Costco Instant Savings Coupons: March 29 – April 3, 2010

Here are this week’s Costco instant savings coupons. I basically look at these and decide whether or not I’m gonna make the trip down to Costco. Hopefully one day soon Costco will make it a nationwide sale instead of having two different Eastern and Western sales.





Great deal on razors in both East and West. Although I wish the Cracker Barrel cheese is on sale in the East too.

Thanks for the posts couponlady!

3 responses to “Costco Instant Savings Coupons: March 29 – April 3, 2010”

  1. twinmommy says:

    I definitely agree about the Cracker Barrel! That would have got me to Costco this week for sure!

  2. Abby says:

    Me too!

  3. Shadyman says:

    Don’t forget about the bike trailer that’s on sale, too. It’s listed in the coupon book.


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