84s) 10 Bonus Air Miles Rewards Miles

Independent / Zehrs
Huggies Snug & Dry, Little Snugglers or Little Movers Value Pack Diapers Size 1-6 (68-152s) $24.99
PC Formula Concentrate with Omega (12x385mL) $24.99
Gerber Graduates Lil’ Entrees, Lil’ Crunchies, Puffs, Wobbly Wheels or Juice Treats (42-201g) $2.49
PC Organics Infant Cereal (227g) $2.99
Similac or Isomil Advance Infant Formula Powder with Omega (728-800g) $24.99
PC Organics Infant Formula Powder with Omega (730g) $19.99
PC Organics Strained Baby Food (128mL) $0.66
Pampers Easy Ups Mega Training Pants or UnderJams (21-44s) $15.99
Huggies or Pampers Club Size Wipes Refills (420-576s) $15.99
Huggies Slip-On or Little Snugglers Jumbo Diapers Size NB-6 (20-50s) $12.99
Pampers Baby Dry, Cruisers or Swaddlers Giant Pack Diapers Size 1-6 (84-160s) $29.99
Nature Babycare Diapers Size 1-6 $9.99

Loblaws (Ontario)
Huggies Snug & Dry, Little Movers or Little Snugglers Value Pack Diapers Size 1-6 (68-152s) $24.99
Gerber Graduates Lil’Entrees, Lil’Crunchies, Puffs, Wobbly Wheels or Juice Treats (42-201g) $2.49
Pampers Baby Dry, Cruisers or Swaddlers Giant Pack Diapers Size 1-6 (84-160s) $29.99
Pampers Easy Ups Mega Pack Training Pants or UnderJams (21-44s) $15.99
Huggies or Pampers Club Size Wipes Refills (420-576s) $14.99
PC Formula Concentrate with Omega (12x385mL) $24.99
Similac or Isomil Advance Infant Formula Powder with Omega (72-800g) $24.99
PC Organics Strained Baby Food (128mL) $2.99
PC Organics Infant Cereal (227g) $2.99
Huggies Slip-On or Little Snugglers Jumbo Pack Diapers Size NB-6 (20-50s) $12.99
PC Organics Infant Formula Powder with Omega (730g) $19.99
Nature Babycare Diapers Size 1-6 $9.99

Huggies or Pampers Super Big Pack Diapers Size NB-6 (54-140s) $22.99
Similac Advance or Nestle Good Start Concentrate with Omega (12x385mL) $39.99

Real Canadian Superstore (West)
Huggies Snug & Dry, Little Movers or Little Snugglers Club Size Plus Diapers Size 1-6 (100-216s) $34.99

Rexall Pharma Plus
Huggies Snug & Dry, GoodNites, Little Movers, Pull-Ups Mega Packs $16.99
Pampers Baby Dry, Cruisers, Easy Ups or Swaddlers Mega Packs $16.99
Johnson’s Baby Toiletires $3.99
Rexall Brand Jumbo Diapers (23-31s) $7.99
Rexall Brand Training Pants $11.99
Huggies or Pampers Baby Wipes Refills (180-216s) $7.99
Rexall Brand Natural or Oatmeal Formula Baby Toiletries $3.99
Rexall Brand Baby Wipes Refills (160s) $5.49
Rexall Brand Baby Wipes Tub (80s) $2.99
Pampers Swaddlers Jumbo Diapers (30-36s) $14.99
Nestle Good Start Powder with Omega Step 1 or Step 2 (730g) $28.99

Shoppers Drug Mart (BC) – Starts Saturday
Pampers or Huggies Boxed Diapers $19.99
Pampers (180-216s) or Huggies (184-216s) Baby Wipes $5.99
Nestle Good Start Baby Formula (640-730) $26.99
Enfagrow Toddler Nutritional Supplement (850g) $15.99
Baby Life Baby Toiletries $2.99
Playtex Baby Accessories 15% off
Life Brand Prenatal & Postpartum Tablets (100s) 2/$10 or $9.99 each

Shoppers Drug Mart (Ontario) – Starts Saturday
Pampers or Huggies Boxed Diapers $19.99
Pampers (180-216s) or Huggies (184-216s) Baby Wipes $5.99
Nestle Good Start Baby Formula (640-730) $26.99
Enfagrow Toddler Nutritional Supplement (850g) $15.99
Baby Life Baby Toiletries $2.99
Playtex Baby Accessories 15% off
Life Brand Prenatal & Postpartum Tablets (100s) 2/$10 or $9.99 each

Huggies or Pampers Mega Pack Diapers Size 3-7 (28-60s) $15.99
PC Organics Infant Cereal (227g) $2.99
PC Infant Formula Concentrate with Omega (12x385mL) $24.99
Gerber Graduates Lil’Entrees, Lil’Crunchies, Puffs, Wobbly Wheels or Juice Treats (42-201g) $2.49
Similac or Isomil Advance Infant Formula Powder with Omega (728-800g) $24.99
PC Organics Strained Baby Food (128g) $0.66
Pampers Easy Ups Mega Pack Training Pants or UnderJams (21-44s) $15.99

Heinz Baby Food (128mL) $0.67
Pampers UnderJams or Easy Ups Big Pack $23.97
Pampers Largest Box Diapers $38.83
Pampers 16x Wipes $24.97

Walmart Supercentre (Ontario)
Nestle Good Start Regular Concentrate Tetra Pack (12x359mL) $33.97
Nestle Good Start Regular Ready-to-Feed Tetra Packs (4x250mL) $11.46
Enfamil A+, Gentlease A+ or Enfapro A+ Infant Formula Tub (555-663g) $28.97
Enfamil A+, Gentlease A+ or Engapro A+ Infant Formula 2-pack Refill (942-992g) $39.97
Tuscany Glider $199.97
Storkcraft Tuscany 4-in-1 Crib $199.97
Bily Bassinet $74.97
Fisher Price Scatterbug Swing $99.97
Baby Trend High Chair $74.97
Baby Trend Playard $74.97
Pampers Jumbo Swaddlers $11.97
Diaper Genie Elite II with 2 Bonus Refills $44.97
Aveeno Baby Value Pack $9.97
Diaper Genie Refills 2/$16 or $8.97 each
Nuk Starter Gift Seat $22.97
Playtex First Sipster 2-Pack Cups $8.47

25% off all Safety Gates
Sealy Baby Slumber Mattress $69.97
Cosco Alpha Omega 3-in-1 Car Seat $89.97
The First Years True Fit Car Seat $119.98
Safety 1st Complete Air Convertible Car Seat $119.97
Safety 1st Enspira Convertible Car Seat $95.96
Graco Lowery Travel System $167.96
Graco Alano Flip-It Travel System $179.98
Graco Kinsey Travel System $143.98
Avalon Rocking Cradle $79.97
Avalon Prance Playard $79.97
Halo Safe Dream Swaddling Blanket $14.97
All Infant Feeding and Nursing Accessories Buy 1 Get 1 1/2 Price
Huggies Pure & Natural, Newborn, OverNites or Jumbo Diapers $10.97
Huggies 5x Wipes $10.97
Heinz Jarred Baby Food (128mL) 10/$6
Nestle Good Start Probiotic Infant Formula $27.99
Enfamil A+, Gentlease A+ or Enfapro A+ Infant Formula $27.97
Nestle Baby Cereal (227g) 3/$9.99
Q-Tips Cotton Swabs (400s) $2.97
Vaseline Petroleum Jelly $2.97
Johnson’s Baby Toiletries 2/$6
Huggies High Count Junior Diapers $27.99
Pampers Mega Pack Diapers & Easy Ups $16.97
Pampers 7x Wipes $16.97
Advil Children’s Cough & Cold $5.97
Heinz Toddler Snacks 2/$5
Gerber Graduates 2/$5
Milupa or Heinz Cereal (227g) $2.97

Sears Canada: Anna Sui Gift With Purchase


Sears has a great Anna Sui gift with purchase on now until October 29th 2011.  Spend $60 or more on Anna Sui products and receive a full size, eye colour, lipstick and mascara.  While this gwp has a higher threshold the products that are free are full size.  One thing that concerns me is that apparently you have no choice of shades. Perhaps this would be a good one to go in-store for.

Click here to check out this gift online.

What Sale Are You Looking Forward To More? Boxing Day Sales Canada Or Black Friday Sales Canada?


Well, Black Friday sales and Boxing Day sales are creeping up on us.  The past few years Canada has been having more and more Black Friday sales to compete with the US, in hopes of keeping Canadian shoppers on this side of the border.  Last year the sales were great, in fact lots of them surpassed Boxing Day sales.

What sale day are you looking the most forward to?

This year there really isn’t anything that I need, so unless something really catches my eye I’m not out to shop. Then again I do want a smaller Lazy-Boy (Girl) recliner….

Penningtons Canada Save 30% Off Everything. Bonus Discount Coupon Code


Online and in-store ending tomorrow save 30% off everything even clearance and sales items!  You can also use the code “10PENN” to save an extra 10% online.

Click here to shop online.

The Shopping Channel: Todays Showstopper Pur Minerals Set


Pur Minerals, a TSC fave is back again! For $68.98 receive a great 11 piece collection.  You can pay in 4 payments of $17.24, shipping is $6.96. 

What is included:
• 4 x Pur Minerals Liquid Metal Eye Shadow Sticks
• Pur Minerals 4-in-1 Pressed Foundation Powder
• Pur Minerals Lip Gloss: Pink Crush
• Pur Minerals Primer Neutral (10ml)
• Pur Minerals Powder Brush
• Pur Minerals Be Firm Serum (30ml)
• Pur Minerals Marble Powder Bronzer
• Pur Minerals Blush: Diamond Rose

If you are interested in this set please shop early as they always sell out quickly.  Click here to shop.

Pjs Pets Canada: Save $10 Off $50 Printable Discount Coupon


Until closing time October 16th save yourself $10 off a $50 purchase at Pj’s Pets.

Click here to print off your coupon.

What’s Pj’s pets like? I’ve never been there. I usually just end up at Pet Smart.

The Childrens Place Save 25% Online and In-store When You Spend $50 *Discount Coupon Code & Printable Coupon*


The Childrens Place is offering a 25% discount when you spend $50 or more online or in-store. 

 Simply use the coupon “2J4E2011”  at checkout to receive your discount. 

Click here to print out the in-store coupon.

Offer is valid until October 16th.  Great time to stock up on mittens for the kiddies!

COACH Canada Factory Outlet: Save 30% Until October 16th 2011 *Printable Coupon*


Coach has released another great discount coupon for their outlet stores.  The 30% discount is on top of any sales and discounts offered in-store.  It’s a great time to shop for Christmas, and to pick me up a great bag.

Click here to print off the coupon.

Old Navy Canada Save 15% Coupon Discount Code


Old Navy Canada is offering an extra 15% off online until tomorrow at midnight.  This is on top of all the discounts and awesome sales they already have going on right now.  Mens polos for $6.80? Yes please!  Simply enter ONSAVE15 at checkout.

Click here to check out the sales.

Restrictions: Offer valid on Old Navy merchandise only from 10/12/11 at 12:01 am ET through 10/13/11 at 11:59 pm ET Online in Canada. Offer not valid in stores. Offer not valid on NHL® Licensed Graphic Tees merchandise. Offer not valid on international purchases. Qualifying amount applies to merchandise only, not value of gift cards purchased, packaging, applicable taxes or shipping & handling charges. Code is limited to one time use only. No adjustments on previous purchases. Not valid for cash or cash equivalent. Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts including Gap Inc. employee discount. Gap Inc. is not responsible for lost or stolen coupons.

KFC Canada: New Membership Program Saving Discounts, Coupons, and Deals


KFC has released a new membership program.

Register for the Colonel’s® Club and receive exclusive deals from . It’s Fast, Easy, and FREE.

Step 1:Complete registration by clicking below
Step 2:You will start receiving regular updates with exclusive deals to the email address provided Step 3:You will receive a membership card in the mail approximately 4-6 weeks after registering.
Once your membership card arrives, present
it at participating locations to receive that
week’s deal.

 Just for signing up receive $2 off.

** Limit one deal per transaction, per visit. Not valid with any other offer. No cash value. Redeemable at participating KFC® Restaurants. Please present Colonel’s® Club card when ordering. Not valid for on-line orders. Premium charge for white meat when applicable. All orders are subject to applicable taxes.
*Excludes Streetwise™ Value Menu and Toonie Tuesday®. At participating restaurants

Thanks Christa for using the suggest a deal form to let us know about this deal.

Abercrombie and Fitch Save 25% Off Online Discount Coupon Code


Until October 16th save an extra 25% off your purchase online by entering the code “10149” at checkout.  This offer is available online and in-store but excludes redlines. Redlines are excluded because they’ve been marked down another 40% already.

Click here to check out A & F online.

Chapters Indigo Canada: Save 20% On Books In-store Save 20% Off On Toys Online


This week only save 20% off on books in-store and save 20% off on toys online!

Simply enter “ToyDeal20” to save 20% off on toys online

Click here to shop

Valid until October 23, 2011 on regular priced in-stock books only. Cannot be used to adjust amount paid on previous purchases. Offer may change or terminate at any time without notice.
**ONLINE OFFER ONLY. This promotion is valid online from 12:01 a.m. EST Oct. 11 to 11:59 p.m. EST Oct. 13, 2011. Offer applies to toys only. Not valid in-store or on kiosk orders. No cash redemption value and non-refundable. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer, discount or promotion excluding everyday irewards discount and cannot be used to adjust amount paid on previous purchases. This offer is not applicable towards purchases of electronics, video games, gift cards, irewards memberships, ebooks, used books or donations to and product where proceeds go towards Indigo Love of Reading Foundation. Must provide valid coupon code at checkout to receive discount. One coupon per transaction. We reserve the right to change or end this offer at any time without notice.

Old Navy Canada: Rocktoberfest Savings and Deals & Saturday One Day Wonder


This weekend Old Navy has some great offerings on fall clothes at great low prices!  Quantities are limited so shop early to avoid sell outs.

*Saturday only frost free vests for the whole family are only $15*

Click here to browse Old Navy online.

Canadian Coupons and Deals To Go With Flyer Savings Until October 13th 2011



Heres this weeks flyer deals and savings. 

Thanks Anne D and everyone who worked on this list.

Click here to view the deals for this week.

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