Costco Wholesale Canada Boxing Week 2014 Instant Savings Handouts Flyers For Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Provinces, December 22, 2014 – January 4, 2015

Costco Wholesale warehouses in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic provinces.Costco Canada Wholesale warehouses in Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic provinces.Costco Canada has released their new instant sav­ings hand­outs fly­ers avail­able at all Costco whole­sale ware­houses in Ontario, Que­bec and Atlantic provinces!

These Costco instant hand­outs are valid in-store for 2 weeks from today, Monday, December 22, 2014 until Sunday, January 4, 2015. Costco dis­count will be auto­mat­i­cally added when you pur­chase any of these items at Costco Canada stores.

Plus, you can enjoy 2 savings coupons for 2 freebies at these new Costco Canada instant sav­ings hand­outs:

  • Buy one Finish Jet Dry ultra rinse agent (946 ml) and Get one FREE!
  • Buy one Woolite complete liquid laundry detergent (75 washloads) and Get one FREE!
  • Only Costco mem­bers may use these instant sav­ings hand­outs. Costco dis­count will be auto­mat­i­cally added when you pur­chase any of these items at Costco Canada stores.

Only Costco members in good standing may use these instant savings hand­outs.

Click here to view all Costco Canada instant hand­outs fly­ers.

One response to “Costco Wholesale Canada Boxing Week 2014 Instant Savings Handouts Flyers For Ontario, Quebec & Atlantic Provinces, December 22, 2014 – January 4, 2015”

  1. BHL says:

    Learning experience: Be sure you get the Handout at the door if you want to get the BOGO Jet Dry and/or Woolite. Unlike all the other offers which are automatic, those are different. I didnt have the handout and it didnt ring up as a BOGO. The cashier will have to scan the bar code on the coupon for the BOGO to activate. I had to get mine corrected after the fact.


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