Pizza Pizza Canada: Half Smile Pizzas For Only $2 Until May 1st



Pizza Pizza is offering half 10” cheese and pepperoni “smile” pizzas for only $2 until May 1st.  There is a limit of 4 per person.  Proceeds go to great childrens charities such as Sick Kids.

4 responses to “Pizza Pizza Canada: Half Smile Pizzas For Only $2 Until May 1st”

  1. says:

    What a great deal, $2 for half a 10′ pizza, and also a great cause.

  2. GiGi says:

    When I went to Pizza Pizza, they didn’t have smile pizzas that looked like that. They were just offering 2 cheese or pepperoni slices for $2. Still a great deal though.

  3. B says:

    When I went, it was 1 (regular sized) slice for 2 dollars with three pepperoni slices on top. Since it’s for charity, I don’t mind, but come on.

  4. Adam says:

    I stopped by the one in Hamilton on Upper James and they made me 4 fresh ones. They are basically offering half a medium pizza with pepperonis around the edge of the pizza to make it look like a smile. I got 4 of them, what a deal! And you can donate an extra $1 if you’d like!


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