FREE Asus Eee PC 2G Surf Laptop from RBC!

Free Asus Eee PC 2G Surf Laptop from RBC!

Thanks Cloudie for suggesting this deal.

RBC is having a promotion similar to TD Bank’s iPod promo last year, except that the freebie is a laptop, not an iPod.

Open an RBC Signature No Limit Banking account and get a free Asus Eee PC 2G Surf Laptop from RBC.

Qualifying Steps:

Open a new RBC Signature No Limit Banking  account or RBC VIP Banking account between May 1 and September 12, 2008 and complete the following steps by October 31, 2008.

  1. Use CustomSwitch to transfer your account balance and any pre-authorized payments from another Canadian financial institution.
  2. Transfer or set up at least two pre-authorized payments from your new account.
  3. Transfer your automated payroll direct deposit or monthly pension direct deposit to your new account. If you don’t have an automated payroll deposit, they can discuss other options.
  4. Select paperless statement option on your new account.
  5. Pay at least one bill through RBC Royal Bank Online Banking from your new account.

Once you qualify

RBC will contact you via mail at the address in their files when you have met all of the required criteria. A confirmation number will be provided for you to confirm your shipping address and language of choice.

You must keep your account open until at least December 2008

Evaluation of this Promo

For a signature account there is a monthly charge of $13.95.

Let’s say you sign up immediately in May. You must keep your account open until at least December 2008. That’s 8 months.  i.e. $13.95 x 8 months = $112

The Asus Eee PC currently costs $299. You’ll end up paying $112 for it instead which is an awesome deal. Of course the whole process is a pain and a waste of time and if you value your time you may decide against it.

Click here for more details on this RBC Free Asus Eee PC Laptop

20 responses to “FREE Asus Eee PC 2G Surf Laptop from RBC!”

  1. Glen says:

    6. The deed to your house.

    7. Your first born child.

  2. willowsprite says:

    “Give us your money and we’ll keep it for you but we’ll charge you and give you no interest at the same time! Then we’ll throw in a tiny laptop that we got for a dime a dozen!”
    (Ok, they might be good…I have no idea…lol)

  3. Jonathan says:

    Wow, that’s a retarded bad deal. Give me an Eee PC 900 and I might consider it.

  4. Alex says:

    It would seem like there is a lot of inconenience just to get a gift. I suppose it is ok if you were going to do it anyway. I think I will pass on this one.

  5. Andy says:

    That’s only a deal if YOU have value for that piece of crap.

  6. Young Freebie says:

    If you guys don’t like it, then send it my way. I need three of these suckers (the Eee machines, not the flamers) to replace an badly aging laptop that runs as my sister’s PC, to replace my alarm clock, and one just to tweak with. This goes to anyone, I’ll pay the shipping as well.

    Of course, if you want, you could also sell it on eBay, these things go like hotcakes, $400 isn’t unheard of it seems, from a friend’s report.

  7. Chill says:

    This is open to existing customers too as long as you open the new account. If you already have a lot of the requirements done with them, then I say go for it.

    Also, if you qualify for the multi-product discount that you only pay $10 per month instead of $14 for the account.

  8. maksik says:

    amaizing portable laptop! I am actually going to CanadaComputers tomorrow to get myself one. Sooo Excited!!! =^_^=

  9. RJ says:

    I just called the RBC phone number for further details, this is open to existing customers as well… I just switched from my $10.95 unlimited debit account type to this one ($3/month more), and with my already pre-authorized 2 payments, plus continuing to do my online banking and having my cheque already setup for direct deposit.. I’m getting a $300 laptop for $24.

    Thanks very much for pointing this offer out, if only for folks like me!

  10. Kelly says:

    Hey…I went downtown today to RBC, this promo is so new they really didn’t know much about it. She went to her manager to get answers to my questions. I was told that since I was a current client to RBC that I could enter a draw to win a Eee PC. THAT IS NOT HOW I UNDERSTOOD THE LITTLE FLYER SHE GAVE ME. I left with her telling me to call the number listed. Waste of time going there, should have stayed home and called. …..Okay tried to call while writing this post and my phone (an internet phone) would not dial though…Argh…will use my cell after 6pm. I thought this would be a nice little unit for my step-daughter to use in the car to play games or watch movies on instead of my laptop.

    Will keep you posted.
    Kelly of Kingston

  11. Kelly says:

    Qualifying Criteria

    I already have a banking account with RBC Royal Bank®. Can I still qualify to receive the PC?

    If you have an RBC Day to Day Banking account or an RBC No Limit Banking account, you can still qualify to receive the PC by upgrading to the RBC Signature No Limit Banking™ or the RBC VIP Banking® account and complete the qualification criteria may also receive a Eee PC.

    If I open two accounts or a joint account, will I receive 2 PC’s?

    Only one Eee PC will be awarded per client and/or per account. If you opened a joint account, the Eee PC will be sent to the primary account holder only.

    My husband is an employee of RBC®, can I still qualify for the Free PC?

    Yes, as long as you are not an RBC staff member and are the primary owner of a new RBC Signature No Limit Banking or RBC VIP Banking account. You will still need to complete all the qualifying criteria.

    My employer does not use automated payroll deposit, can I still qualify for the PC?

    If you do not have an automated payroll or pension direct deposit, you can qualify if you have an eligible RBC Rewards® or RBC Specialty Rewards Visa* card and an eligible Royal Bank® investment with a minimum value of $2,500. If you currently do not have these products, you can open them at any RBC branch. For all new Visa card applications, our normal credit criteria apply.

    What is CustomSwitch?

    CustomSwitch® is the simple and easy way to transfer your pre-authorized payments (PAP), and balance from your account at another financial institution to RBC Royal Bank, at no cost to you.

    What is a pre-authorized payment?

    Pre-authorized payments are scheduled payments that you have initiated from your bank account. They are the same amount each month, paid out on the same day, to the same company. For example, if you pay property taxes, you can schedule them as pre-authorized payments so that the same amount is taken each month from your account and paid to the city or town that you live in. Pre-authorized payments are perfect for any monthly bills that are usually a set amount and due on the same date each month. Most billers accept this service. Please check the front or back of your billing statement to determine if this is the case, or contact your biller directly.

    Why do I have to use CustomSwitch to switch my account from another financial institution?

    We want to make it easier for you to switch your account from another financial institution to us. We can help coordinate the transfer of your account balance, pre-authorized payment and direct deposits to your new RBC account and arrange for your old account to be closed.

    I’m a student. Can I qualify to receive the PC?

    Yes. For legal reasons, you need to be at least age 19 to qualify. You will need to meet all the other required criteria.

    Can I qualify for the PC and for your MultiProduct Rebate?

    Yes. The MultiProduct Rebate is unique to RBC and it automatically gives you a rebate on your account as long as you have all the qualifying products. It’s our way of making customers feel appreciated for their business with us.

    This helps clarify some issues for me.
    I am still gonna call this evening.
    Kelly from Kingston

  12. ilesanmi ebenezer says:

    i will like if u can send me laptop so i can further my education in Nigeria,thanks i am happy
    ilesanmi ebenezer
    16 dele ojo street,
    ondo state

  13. Kristine says:

    Hi, I just called the Royal Bank, and it is not a problem to upgrade chequing account to qualify for the deal – however, they said that I would have to wait until the promotion is over in October to receive the eee pc, so I wouldn’t receive it until close to Christmas. However, she said that if I went into my local branch and talked to them directly, I might be able to get one earlier…. has anyone else had a similar experience or been given an idea as to when they might expect to receive their eee pc??

  14. RJ says:

    I just called to confirm I had fulfilled all requirements (phone number listed on RBC site: 1-866-756-1110). Agent was quick at verifying eligibility and confirmed that I should have the Eee PC in hand within 10-12 weeks of completing my eligibility requirements. So I expect that by mid August I should have received it.

    I had also received a bit of confusing/conflicting information when I called the number on May 4th, though was told that it was very new promotion so they hadn’t received all information. After all, we went through criteria to confirm that each item would be fulfilled simply by continuing my day-to-day banking as previous, with only change being chequing account type. If and when I get my email from them, I’ll come back and post an update.

  15. Kristine says:

    After all the confusion over the phone, I went into my branch and talked with an account manager. He said that after talking with some people at the head office about the offer that he felt that unless I actually made the switch from another account at another bank, it wouldn’t trigger the ‘Custom Switch’ which is the trigger for the eee pc. I know this seems contradictory, but obviously, they want to target those people that would be new customers… let us know if/when you recieve that email!

  16. RJ says:

    Alright, I have new information about the offer…

    The first batch of users have been sent their letter as of June 11th, so should be receiving something in the mail any day now, new updates will be done every 1-2 weeks. I visited my local branch, who didn’t know much about the promo, so called the info number to confirm any questions I had (do insurance and loan payments constitute “pre-authorized payment”, is a switch from “any” other account type to the “RBC Signature No Limit Banking” qualified). Furthermore, I asked whether they intend to have a “flag” on accounts that have qualified and been sent the promo offer, to which I was told it is highly likely, though not yet in effect.

    I am especially anxious to hear any news about this as I will be moving July 1st, and don’t want to miss out over mail delivery problems.

  17. Evel says:

    I phoned the RBC today. Was told my letter was mailed on the 14th of July so I should have it shortly.

    Has anyone actually received a PC yet?

  18. happy says:

    im getting a free comp woooooooooooo

  19. RJ says:

    Just called RBC customer service (promotion phone number is no longer in service), was told I had been sent a letter on July 7th, though I never received it. The guy gave me the info that was in the letter, I confirmed my address online with him on the line, just in case. There’s a warning that it will take up to 6 weeks to be shipped, was told they ran out and ordered enough to cover everyone who fulfilled promotional requirements. Point here is that if you think you deserve it but haven’t heard anything… Call them to inquire further, they can check your status easily now and can even go so far as to get the PIN for you so you can confirm your shipping online, etc. It’s all over as of the 31st of October, so act quickly.

  20. Kanu Rao says:

    Thank you for one more greet post. Keep up the good work. Conversion Prophet


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