This week, until January the 22nd, Fortinos Ontario has Cavendish premium fries on sale for $1.99. There is a printable coupon that is still available for these, valid for $1 off the purchase of the fries. Use this coupon that can be found by clicking the link below, and pay just 99 cents a bag for every coupon that you have.
You may have also requested this coupon by mail a short while back, so you may not need to print it. There was also a 75 cent tear pad coupon out not long ago, so you could check if you have that one as well. Since the McCain Superfries coupon expired at the end of 2019, this is the best deal you will find on premium fries at the moment. The “Drive-Thru” variety of the Cavendish fries I actually prefer to the McCain Superfries, because they are pretty close in taste in McDonald’s fries.
Click here to view this offer in the Fortinos Ontario flyer.
Click here to print your coupon for $1 off the purchase of Cavendish fries.