L’OCCITANE en Provence Canada: Canadian Freebie Via Facebook


L’occcitane is offering a free small $6 jar of  handcream! Pick up is in-store only.  BUT if they reach 6,000 sign ups they will upgrade the hand cream to a larger size valued at $12.

You must be a Canadian resident to partake in this offer.

Click here to fill out the form for this freebie on Facebook.

Thanks Jing, for using the suggest a deal form.

13 responses to “L’OCCITANE en Provence Canada: Canadian Freebie Via Facebook”

  1. julyprincess says:

    I love L’Occitane’s hand products! This is great, thank you so much.

  2. cora says:

    L’Occitane hand cream is AWESOME stuff and they’re already at 4500! We’ll help them easily get to 6000, right smartcanucks??

  3. Sally says:

    Darn straight!

  4. flamingteeth says:

    They will mail me a coupon or something?

  5. samsea says:

    I am a newbie here, I liked its Facebook site, then what? Please advise. Thanks!

  6. Jasmine says:

    They mail you a voucher, and you pick it up in store…. the question is which store?

  7. Janetta says:


    Awesome giveaway, too far for me though. lol I’m rather lazy and it’s $5/$6 to get downtown & back!

  8. Mama Allie says:

    Over 5000 now. Nice!

  9. A.L. says:

    l’Occitane stuff is ok but I don’t like going into their stores. The salespeople hover and don’t let you shop in peace (they are constantly upselling). When I’m in the city, I only go inside when the stores are busy (which is rare) because then I can shop in peace. Their hand cream is decent and smells good. I used to buy a lot from them online but had a terrible customer service experience and haven’t gone back since.

  10. Sunnyside1 says:

    They’re over 6000 now, so everyone gets the upgrade 😉

  11. lil e says:

    thanks for the post! i LOVE l’occitane lotions!

  12. Amanda says:

    Just received the email for the free 30ml hand cream! Thanks!

  13. Sally says:

    Yay! Will get mine tomorrow.


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