Cineplex Canada: DOUBLE Scene Points on Kung Fu Panda 2 (May 26-Jun 3)

scenekungfu111If you are a SCENE subscriber you may have received a heads up about this deal in your email … but just in case here’s the scoop:

Earn DOUBLE the Scene points when you see Kung Fu panda 2 between May 26th and June 3rd.

My kids can’t WAIT to see this movie they are so excited, and it’s always nice to receive an extra perk for something I was already planning on paying for.

Any of the rest of you moms and dads planning on taking your kiddos?

8 responses to “Cineplex Canada: DOUBLE Scene Points on Kung Fu Panda 2 (May 26-Jun 3)”

  1. anisa says:

    i love kung fuuuuu 🙂

  2. Twinmommy says:

    My boys really liked the first one at home while semi-sitting on the couch. We have yet to attempt a movie in a real theatre yet. I think we’re going to hold out for a couple more weeks and wait for Cars 2 to be released and then give it a go. I just don’t know if they capable of sitting down for 90 minutes to watch a whole movie yet.

  3. Heroin says:

    Definitely planning to take the kids, and loving the double scene points on kids’ movies lately!

  4. oochie says:

    I thought that my son would not sit through a movie, as he never did at home, I find that he is a totally different child at the movies. Sits still and doesn’t move. However we do need to make sure we bring ear plugs for him as he doesn’t like the loud sounds.

  5. Rita says:

    My daughter can’t wait to see this movie with her Dad. She has been talking about it every time she see it advertise.

  6. monica says:

    OMG…Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss, i’ve been hearing it for the pass 2 wks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “MOOOOM, IS IT MAY 26 YET?” i cannot wait for my youngest kids to go with their dad…(boys day out)

  7. Mee says:

    Just so you know, the double Scene point is only given to those who received the email, not everybody who sees the movie. To get those extra points, you have to register to the newsletter on

  8. Rick says:

    I was wondering how to subscribe to the newsletter, I don’t see any options on the site other than editting the profile.


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