Futureshop.ca is having a 9 days of deals sale starting today. Each day they will reveal a 24 hour or while quantities last deal. Today they are offering a few televisions and a tv stand. Nothing that exciting. Usually with these sales one or two days have a pretty hot deal. Its worth keeping an eye on. If I spot anything this week thats smokin’ I’ll update.
Click here to check out the deal of the day
there was some squealing from Bub’s DH upon seeing this … lol
OMGawd…Go on the site…Type in the question box where its says ” Ask as Epert” -Can you take off your Clothes? Watch what happens! LMAO!! PG13
I bought dryer & washer in futureshop langley, BC.
that was boxingday.
Yesterday they come to my home and try to install what I bought futureshop in boxingday, last year.
I have too long story, between boxingday and yesterday.
long time is short, finally,
they didn’t conect power,
they didn’t put pan on the buttom of washer.
they didn’t tide water drain hose.
they didn’t install 100% my dry and washer!!
hey guys what I can do??
Anyone know what the March 8th and March 9th deals were? I missed them. 🙁
March 8 was 32″ LCD TV, March 9 was a laptop