Jim Squires

SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 39

We’ve talked about the inevitability of snow before in our Caption Challenge, but with how many cold days we’ve had this month it’s something that’s on my mind even more. But these kids here?  They look like they’re more than prepared for the coming storm. …at least two of them do. Get on your parkas, …Read More

Municipal elections are popping up around the country — are you ready to vote?

When most people think municipal elections, their feelings are often best summed up by a big yawn followed by a quick nap.  Many Canadians are so disinterested in local politics that they can’t even name their mayor, let alone their city or regional councilors.  But you know what?  You should care about local politics, because it’s …Read More

SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 40

I’m all for the idea of cash’n’carry, but seriously dude — take a couple of trips if you need to.  Something tells me this car may have required a trip to the mechanic after this.  Something else tells me that you can come up with an outstanding caption to post in the comments. I’m hoping …Read More

SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 38

I don’t know about you, but now that the leaves are falling from the trees and the nuts are tumbling down alongside them, my neighbourhood has been completely overrun by squirrels.  No word of a lie, when I opened my front door this morning I was able to count 8 of them as I looked …Read More

Threadless t-shirts $10 this week

The endless parade of Threadless sales marches on this week, as they’re offering (almost) all of their t-shirts for $10!  Hoodies are getting their own sale price too, having dropped to $30.  Sale ends on the morning of 10/14.  Click here to check out what’s still available.

SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 37

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I couldn’t help but post up this picture of a Disney fan devouring a Frontierland turkey leg — and between the look on his face and the presence of Chef Goofy, this one seems rife for the captioning! As popular as they are amongst park aficionados, I just can’t imagine …Read More

Neat Christmas Gift Ideas: Kodak “Share”

Thanks to my involvement in the world of tech journalism, I recently had the chance to spend some time with two new Kodak products — both of which embrace the company’s new philosophy of sharing. “Share” is a great buzz word for the photo industry, because it’s what most of us are looking to do …Read More

Neat Christmas Gift Ideas: Franken Toys

I was at a baby shower for some friends this past weekend, and while the endless parade of cute clothes and recieving blankets will no doubt see their use, there’s one present that truly stuck out.  It was a baby doll — but not just any baby doll.  This one was wearing a hat made …Read More

The Wealthy Barber Returns!

If you’ve never had a chance to read The Wealthy Barber, you should probably drop everything you’re doing right now and go hunt down a copy.  David Chilton’s 1989 book about personal finance is the definitive guide to common sense savings, paying down debt, and everything else the a money-conscious SmartCanucker should know.  What’s more, …Read More

Great Canadian Foods: Poutine

Most of our dietary intake is made up of common North American cuisine – vegetables, pasta, Hot Pockets – the list goes on and on. But some of the things on our menu are distinctly Canadian. Great Canadian Foods is a new weekly feature on SmartCanucks exploring the tastier side of Canadian living. The other …Read More

Neat Christmas Gift Ideas: LEGO Board Games

83 days until Christmas.  It may sound like a lot, but if you like getting a deal (and if you’re reading this, we know you do) then you’ll want to get your lists together early to keep an eye out for sales/clearances/other awesome deals.  While “Neat Christmas Gift Ideas” may not save you any cash …Read More

What are you giving out this Halloween?

I know, I know..  The obvious answer to this is “candy,” but don’t you want to be the one house on the block that does something different this year?  Something hip and cool? There’s always the one house that gives out cans of pop and full size chocolate bars — and it’s pretty easy to …Read More

Netflix now in Canada, offers first month free

Netflix — better known as the harbinger of doom for brick and mortar movie rental places — has finally made it’s way to the great white north …or at least it’s streaming service has. If you want to rent DVD’s you’ll still need to use Zip.ca (or your local video store), but if you want …Read More

SmartCanucks Caption Challenge: Week 36

This week’s caption challenge comes to us courtesy of the wild world of mutton busting.  What’s mutton busting, you might ask?  It’s kind of like bull-riding, but for kids …and on a sheep. Don’t be baa-shful.  Give us your best caption!

What are your kids dressing as this Halloween?

With back to school barely behind us, Halloween costumes and decorations are already out in full force in every store imaginable.  Heck — some already have their Halloween costumes on sale! Do your kids already have their trick-or-treat plans all set?  What are they planning to go out as this Halloween?  How about you?

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