Chapters Indigo Canada: Buy Three Get Fourth Free On Books And Magazines


*Offer valid until July 3, 2011 in-store only at all Chapters, Indigo, Coles, Indigospirit, World’s Biggest Bookstore, Smithbooks, and The Book Company, except in the province of Alberta. Free book or magazine must be of equal or lesser value. Excludes eBooks and newspapers.

Since the free book/magazine has to be of equal or lesser value, it would be best to get four items priced equally, which works out to be 25% off your purchase. If you have an iRewards card, you’ll save an extra 10%.

6 responses to “Chapters Indigo Canada: Buy Three Get Fourth Free On Books And Magazines”

  1. Nicole says:

    Hey, what’s with the Alberta exemption?

  2. U didn't hear this from me says:

    They can afford to pay full price. They don’t have PST. 😉

  3. SY says:

    I went today and browsed the clearance section and came out with some really good deals!

    Jane Austen-Persuasion (with a nice clothe cover)
    Sense & Sensibility & Sea Monsters
    Android Karenina (I read Pride & Prejudice & Zombies and thought it was pretty brilliant so when I saw these two on sale, I had to have them!)
    F.Scott Fitzgerald’s The curious case of Benjamin Button (wanted to read the story cuz most said it was better than the movie, also nicely bound with zany colour illustrations)

    All of them were 5 bucks so paid $15 for all 4 books which is a pretty sweet deal!

  4. whosays says:

    In Alberta you get 10 x the Plum points WUB 3 books or magazines.

  5. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Glad to hear it’s valid on clearance items. My store has 4 tables of clearance stuff. Will check it out later 🙂

  6. Babsie says:

    Well the sign just says, Buy three, get one free. I bought 3, the girl at checkout sent me back to buy a 4th. I did but no one said that 4th book wasn’t free, there was a pittance off each of the 4 books. Won’t get caught in this scam again.


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