This Just In!…Bottles of Gillette Shampoo have been spotted in the clearance section of Rexall/Pharmaplus for $1.96. With the 2$ off any Gillette Personal Cleansing Product coupon from, this makes it 21 cents a bottle after tax.
I personally saw it in the clearance section at 2 different locations yesterday, and it has also been spotted by thriftychick who posted this in the Deals section, so keep your eyes peeled!
This is also at our Shoppers here for 1.99
OMG I never even clued in that the coupon could be used on Shampoo! lol
Woww….my husnabd will be a happy man if i can score a couple of them…now we just need the coupons:( Anybody trading these?
oh shoot, i dont think i have any of those coupies left…will have to search the house!!!
just remember that rexall locations seem to have different coupon policies, some will let you use coupons on clearance items some wont :(..
This may not work as the $2 can only be deducted from the price of the item before tax and you can’t purchase items for -4 cents.
pharma plus wont except coupons that are over the sale price
I think it depends on the particular Rexall. The one I go to (Don Mills/Finch) are terrific with coupons, even if the coupon is over the value of the item. They just adjust the coupon $$; never had a problem. Plus, the manager and staff are super friendly 🙂
I like this stuff, but it doesnt like me. I get sores on my head when I use this shampoo. 🙁
they are stupid when they don’t take the full coupon value, becuase when they send them in they get totally reimburst (not sure if I spelled that right). I had a coupon once for free coffee that scanned up on sale for $3.49 but the coupon was for $5.00 off. I had a bunch of other stuff so its not like she would have owed me money, BUT they only took $3.49 off for the item price, not the coupon value which is B.S cause I bet you $100 they got $5.00 when they sent the coupon in.