Clorox Wipes $0.50 with Coupon at Zellers (ON)

cloroxIn the Zellers (ON) Oct. 8-14, 2010 flyer, Clorox Wipes are advertised on sale 2/$3. Use your Save $1 on Clorox Wipes coupon from and get it for only $0.50 each. We go through a lot of these in my house so I’ll definitely be taking advantage of this deal.

Click here to view the Zellers (ON) Oct. 8-14, 2010 flyer.

Thanks goes out to cesme77 for posting the Zellers flyer!

7 responses to “Clorox Wipes $0.50 with Coupon at Zellers (ON)”

  1. Stephanie says:

    This looks like a great deal, but I’m so confused. I noticed this on another posting, I just don’t understand how you figure out the discount. Because say I have a single coupon to save $1 on Clorox wipes. Wouldn’t they then be $1 each? How does the discount apply to both items? I thought we didn’t have doubling here..?

  2. Emyk2000 says:

    Either way… great deal! I’ll be picking those up for sure!!

  3. CAD says:

    I have multiple coupons for $1 off clorox wipes to trade. please check my profile. Thanks.

  4. Kim says:

    err I paid .50 too much lol. Stephanie if I am getting it right 2/3.00 makes it 1.50 each use two coupons per clorex makes it .50 each!

  5. AmberLab says:

    Stephanie, it’s not coupon doubling. It depends on how many coupons you have to use. If you only have the one coupon, your math is right. If you have a second coupon, the math of the blogger is right. The best possible deal is usually what is written about.

  6. Stephanie says:

    Ohhh okay. I was starting to wonder about my math skills haha. Thank you!

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