Other / Canada

Happy Family Day, Ontario!

Other / Canada 6 comments


Today marks the first celebration of Family Day in Ontario. It’s a new statutory holiday (as you may have noticed if you tried to do any shopping today) that fulfills Dalton McGuinty’s promise to add a new stat day in February. Ontario isn’t the first province to celebrate Family Day — Alberta started the trend in 1990 and Manitoba jumped on board last year. Celebrated on the third Monday in February, Family Day coincides with President’s Day in the US — no doubt an effort to normalize trade issues between nations that differing holidays can create.

If you live in Ontario and would like to learn more about our new paid holiday, take a peek at this comprehensive FAQ assembled by the Minstry of Labour.

Personally, I’m not a huge fan of this “Family Day” concept. It just feels too generic. I would have preferred something with a little more national or provincial meaning. What about you?

New Singing and Dancing Elmo, Hot Toy of Christmas 2008 ?

There’s a good chance this new singing, dancing and storytelling Elmo by Fisher Price will be the hot Christmas 2008 toy. I bet this toy will be out of stock in November and December and parents will be lining up in the parking lots of Toys R Us all across Canada and the US at 5am to get their hands on Elmo. Personally, I can’t imagine tolerating more than 5 minutes of this toy and there’s no way I’d let this Singing and annoying Elmo into my home. But I think young kids will love it so parents be prepared!

The new Elmo will be released on October 14, 2008. It will cost $59.99 in US and hopefully the same price here in Canada?

Here are three videos of the new Elmo. The way the scientist in white coat is excited about Elmo freaks me out. Fisher Price should make a toy that looks like the scientist 😛




Happy Valentine’s Day <3

Happy Valentine’s Day.

My favourite Love song is quite sad so I’ve added a second more cheerful one too.


And for the happy one 🙂


Stretch Mark Creams: Do they work?

Other / Canada 46 comments

stretchmark1.jpgAs many of our long time readers know, last summer my wife gave birth to our second daughter. Parenting has been a heck of a lot of fun, but that doesn’t mean my wife hasn’t had a few physical hurdles to overcome. For all the blessings motherhood brings, pregnancy can put a real strain on the body. And one of the biggest obstacles that most new mothers have in common? Stretch marks.

Stretch mark creams are available on the market, but not all of them meet with much success. That’s why I thought I’d pass a link along to Diva’s Skin Care Blog. In an effort to help her clients prevent stretch marks (she works in a salon/spa) Diva conducted tests with four different brands of stretch mark cream on a number of different women and met with varying degrees of success.

This may not be Canadian and it may not be a freebie, but I know a lot of our readers are mom’s to little ones, and if you’re concerned with any lingering stretch marks left by having a little one in your tummy, hopefully this post can help point you in the right direction. Speaking of which — do any of you have any experience with creams or methods of stretch mark removal that you’d like to share?

Facebooking in Canada: Let’s talk politics!

facebookcanada.jpgIf you’re already on Facebook (and who isn’t nowadays?) chances are you’ve already delved head first into the wonderful world of Facebook applications. Facebook applications offer everything from the generic “What X-Man am I?” type quiz to games like Scrabulous, media collection software like Flixster or iRead, and integration with other social networks like Digg. Facebook applications offer something for everyone — so what does it offer for the politically-minded Canadian?

Politics in Canada is a fairly simple app, but well worth adding if you like to wear your party allegiance on your sleeve. It helps you to let everyone know which parties you’d be voting for at both the federal and provincial levels if we were to have an election today by sticking them in a box right on your profile.

In addition to being a great catalyst for debate amongst friends, it offers some pretty cool stats such as mapping the locations of all users, showing us where each party is strongest. It’s pretty fun stuff.

Obviously this application isn’t going to be for everyone, but if you’re comfortable sharing your politics and you’re looking for another fun little application to say “I’m Canadian, dagnabbit!” Politics in Canada is a fun way to go — and like nearly everything on Facebook it’s deliciously free.

My Favourite Super Bowl Ad

Most of this year’s Super Bowl ads sucked. For $2.7 million for 30 seconds you’d think companies would come up with creative commercials. The Diet Pepsi Max “What is Love” ad was awesome though.

It’s Monday! Wake up people and have a good week 🙂


Good read: 12 Things I Learned By 42 That I Wish I Knew At 22

Very good advice. Originally posted at thewisdomjournal.com:

My, how time flies. Seems just like yesterday that I was a 12 year old kid, going for long bike rides in Sherwood Forrest, the subdivision just around the corner from where I lived. Playing with William, Edward, and my little brother, climbing in the tree house, looking forward to Brent coming over to visit. Those were all good times and my only dread was finding out that we were having liver for supper.

By the time I was 22, I knew who I wanted to marry, was in the process of quitting college, going into debt, and thought that I would be a millionaire by the time I was 30 because I was so smart. Hey, it might take me until 35, but that was the top end. In reality, I was quite ignorant.

If I could go back in time, here are a few items I would tell my 22 year old self.

1. Stay in school. Don’t quit. Sure you’re bored now, but wait until you’re in a dead end job that you can’t stand but you’re afraid to lose. Getting finished with your degree will open up many more opportunities than you realize. I always wanted to go to law school, but without that sheepskin, I didn’t have a chance of even being considered. The lesson learned here is finish what you start by throwing yourself into it fully. Treat your college experience as if it were a job. Arrive on time, do your homework, study, and treat your learning process as if you were at a real job.

2. Money doesn’t spoil, it keeps. Start investing early. How much stuff do you have to show for the money you made in high school and college? If I had invested half of what I made during those years in a plain old, broad based mutual fund, I would have well over $192,000 with no other investments made since then. I’m still kicking myself. Invest early.

3. Don’t buy the first house you look at. Buy the cheapest house in the nicest neighborhood. No, I didn’t actually do this, but it was close. We were so excited to be approved for a loan, having just come out of Consumer Credit Counseling Services that we jumped at the first house we found that met our minimum requirements. I still love that house today, but I wish we had gotten a better inspection, had looked into building, or had found a way to buy a house that was closer to work and school. The lesson learned, don’t be desperate with a large purchase.

4. Establish the habit of living within a budget. Could anything be more important to insure you are living below your means? I tried on several occasions but I was never as faithful to this ideal as I should have been. Today, I make a salary high enough that a budget is a “yeah, we really ought to do that” kind of thing. My goal is to get that done. If I could do it over I would get myself in this habit at the earliest possible age. The lesson learned: budgeting is a freeing process, not a limiting one. If I had lived on a budget, I could have circumvented many painful events.

5. Learn how to negotiate a better deal on everything. Having read several books on negotiation just a little too late, I’ve recognized how I was duped by many people, mostly used car sales people. I wrote a review on Secrets of Power Negotiating that you can read here. Learning these skills would have saved me thousands. The lesson learned: prepare by educating yourself and always be willing to walk away.

6. Keep your medical insurance in force at all times. Several years ago, I quit one job and took another that didn’t offer medical insurance until you had been there for 90 days. You guessed it, my wife had to have emergency surgery at 89 days. True story. 89 days. Do you think the insurance company cared? I’ll let you guess. Thankfully, we were at St. Vincent’s Hospital and they had mercy on us. The business manager told me (after looking over my financial situation) that someone paid our bill. I still get choked up thinking about it all these years later. It took us years to pay off the doctor and anesthesia bills, though. If I had just kept my coverage in effect for a little while longer. The obvious lesson: keep that insurance in effect. It is cheaper than the medical bills.

7. It’s quality of time at work, but quantity of time at home that matters. Your boss really doesn’t care whether you have a family or not. Trust me. Unless you work for family members who DO understand that you need to pick the kids up early, or that you DO need to spend some time with your spouse, you are just a replaceable cog in the machine. When people are trying to grow a business, your need for personal time is secondary, so is the quality of your marital and family relationships. Just remember that when you’re old, sitting in a chair at the nursing home with a blanket on your lap and eating mush, you won’t regret that you didn’t get to spend more time at the office. The lesson learned: family will be there after the job is long gone. Value and treasure them.

8. Don’t listen to those who think there is a shortcut to wealth. NEW FLASH: there is no shortcut. Might as well get that out of your 22 year old head right now. Wealth is created when you provide something interesting, unique and valuable to people who demand it. Until then, you will be trading hours for dollars and you’ll always think you’re underpaid. “Find a need and fill it” is the old mantra and it is still quoted because it’s true. In today’s world it should read “Create a need that only you can fill.” Then you’ll be on your way to wealth. The lesson learned: figure out where there are unmet needs and figure out a way to fill those needs.

8a. Stay far, far away from any Multi Level Marketing “business” that requires you to sponsor new distributors. They are all scams. You are not “CEO of your own distribution network”-you are a commission-based salesperson relying on the liquidation of your social capital (i.e. alienating your friends and family) to make any money at all…and 99.5% of people in MLM’s lose money, as has been shown again and again in numerous studies. The only profit you can ever make is by turning what would be called “customers” into “distributors” and then taking the money from the 99.995% that lose money in the organization and giving it to the 0.005% at the top (the people who started the whole “business” in the first place). Stay away!

9. Make sure your spouse’s values line up with your own. This one step can single handedly determine your level of happiness more than just about any other. Scary isn’t it? If everything seems so right, yet he or she thinks credit should be used at will (and you don’t) or thinks that home schooled kids are strange (and you want your children to be home schooled), you are setting yourself up for heartbreak. Work these things out before you say “I do.” They say love is grand . . . and divorce is 50 grand. The lesson learned: talk to your spouse or potential spouse about what is important to you and the values you think should be taught to your children, even if you don’t plan on having children.

10. Learn how to network. Learn to stay in touch with old friends from high school and college. Learn the skill of asking for help without seeming to be asking for help. Watch how others network. Remember it’s not what you know, it’s not even who you know, it’s how you USE what you know and who you know. One step further, it’s not who you know, it’s who knows YOU. Get in the practice of networking without expecting anything in return. Make sure you don’t come across as a brown nosing leech who is always trying to get an angle, but stay in touch with people. You never know who you may be able to help. The lesson learned: stay in touch and make sure you come across as helpful rather than helpless.

11. Never accept a job just because the pay is higher. Life is more than money. There’s a reason they’re offering you more. Yes it may be that you’re the most qualified. It may be that you have the most experience and the most education. It may be that no one can stand to work for that particular department head and a high salary is the only way to fill the position. Always ask where the person who last held the position is working now. Ask to speak with them, but always do it away from the office. People will give you more information outside of the office than inside. Inside the office, they’re committing treason, outside, hey – they’re just chatting with a friend. The lesson learned: Get the full scoop before jumping out of a frying pan into the fire.

12. Trust, but verify. You can’t believe everything you hear, read, or were taught as a kid. You should always check references, ask probing questions, search out answers, and find ways to learn more about what you’re being told. This is a catch all but it is important. The world is full of schemers who are just waiting to take you for a ride. Don’t become cynical, but verify everything you can. The lesson learned: make sure you know who it is you’re dealing with and what their motives may be.

Learn who you are and what motivates you. Learn what motivates your spouse and children. Learn what motivates your friends. Learn what motivates your co-workers, your boss, and your boss’s boss. Never stop learning, never stop growing. By the time you reach 42, kid, you’ll be a millionaire! 😉

What would you tell yourself if you could go back twenty years?

Hugs… Yes Again!

I know this video is old, I posted it about two years ago and most of you have already seen it but no matter how many times I watch it, it touches me and makes my day. In this stressful fast paced world it’s nice to know that someone out there cares. Consider this video a message to brighten someone’s life.

Have a good week 🙂


Internet Party: What Happens If Google’s Parents Leave Town

Came across this Internet parody on Digg. Warning for mild language.


People in Order

People in Order’s Age is part of a series of short films that assembles the people of Britain in a given order. In just 3 minutes, we meet 100 different people who are arranged according to their age, starting from age 1.


Why does IKEA Furniture have Weird Names?

Why does IKEA Furniture have Weird Names?

Why does everything have weird names? Every container, shelf, cabinet or appliance had some odd name, as if people from Planet Sweden anthropomorphized these objects, naming each one they encountered as best they could: Besta, Hedda, Bjarnum, Lerberg, Inreda, Ektorp, Grundton, Berta, Karna…

According to Wikipedia, it turns out IKEA follows a certain naming convention based on Scandinavian words:

Upholstered furniture, coffee tables, rattan furniture, bookshelves, media storage, doorknobs: Swedish placenames

Beds, wardrobes, hall furniture: Norwegian place names

Dining tables and chairs: Finnish place names

Bookcase ranges: Occupations

Bathroom articles: Scandinavian lakes, rivers and bays

Kitchens: grammatical terms, sometimes also other names

Chairs, desks: men’s names

Materials, curtains: women’s names

Garden furniture: Swedish islands

Carpets: Danish place names

Lighting: terms from music, chemistry, meteorology, measures, weights, seasons, months, days, boats, nautical terms

Bedlinen, bed covers, pillows/cushions: flowers, plants, precious stones; words related to sleep, comfort, and cuddling

Children’s items: mammals, birds, adjectives

Curtain accessories: mathematical and geometrical terms

Kitchen utensils: foreign words, spices, herbs, fish, mushrooms, fruits or berries, functional descriptions

Boxes, wall decoration, pictures and frames, clocks: colloquial expressions, also Swedish placenames

Continue reading about IKEA’s naming convention on wikipedia

IKEA Canada Promoting Dishonesty?

A blog reader (Beryl H.) left a comment about IKEA’s recent commercial.

Dear To Whom It May Concern,

I have watched your recent advertisement with some alarm, I do not know if you realize that you are encouraging theft, cheating and dishonesty – “Start the car, start the car” Many of my friends have voiced the same concern – If someone shoplifts, I gather you are not going to prosecute them, an idealistic thought, but your profits will plummet, I suggest you have a word with your advertising agency

Yours truly,

Beryl H.

Here’s the commercial:


Although I do not personally find the commercial offensive (nor is it funny), I can understand how it may give children a wrong idea. But that’s not the first time IKEA has had a controversial ad. The infamous dog picture was much more disturbing, and remember the Canadian flyer with the photo of a child reading a Mickey Spillane book?

What do you think of IKEA’s Winter Ad? Does it promote Dishonesty?

Happiness $4.99

Happiness $4.99

So I lied, it’s £4.99 not $ since Woolworths doesn’t exist in Canada anymore. But still, for that price it’s a bargain. Guess I’ll be buying one of these on my next trip to England.

*Warning: May contain traces of sadness and depression.

[via neatorama]

3 Days Until Christmas!

I was touched today by a letter sent by Skippy (a wonderful person whom we are fortunate to have on our forum) to the editor of Oshawa this week:

Best Christmas present is yourself

With all the hype surrounding the season, especially those endless commercials, it is so easy to get caught up in the shopping frenzy. While anxiously awaiting for the results of doctor’s tests and not knowing the outcome, it finally struck me what the perfect gift was.

The perfect gift is not a present rather it is one’s presence.

Long after the paper is off and the boxes opened, what will remain is the memory of the giver.

It may not be at the top of one’s list, yet it is something that cannot be bought or replaced.

Unfortunately it does not come with a guarantee. So make the best of what you can give and just like the first Christians present, give of yourself.

David A.


6 Days Until Christmas!

Thanks Koala for the Mr. Bean idea 🙂


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