Chapters Canada Buy 3 Teen Books Get a 4th FREE In-Store Only

Canadian Deals & Coupons


Just got a email newsletter from Chapters and they have a pretty good deal going right now to continue the Twilight celebration for the New Moon movie/book.  If you buy 3 books from the Teen section you will get a 4th one for Free.  This is great for picking up some Christmas gifts or some reading for yourself.  If you haven’t read the Twilight series you may want to give them a look (confidently there are 4 of them).

As always this is an in-store promotion only.  I wish they would make these available online seeing as I live 2 hours from a Chapters.  This promotion runs from now until Sunday November 1.  Seeing as it runs until November 1 you might be able to use your 25% discount from signing up for Chapters email for one of the books, making this great deal fabulous

One response to “Chapters Canada Buy 3 Teen Books Get a 4th FREE In-Store Only”

  1. evan rivers says:

    I’ve been visiting your blog for a while now and I always find a gem in your new posts. Thanks for sharing.


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