The Casio WK6500 76-Key Electric Keyboard is on sale for $149 at Future Shop (regular price $199). This keyboard usually retails for $300+ so it’s definitely a great price. The keyboard is sold out at Future Shop online but is still in-stock at many local Future Shop stores. I strongly recommend you give your local Future Shop a …Read More
Click here to view the full Future Shop Boxing Day flyer for 2013 (Full Boxing Week Sales & Deals) For French version of Future Shop Boxing Day flyer 2013 click here
Shot at Future Shop today and receive up to $50 off select iPads! The iPads are limited quantity and limited 1 per house so act quick and get this sale today only! You can purchase an iPad on for up to $50 off, or pick one up at your closest Future Shop location. If …Read More
Here’s a controversial deal in Future Shop and Best Buy Canada’s November 22 – 28, 2013 flyers. Trade your old but working iPad 2 or later and get a minimum $200 gift card. iPad must be in good physical condition. Although the flyer says you can use the gift card to purchase an iPad Air, you …Read More
Future Shop and Best Buy recently started accepting PayPal for online purchases and Future Shop have come out with a great promotion. Get up to $25 cash back when you use PayPal by August 29th. $10.00 CAD cash back on any purchase of $100-$249.99 $25 cash back on any purchase of $250 or …Read More
Now through April 25th, trade in electronics and other items for savings at Future Shop SAVE $50 on any Toshiba laptop, Apple MacBook, and on a huge selection of HP and Lenovo laptops when you trade in your old computer. Offer valid on all HP laptops over $599. SAVE up to $100 on HP Desktops …Read More
Some workers were laid off as of last Friday, others showed up to work today to find notices on the door that the Best Buy or Future Shop location they worked at was now closed. The Best Buy stores that are now closed or will close soon are: Queensborough Nanaimo Victoria Langford (Westshore Town Centre) …Read More
Future Shop wants to unload some of their clearance items. Spend $100 take $10 off Spend $200 take $20 off Spend $500 take $50 off Discounts are applied at checkout. Offer is valid online only. Shipping is free on orders over $20. Click here to shop at is having a clearance on a huge selection of New and Used games. I really mean huge, almost 92 pages of stuff in their clearance shop. I sorted through a bit to find some good bargains on good games. EA NHL ’09 (PS3) $4.97 Rouge Warrior (360) $8.97 Fight Night Round 3 (360) $9.97 …Read More
If you’re planning to buy a Sony Playstation 3 soon this deal from Future Shop is excellent! This Future shop bundle includes: PlayStation 3 320GB with one wireless controller Gran Turismo 5 (game) Batman: Arkham Asylum (game) Uncharted 2 (game) ModNation Racers (game) Alice in Wonderland (blu-ray movie) Blu-ray Remote control It is on sale …Read More
At Future Shop but in store only, trade in your old MP3 player (any piece of junk you have) and get $50 off any iPod Touch. That’s not a bad deal considering that iPod Touches almost never go on sale. So if you’re in the market for an iPod Touch that’s your best deal. This …Read More is having a 9 days of deals sale starting today. Each day they will reveal a 24 hour or while quantities last deal. Today they are offering a few televisions and a tv stand. Nothing that exciting. Usually with these sales one or two days have a pretty hot deal. Its worth keeping an …Read More
Click here to read the Futureshop Boxing Day flyer Click here for other Boxing Day Canada flyers and deals
I thought if would be a good idea with the holiday shopping season in full force to list the stores online or box, that will price match items if you find it advertised cheaper elsewhere. Some offer the full difference and 5-10% on top of that. Each have their own conditions and generally are found …Read More