Clearly Contacts Canada FREE Giveaway April 25th 10 000 Pairs Coupon Code


Well, their doing it again! Cleary Contacts is giving away 10,000 free pairs on April 25th to new customers only.  Simply enter “FREEAPR25” to order your free glasses on April 25th. Shipping and handling is not included but it is still well under $20. Less then $20 for a pair of glasses is amazing!

How Does It Work?
Step 1: Click the like button above to reveal the coupon code!
Step 2: Click here to go to our website and pick your favorite pair of glasses.
Step 3: On April 25th, starting at 9am PDT, place your order and enter the coupon code at checkout to get your own pair for free

Click here to check out their Facebook page for more details.

Click here to check out Clearly Contacts.

Thanks TudorChick for the heads up!

Bumping up for event!

103 responses to “Clearly Contacts Canada FREE Giveaway April 25th 10 000 Pairs Coupon Code”

  1. tudorchick says:

    i thought this was too good to be true but sure enough just shipping and handling..good deal!

  2. MrsSunshine says:

    how many can you order, one per household. ?

  3. save-a-lot says:

    Going to give it a try, we’ll see if I’m lucky enough to snag a pair.

  4. mhk says:

    I hope I remember………..

  5. Tammy says:

    So are these just the frames or do you have to know your prescription to order the correct lens?

  6. Lori says:

    How do we know which frames are eligible for the free promotion?

  7. Sally says:

    Its a complete pair, (basic) lenses and frames

  8. Amanda says:

    great! WOOT! I just ordered 2 pairs with their 57% off sale! and another free pair would just be GREAT!

  9. Samantha says:

    does anyone know where I can find the glasses the girl in the ad is wearing?

  10. curls says:

    New customers, with basic lenses… I have to upgrade my lenses, so i paid extra, but i’m wearing my free pair that I got last year right now 🙂

  11. Goldie says:

    Thanks Sally, but I just want to make sure….so you can only order basic pair of lenses and not prescription ones? I’ve never ordered from this site because I always miss the dates when they have this promotion. Thanks!

  12. karen says:

    2 pairs please

  13. Sally says:

    Goldie, they are for your prescription. Basically if you require stronger then -2 to +2 they suggest you purchase thinner lenses, but if your prescription isn’t overlly strong the lenses are free and you dont have to updrade.

    For exampled I am -2.75, -25 right and left is -2 and -.75 and I can still order the “free” lenses

    🙂 You also need to know your PID, which is explained on their site. Its the distance between your pupils.

    One pair per house. No matter how many people live in it. Apparently this is for new customers only, but I’ve seen people get around it. I’m not suggesting to try.

  14. rachel says:

    does anyone know if you can get contacts too or just glasses?

  15. watcher says:

    Can I order this with no prescription, just for an accessory?

  16. Sally says:

    No watcher, you have to impur a prescription

  17. Sally says:

    Just glasses rachel

  18. mel says:

    does it work on any frames (even expensive tom ford ones for example), or just frames up to a certain price?

  19. jen says:

    Watcher and Sally: apparently you can just enter 0 for the sphere (and leave the cylinder and axis as none) if you want glasses just as a fashion accessory.

    Mel, usually their promotions exclude a number of the more expensive designer pairs (it will say “coupons not applicable”). Their current 57% off sale, however, includes ALL of their frames.

    I have ordered 3 pairs of glasses from Clearly Contacts and have been happy with the service and quality. The first pair were from a free promotion – and I just had to pay for the lens upgrade and shipping/handling. The second pair were from a sale where all pairs were $38. I didn’t like how that pair fit, so I returned them (with a prepaid shipping label from CC) and got my money fully refunded. The third pair was on clearance and although it said “coupons not applicable” I was able to use a coupon code to get a discount on the lens upgrade. I’m probably going to order another pair or two this weekend to take advantage of the current 57% off sale!

  20. Wintersnow says:


    I was wondering if anyone know whether we are able to participate in this free glasses promotion when someone in the same house had ordered a pair? That is, I mean someone from the same address had participated before in a promotion similar to this one and now, I who had never order from them can I participate if we live in the same address?

  21. Wintersnow says:

    I would also like to make sure if the Anti-Reflective, Scratch Resistant is included, if not do you know how much this may approximately cost?
    Thank you.

  22. Nadine says:

    How do they want us to pay the shipping and handling? C.c.? Or will they bill us?

  23. Sally says:

    No they do not do pay later anymore. You will have to pay immediately. CC paypal etc.

    Wintersnow, thats already included.

  24. Wintersnow says:

    Sally, thanks a lot for your reply, it’ll be my first time trying to order tomorrow!

  25. Sally says:

    No worries, I wouldn’t rush first thing in the morning. Last time I waited until the afternoon since it’s so crazy busy.

  26. GiGi says:

    So it starts at 9am pacific time, which means noon for EST?

  27. Michelle says:

    I have ordered before with just entering 0 for all the perscription info and for the PID I just picked some random number from the list. Great company to deal with 🙂

  28. Nally says:

    Just want to point out it’s “they’re” not “their”.

  29. Jane says:

    I’m trying the code but it’s not working. What code have you guys been using?

  30. Nicothepickle says:

    Jane- if you like their facebook page it has a code that says CAFREE is the code. I haven’t tried it yet, but :)…

  31. bL says:

    I AM TRYING RIGHT NOW..neither one would work @.@”

  32. Sally says:

    Guys, its not 9am their time yet.

  33. bL says:

    i am still trying the CAFREE @.@ WONT WORK

  34. bL says:

    ITS NOT??
    well then what time???
    I am in edm..i thought they are 9am right now….Pacific Daylight Time right??

  35. bL says:

    omg..i got up so early on a day off >.<

  36. Katy says:

    Can’t get it to work with the codes (either one).. Has anyone been successful?

  37. bL says:

    not me yet…SALLY says its not 9am in their side???

  38. Katy says:

    Yes it is… it’s approx. 7:25am their time. Any internet clock will tell you that.

  39. Katy says:

    (If figure it’s the best measure of time)

  40. Fleetingleaf says:

    it’s not 9am PDT yet…it’s only 7:30 PDT right now:

    For those in EDT, you have to wait until 12pm
    For those in CDT, you have to wait until 11am

  41. Tracey says:

    I cannot get the code CAFREE to work!!!Are they all gone already?

  42. bL says:

    and yes, i am checking the internet clock now @.@….
    so stupid why didnt i think of that first >.<

  43. Tracey says:

    Duh! I guess i have to wait til noon 🙂

  44. Sammers says:

    I received an email from Clearly Contacts for a free pair of glasses for existing customers, and when I tried to check out, the coupon only gave me $80 off and left me with $78.

  45. Amy says:


    Thank you!

  46. Vero says:

    This didn’t work for me 🙁 not sure why

  47. Aoffman says:

    It wouldn’t let me use my pre-paid VISA card for the S&H 🙁

  48. Teresa2008 says:

    It is working now. A few minutes early!

  49. Lexiesmom says:

    code works now….10 minutes early!! so go for it!

  50. Diana says:

    Some frames are excluded from this promo, I think.

  51. Joe says:

    It’s working now!

  52. Pat says:

    I was surprised to see that it won’t arrive for an estimated two weeks, but I won’t complain when I’m getting the frames and lenses free.

  53. amycanada77 says:

    Dang I can’t find my prescription 🙁

  54. sara says:

    Looks like the site crashed. I just finished my moms order & don’t think it went.

  55. Momo28 says:

    yay, it worked. Good that I read Lexiesmom’s msg and I got on 10 mins earlier and I just tried a minute ago and it’s all jammed up.

  56. Lexiesmom says:

    Its just by chance I tried early…at 10 am, I hit the purchase button by mistake and had to call to cancel the order, the lady on the phone was super nice, and told me about refreshing my page, about 5-10 minutes before! yeah to great customer service!

  57. bL says:


  58. Trish says:

    Yay! I got mine for $13.69 shipping/insurance. using code CAFREE

  59. MovieMinx says:

    “Coupon code not found”!!! Are all the free pairs gone?!

  60. Jen says:

    FREEAPR25 didn’t work for me but CAFREE did. Is it me or is the shipping and handling higher this time??

  61. mj says:

    I got mine!!!

  62. Jen says:

    My shipping/handling was about $18…usually it’s around $13..hmmm

  63. Mist_ynight says:

    I got mine! Gotta love glasses for under $15.00. I ordered a pair for my sister in law as well, her’s were $90 cause she has to pay for the thinner lenses but that’s still a good deal. I used the CAFREE code. I was in their “waiting room” for about 10 mins before I could get on the site.

  64. bL says:

    i got my husband’s pair!!! yesssss

  65. Mist_ynight says:

    my shipping and handling was 9.95 plus the taxes, same thing I’ve paid before.

  66. Wendy says:

    code doesn’t work.. it says coupon code not found!

  67. BK says:

    The code doesn’t work….it says “The number of attempts exceeded the limit.”

  68. Missy says:

    yay. it worked for me. used the code CAFREE. 15 bucks for new glasses.

  69. Star786 says:

    where do you go to get free glasses?
    are there particular brands only? the code is not working for me

  70. CC says:

    the number of attempts exceeded the limit. Used both codes and didnt work. What a POS

  71. bratnic says:

    Only certain glasses are eligible – IE the Oakley Poetic 4.0 glasses I picked last night weren’t eligible. My husband is already a customer (as is my sister-in-law) and they both received exclusive coupon codes 3 days ago to get ANY frames for free. If I’d known about the restrictions on this code – I would have used this code for his glasses and his code for mine – but c’est la vie. I picked a different pair. If I really want the other pair – I’ll get them with the Easter57all code and submit the difference to my benefit program

  72. Funkymunky says:

    I don’t see the Order Now button anywhere – even for glasses included in the promo – wtf?:(

  73. bL says:

    NOW IT SAIDS “Product(s) not eligible for coupon discounts” for the FENDI that i want…
    so i guess it doesnt work for NAME BRAND ones????

  74. GiGi says:

    I got mine and used the CAFREE code.

  75. Funkymunky says:

    can someone help out? how do you add the frames to your basket online?

  76. star 786 says:

    What is the price limit?

  77. bratnic says:

    If the glasses say “coupons not applicable” then the CAFREE code won’t be accepted. HOWEVER – the EASTER57ALL coupon appears to work even on the ones that say “coupons not applicable” – and you can’t use both coupon codes in the same order but you can place your order for the free pair and then place another order with the 57% off coupon code. But you’ll have to pay 2 sets of shipping and handling charges.
    You could always try calling and see what they can do.

    ALSO – why we love – they will price match in the US, PLUS give you 10% of the difference, PLUS match any %off code that you have, PLUS the shipping is the same price but you get FEDEX instead of USPS – last time we ordered contacts we got them the next morning – hours before the order was marked as shipped and my credit card had even been charged.

  78. dgefrerer says:

    I just got my free pair of glasses for only $14 S&H! It worked perfectly! Very excited to receive them! Thank you for posting the offer 🙂

  79. vienna4u says:

    wow awesome….a pair of vera wang glasses for 14$

  80. sarina says:

    I got mine this morning, took me almost 15v minutes of refreashing the screen though.

  81. CC says:

    there had to switch pcs to get it to work. Sucks that I had to still pay for lenses but still saved money

  82. amycanada77 says:

    The number of attempts exceeded the limit???
    Anyone else get this and figure out how to fix it
    tried the easter code the cafree code and the freeapr25 code none will work I just keep getting
    The number of attempts exceeded the limit

  83. Momo28 says:

    You have to pick the ones which are eligible for this offer. If it says coupon not applicable, it means a no go. Most of the name brands one like Gucci, Fendi, won’t work. I ordered 2 pairs. So excited.

  84. aussie says:

    I just ordered mine!!! they were $88.59! I chose the super thin lenses! Im so excited!!!

  85. bL says:

    i just spent another 30min picking out a different pair….not the pair that I WAS HOPING FOR, but hey its free…so wth =)
    So i did get 2 different pairs: 1 for me, 1 for my man =)

  86. amycanada77 says:

    Just tried 5 more pairs all with the same error when I check out – glasses ranging from $68 to $198 can’t get any to work

    “The number of attempts exceeded the limit”

  87. steve-niagara says:

    amycanada had to use firefox google chrome gave me The number of attempts exceeded the limit” maybe cookie issue with browser, they gotta track these some how, multiple attempts and ip addy…

  88. mel says:

    mine says cupon clode not found

  89. Jen says:

    CAFREE still works for me..and i’m using firefox.

  90. amycanada77 says:

    Firefox THANK YOU!!!! Thanks steve I’ve been trying for an hour – and yes firefox worked!! $15 glasses YAY

  91. BK says:

    Steve-niagara is right!! I finally got mine.

  92. DoodlesMom says:

    got mine thanks! $15 for free glasses so worth it. The pair i have now are pretty scratch (from my not taking care of them) and my benefits won’t pay for another pair for another 9 months … only once every 2 years which sucks. i found a frame i liked, and had a copy of my prescription at home, so let’s see if it works! I had no problem with the website.

    There were many frames to choose from, and I picked a similar style to one I have now, so I know they will suit me … will be nice to watch Movies without having to look through the scratches! 😉 Thanks for the tip!

  93. Julie says:

    Thanks so much for posting this. I have ordered contacts and glasses from Clearly Contacts in the past and have been very impressed with the price, service and quality. Amazing deal!

  94. Reality says:

    Ordered my Nike glasses :P! buahaha! 14$ lol best deal eva!

  95. kelly25 says:

    Everything worked for me untill I tried paying the glasses! :s

  96. Heroin says:

    Yay! I missed out last time they offered free glasses, so I’m very happy that I got in on it this time. I picked out my pair yesterday and added them to my cart so I’d be good to go… then forgot until around 4 pm! So lucky that there are still some available.

  97. Amanda says:

    Clearly Contacts just posted this on Facebook

    “Hey Clearly fans! There’s 1,700 free glasses left so if you haven’t participated in our previous giveaways – now’s your chance! Hurry, before they’re all gone!

  98. Cookie says:

    I always miss these offer, saw the post yesterday and went on the site early. I got new prescription shades for $45!!!

  99. Katty says:

    Just got my free-ish pair! Shipping and handling is about $19 but still a very good price of course.

  100. Sally says:

    I wandered in around 8pm and ordered a pair. So nice not to have a huge rush of peoples.

  101. candice says:

    I ordered a pair.. sure hope I like. Really looking forward to May 4th now 🙂 Not a bad deal.. Paid $90 after all said and done(bad eyes!!) but better then paying $400 at a local shop. Is is a big deal if you get the PID off? I was not 100% sure if I did that right..

  102. Heroin says:

    Candice: No, it’s not a big deal (for me anyway). I have 3 pairs of glasses, all with varying PIDs. I don’t notice any difference. It’s mere millimetres.

  103. Mist_ynight says:

    Candice it can make a big difference. The first pair I ordered I messed up the PD and I couldn’t wear the glasses, It was like I had no depth perception. I’m sure if it was a millimeter or two it wouldn’t be too bad but mine was off by 10 or more.


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