Coca-Cola Canada‘s popular Share a Coke promotion is back starting July 2015! Coca-Cola made a splash in 2013 and 2014 when they first started the program which swipes out the Coca-Cola logo for popular names. If you missed out on the program last time, there’s no need to worry. This time around Coca-Cola is offering more names than before so that you have even more reasons to share! Try to find your own name, or pick up a bottle with a friend or loved one’s name get sharing!
So far there aren’t many details about the program other than it coming back in July 2015. It’s unclear which bottles will have the names, but based on the promotional pictures and what the program offered the last time around, it’s likely to be offered on the 500mL bottled of Coke, Diet Coke and Coke Zero.
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Or click here to learn more about the Share A Coke Program.