Children’s Place Canada Monster Sale Take an Additional 50% Off

Canadian Deals & Coupons


I’m sure I’m not the only one with a quickly growing little man or lady at home so this sale is sure to excite us all.  The Children’s Place is having a Monster Sale and have taken an additional 50% off all their already reduced merchandise.  This is one of my favorite sales they have in the year.  Last year I was able to buy pants and shirts for under $5.

Thanks to couponlady for posting this sale for us.

9 responses to “Children’s Place Canada Monster Sale Take an Additional 50% Off”

  1. Cheryl888 says:

    Ive been saving my 15% off coupon I got on boxing day for this sale!
    Headed this afternoon

  2. kyl says:

    I have the same 15% off coupon. Just wondering if this coupon can combine with the survey discount, another 15% off. If this is the case, that would be sweet.

  3. Cheryl888 says:

    That would be great.
    Im pretty sure they, like Old Navy dont allow you to stack (trying to use the 30% with Barkers Bones).
    You can always try though, they usually scan all their coupons at Childrens Place, and you might get lucky if the computer accepts both!!!!

  4. Rock Solid says:

    I went into The Children’s Place @ Warden & Eglinton – and the sale lady said yes – they will take both the my reward dollars (I got a $5 my reward that expires Jan 16ht) and also the 15% discount in addition to the 50% off. My question is, “When did this 15% coupon come out?”. Was it email???

  5. Shannon says:

    Yeah, I want a 15% off coupon too, I didn’t get one this time around. And hey, when do they start shipping to Canada? Their Facebook Canada page says they will start in the new year, but here we are……..

  6. Cheryl888 says:

    I went today, forgot my coupon…and found out a little more.

    When you buy something, you get these coupons. 1 is for 10% off (specific dates), the other is for 15% (same).

    So I forget mine, and was totally pissed at myself, but I figured oh well. As I am going to leave the cashier asks me if I wanted ANOTHER set. I was like, couldnt you have just given me these when I started??? She said no, and I left, angry.

    Someone explain to me why they cant just give you coupons to use if they have them in their possession?? Granted, this was my fault from the start, but still……….

  7. shmegz says:

    used the coupon and got my son a couple things for my son. thanks!

  8. Super Mel says:

    Cheryl888, I went to Children’s Place yesterday and they gave me coupons with me purchase that can be used Jan 16th-Jan 29th.

    The coupon I used yesterday (which was handed to me when I made a purchase before Christmas) was to be used between Dec 26th and Jan 15th.

    I just wish someone could tell me if they will be continuing with their rewards program! That extra 10% off sure adds up! Yesterday I scored 33 items for less then 150$!!! Totally stocked up on essentials for both of my kids for the next year! Cargo pants, sweats, skirts, leggings, t shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, pj’s, hats… You name it, I got it! Now I’m just waiting for thier 10 for 10$ sock sale to come back and I’m good for the year!

  9. Cheryl888 says:

    Well that makes much more sense lol.
    She has asked if I wanted “another” set of coupons, so I obviously assumes that it was the same set.
    If someone posts when the 10 for 10 sock event is on, that would be great. Recently having kids myself, I never expected it would be SOCKS that break the bank!!!!!! lol


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