Crazy Deals At Folica On Hair Flat Iron Sets ONLY HOURS LEFT Ships To Canada + Discount Coupon Code


There are some crazy cheap deals over at  They have flat iron bonus sets for well under $100. Some of these straightners are top rated and list for over $200 for the iron alone.  I also found a $25 off code.  Simply enter “APRIL25” at checkout.  Shipping is $19.99 to Canada, but the great discount code makes up for it.  I figure even if I get charged duty, I am still laughing because this one Sedu straightner alone is super expensive in Canada.  I wish my friend was up still, because shes been in the market for  a new flat iron.

Click here to check out the Spring Set Sale with savings of up to 80%.  The sale ends at 3am Est. tonight.

2 responses to “Crazy Deals At Folica On Hair Flat Iron Sets ONLY HOURS LEFT Ships To Canada + Discount Coupon Code”

  1. Daria G says:

    Amazing, thank you! I was just today thinking about buying a new straightner since my Chi has recently started failing me after 4 years of great service. I was just going to buy another Chi, but I guess I’ll give this new one atry. I just bought the Sedu Revolution set. Thanks for the discount code!!

  2. Shopoholic says:

    Sale over! 🙁


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