GAP Stores are offering a great incentive to shop today: Shop Early, Save More! Check out the discounts below
Enter coupon code: GAPLOVE at checkout and save:
- 35% off today Sept 19th
- 30% off Sept 20th
- 25% off Sept 21st
- 20% off Sept 22nd
or print this page and present to cashier for the same discount
Happy shopping everyone!
This isn’t working for me, anyone else have the same problem? I tried buying a toddler coat on the gap website, used ‘GAPLOVE’ and nothin happened
Mandyfgsf – It says on the e-mail “Not valid for kid or baby warmest outerwear.” That’s probably why it didn’t work. The only other exclusion I can see is leather and suede. HTH
ooooh ok, I didn’t open the coupon (because I wanted to use it online) I just entered the code given on the blog.