Books Versus Ebooks Canada, A Price Sample

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I recently received a Kobo Touch eReader as a birthday present and I was ecstatic to get it.  Having the ability to read and carry such a wide variety of books on the go was really exciting for me.

The Kobo Touch has a number of features I was into beyond just books; it can read comics, do some web browsing and has built in Wifi.  Given these features the idea of having an eReader is not solely about the price of the materials you buy for it but it can be a consideration.  With that in mind I decided to take a random sampling of current best selling books according to the Globe and Mail, and price them in store and on Kobo books.

You are welcome to try the same with your favorite bookstore (Kindle, Smashwords, etc.) and I would love to hear the results.

For my price comparison here are the books I went with:

  • The Help, by Kathryn Stockett
  • Kill Me If You Can, by James Patterson and Marshall Karp
  • The Race, by Clive Cussler and Justin Scott
  • A Dance With Dragons, by George R.R. Martin
  • Secret Daughter, by Shilpi Somaya Gowda
  • Flash and Bones, by Kathy Reichs
  • Before I go to Sleep, S.J. Watson
  • State of Wonder, Ann Patchett
  • Heaven is For Real, Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent
  • Bossypants, Tina Fey
  • The Confession, John Grisham

The reuslts as a grand total for all books

Chapters\Indigo        $143.88

Kobo Books        $131.00

In some cases the price factor is driven up because the book is only available in hardcover right now so you might be able to save if you wait for the paperback.  However, for those that want the immediacy, my sample price total is how much it would cost to get that book now.  Not surprisingly the results favour the eBook but two books, Before I Go to Sleep and State of Wonder were actually more than a dollar higher in price.  A major difference that gave eBooks the was A Dance with Dragons is 10 dollars plus lower in eFormat.

If you find this interesting I might post up another price comparison next month and see if the market is changing.  Perhaps I could price the same books again at that time to and see if it makes a difference to be patient.

Use the comments below to give me your thoughts.

37 responses to “Books Versus Ebooks Canada, A Price Sample”

  1. marie says:

    I do not have an e-reader and do not intend on buying one any time soon.

    Our lives are spent almost entirely in front of screens now and I do not want to add reading to that. To me, reading is something I do to relax away from my computer. I understand their convenience and that it means less paper wasted. However, the e-reader itself is not waste free as I’m certain it creates quite a bit once it’s disposed.

    Also, you cannot lend a book that you purchased on the e-reader (maybe I’m wrong on this?) like you can lend out physical books. Personally, I lend and borrow books with friends and family. Maybe I’m too much of an old fashioned person even if I’m young, but I love re-reading my old books and seeing the wear and tear and notes in them. I love buying used books and seeing the name of who had them before me on the first page.

    I understand that if you want to read new releases only right when they come out, buying them on the e-reader might be cheaper. But if you read a wider range of books, you can easily find them at the library, from friends, or used for cheaper.

  2. Sally_ says:

    Or if you dl the free program Calibre and somehow the ebook lands on your lap for free the cost goes to nil…..

  3. mupiel says:

    @marie another nice thing about the Kobo and other readers is they work with the library too. I have already “borrowed” two ebooks from my local library. Plus having it doesn’t restrict me from getting books from my friends or reading books I already own in standard format. It’s a great addition to a pastime I love.

    Thanks for your input!

    @Sally with the Kobo I find most formats don’t require Calibre and if there is an author I really like I make sure I get them some renumeration for their work.

  4. Sally says:

    Of course Mupiel, I have hundreds of boooks I paid for 🙂

  5. Chirssy says:

    I have been looking at buying one just haven’t figured out which ones are worth the money and all. Like right now at Walmart they have a e reader for 60 bucks just don’t know if it is worth it. I can’t seem to figure out which one is better.

  6. cathy says:

    Kobo uses epub, though, so you aren’t limited to one bookstore. You can do more shopping around to find better prices or sales. Kobo (and any other ereader or device like an ipod app that supports epub) can be used for public library ebooks as well.

    I have a Sony which supports a lot more formats than Kobo, so I find the reader handy for other things as well. I’ve kept lists on my reader of series that I own so I wasn’t buying duplicates, I’ve copied recipes off of the internet and loaded them to the reader so I could use them in the kitchen and even travel with them when visiting relatives. It also offers a lot more flexibility in stores and pricing.

    I do recommend downloading Calibre, though, as it is handy if you want to convert anything to put on the Kobo. I use to it convert my non-DRM Amazon ebooks to epub.

    Also, if you are in the habit of lending your books, avoid buying through Kobo or Amazon (if you have a Kindle.) If you buy the book at many other online stores then the book is just a file that you can email to someone to lend – it isn’t tied to your particular device. My rule for this is to only do this for friends I trust to return a paper book because I ask that they delete the file when they are done reading it. I don’t lend books to many people, though, so I feel comfortable doing it. If you’re a stickler for the rules, be aware that this is an ebook no no, however.

    Kindle will let you lend a book once.

  7. mupiel says:

    @chrissy maybe I should write up an eBook comparison!

  8. Sabrina says:

    I love my Kobo, I still have to original non-wifi version but haven’t really been put off it’s “inaccessibility” yet. I’m holding out, thinking maybe Kobo will put out a colour-touch version but in the meantime i love mine. I use it for so much more then just reading…i upload my grocery list to it as a PDF, same with my menu for the week so it’ always in my hand and i don’t have to use paper. more and more we will see this technology pop up, and although it seems like we’re constantly plugged in, if we can do even a little good by not using paper to pring thousands of books that won’t necessarily get read…then maybe it’s a little sacrifice we need to make. 🙂

  9. cathy says:

    I find the MobileRead forum really useful. (I don’t know if we can do links, but it’s an easy find through Google.) They have threads set up for each ereader model for tips and troubleshooting, and they have guides for picking which reader is best for you.

  10. Anisa says:

    I have had a Kobo first generation for over a year now and I love it! Not only do i save a ton of money reading the free books, and the .99 books, I have found new authors I love, and find the Kobo super convenient to use! I love mine so much I have talked almost all of my reader friends into getting one! My pages don’t blow in the wind, it’s not heavy and awkward to read hardcovers in bed, and I never lose my page! The anti-glare screen is as easy on the eyes as a regular book. LOVE IT!

  11. Kara says:

    I love my Kobo touch. I haven’t bought any books because I borrow from the library. It does suck that the books are pretty much the same price as a paper book.

  12. Eric says:

    Perhaps I’m weird but there’s just something about the feel and smell of a book that just cannot be replicated with e-readers. THAT is one of the reasons I’ll stick with good ‘ol paper… well, until they decide everything has to be digital.

  13. Annatree says:

    I have have my kobo for about 9months and I love it. I find that I save buying books as my library have tons of e-books for loan.

  14. drpepperslurpee says:

    I have had an ereader for several years now. It does not replace books for me – I still much prefer the feel and experience of read paper books. However, for travelling, an ereader can not be beat. I originally bought my ereader before a month long trip through SE Asia, and it allowed me to keep 100+ books in my purse with me!

    I have Inkmesh on my Facebook feed, and it keeps me up to date on the latest free ebooks that are available. Some of the free selections are utter garbage, but I have read some great ones.

  15. Dotty dot dot says:

    I’m curious of 2.5 things:

    1. At what point does the financial investment in an e-reader pay off (literally). The books in your example may have been similar in price, but you didn’t add the cost of the e-reader (from what I saw), which would have demonstrated a more significant price difference between the two.

    2. Does anyone read from an iPad? I received an iPad2 for a graduation present, and I notice that it has a “bookshelf”, so I could use it as a reader. Any tips/advice from anyone.

    2.5 Related to my question above, what’s better: an iPad or an e-reader for reading books?


  16. cathy says:


    1) I got my reader 3 1/2 years ago – it was about $350. It was paid for before the first year was up between discounts and legal, free ebooks.

    2) I don’t have an ipad, but I read on my Touch. I thought I’d have problems with the backlight (reading ebooks on my computer definitely causes eyestrain for me) but haven’t had any problems so far. The only problem I have with the Touch (that you won’t have with the ipad) is I flip pages a lot more. I do like being able to curl up in bed with the lights off for some pre-bedtime reading on the Touch though. That’s handy.

    2.5) That’s really going to depend on your eyes. E-ink is like reading the printed page. I don’t know of anyone who has had eyestrain problems. If you’re okay with staring at the ipad for hours (or however long you read at a time) then I’d say stick with the ipad. Ereaders are fantastic as single use devices and I definitely recommend them, but if you’re carrying around an ipad anyway you might get gadget weary. I find when I’m out and about it’s easier to just bring my Touch (for music and reading) and my phone and leave the ereader at home. You also have the advantage of multiple apps. While some people find it annoying to have their books in too many places, I use the Kindle app to read cheap (and not always available in print) books from Amazon and the iBook app for everything else. The Kobo app is annoying as it tends to track you too much (congratulations! You win the late night reading award! gah.) You can also download the Overdrive app to borrow books (audio and print) from your public library.

    Sorry for being so wordy, but it’s a complex question. 🙂

    Also, when people were making the switch from vhs to dvd I used to tell them, “you don’t have to throw away your tapes just because you bought a dvd player!” Same argument applies to books – I buy a lot of ebooks, but my favorite authors still get the paper treatment. You do get to read both. 🙂

  17. Dotty dot dot says:

    Thanks for that great feedback Cathy!

  18. Elle says:

    For those who are new to ebooks, just wanted to clarify this is not accurate, cathy.

    Also, if you are in the habit of lending your books, avoid buying through Kobo or Amazon (if you have a Kindle.) If you buy the book at many other online stores then the book is just a file that you can email to someone to lend – it isn’t tied to your particular device.

    You might want to say what publishers/stores/genres you buy from that sell non-DRM files you can email, because for a lot of (the majority?) of fiction, particularly popular fiction/bestseller list, that is not the case. There would be DRM no matter the retailer. Besides Amazon and Kobo – Booksonboard, Diesel, Sony store, Barnes & Noble, all sell DRM files.

  19. star says:

    I have a Kobo ereader and I absolutely love it! I love the E-ink technology and being able to read on it for hours just as I would with a regular book. For me I like to use my Kobo mostly for reading older books that I can’t find in paper format, only ebook format. While I love my Kobo and I think it has some great uses, I would never ever, EVER give up my paper books! Holding an actual book in my hand and reading a great story is one of my most favourite things in the world. I could never give that up. Also, I sort of feel like I own a book more and that i’ve gotten my money’s worth more when I have a physical copy of a book rather than an electronic version.

    Great blog post mupiel!

  20. melatomica says:

    I went with your list and added up the total on Amazon (I have a Kindle).

    The Help, by Kathryn Stockett $12.68
    Kill Me If You Can, by James Patterson and Marshall Karp $12.99
    The Race, by Clive Cussler and Justin Scott $18.45
    A Dance With Dragons, by George R.R. Martin $9.99
    Secret Daughter, by Shilpi Somaya Gowda $11.45
    Flash and Bones, by Kathy Reichs $17.52
    Before I go to Sleep, S.J. Watson $17.22
    State of Wonder, Ann Patchett $13.77
    Heaven is For Real, Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent $4.98
    Bossypants, Tina Fey $12.99
    The Confession, John Grisham $6.12
    TOTAL: $138.16 US

    That honestly kind of surprised me that Kobo eBooks would somehow be cheaper. I still love my kindle <3

  21. Catherine says:

    I am technologically challenged, but I do have a KOBO Touch. I’m just wondering how ‘borrowing’ a book from your local library works? I have no idea how to do that. Any help would be appreciated. If anyone can tell me where to find directions or how to do this please pm me. Thanks!

  22. mupiel says:

    @melatomica it all still ends up in the same range though so I suspect the publishers know how to flex the deals so that there isn’t too much profit lost one place (format?) or another.

  23. cathy says:

    Elle: The important part for lending is the “not tied to a device” idea. If you go to say… All Romance Ebooks and purchase a book, it is a downloadable file that you can open on any device that supports that format. So I can read it on my reader, ipod and computer. I can also email it to someone and they can open the file as long as they have the proper software (I have emailed books to my work computer with no problems, for example.) When you buy from say, Amazon, the file is tied to your account and cannot be opened by an unauthorized device.

    There are several ways that DRM can protect a file and generally I prefer to only buy books that are protected against format changes (like changing an epub to pdf for example) rather than tying the book to a certain device. That’s why when I buy books from Amazon I only get the cheap or free titles and back them up right away on my computer. I’ve had problems with Amazon files not opening on my pc because I already have my laptop and ipod authorized for that account. (Publishers are the ones who get to decide how many devices a book will work on, if the text to speech option will work and how many downloads you get. Amazon doesn’t give you all of that information when you purchase a book.)

    That is part of the reason I advise people against a Kindle when they ask me. If your Kindle breaks and you decide you want to switch to a Sony or Kobo? You have to go through a TON of bother because not only do you need to convert all of your Kindle books to epub, but you have to go through the pain of breaking the DRM on the non-convertable books first. IF you know how and IF you don’t care that the publishers don’t want you to do it.

    And there are a ton of Amazon horror stories out there if you pay attention. The latest one I read about is a guy who had his account hacked, and Amazon shut it down. Since he didn’t back his books up to his computer, he lost all of his Kindle books. Amazon gave him a gift card to cover rebuying them but he didn’t have a list of his library anywhere.

    Gosh, it sounds like I’m anti-ebook, doesn’t it? I love ebooks, but you should do your homework before deciding on a reader and diving in. There are pros and cons to everything.

    And always, ALWAYS back up your books onto your computer. Never trust an online bookstore to value your access to your books more than you do!

  24. Digi says:

    I have a Sony, and I LOVE it.
    I used my iPod Touch before, but having to flip sooo many times, and the short battery life (because I read quite a fair bit) made an eReader the better choice, for me.
    It looks exactly like a real book, which means I can read it in the sun (that’s a pro, over the iPod, lol). I can even fit it into my purse! And I carry a small-medium sized one. It’s not even as thick as my wallet!

    I just download and convert to ePub, if needed.

  25. Cheryl says:

    I’ve waited a long time to quote this…but it says it all. A brilliant man, Richard Stallman, with a refreshing, unassailable perspective on ebooks and the marketing force that has had us give up our rights.

    We should not do what they have in mind for us. E-books today deny the reader some of the legal rights and options that readers traditionally have:

    – The right to obtain a book anonymously, paying cash.
    – The right to give, lend, or sell the book to someone else.
    – The right to keep a book for any length of time.

    I will never use an e-book that fails to respect these rights, and I hope you will join me in defending readers’ freedom. For more info, see my story, The Right to Read, and Amazon’s Kindle Swindle.
    Dr Richard Stallman, President, Free Software Foundation, Boston, Massachusetts

    (taken from the very last entry here:

  26. Megan says:

    @ Catherine Some libraries have on their sites an e-book selection – I know Both Toronto & Oshawa have this. For Toronto – there’s a link on the home page “downloads and ebooks”. You may need another program (I use adobe digital editions) to transfer a library book onto your KOBO

  27. cathy says:

    Okay, gosh. One more thing before I leave everyone alone, but at least this is on topic for a saver site. I work in a bookstore on the weekend and the university crowd pleading for odd, out of print editions of classic novels their professors picked out years ago has been driving me nuts, and I’m told that this might not be common knowledge.

    Project Gutenberg: totally free, totally legal out of copyright ebooks. All those classic novels you need for school, or just because you like Dickens, Austen, Bronte, etc. Available in a variety of formats, for most, if not all ereaders. I think they also do audio, though that might be a different site.

  28. Mist_ynight says:

    I love my Kindle for a few reasons,
    – I love the fact that I can finish one book and in minutes I have another one downloaded. I have the 3G so I can download pretty much anywhere.
    – I have found some really good cheap books that I probably would never have found.
    – I love that I can listen to music while reading, or pop on the internet. The web browser is pretty basic but I can check my hotmail and facebook on it.
    – It’s the perfect way to read while travelling, I can load it up with books and it doesn’t take up precious luggage weight.
    – I have the Kindle app on my iPhone and it syncs with my kindle so I’m always at the exact spot I left off no matter which device I’m reading on.
    – The charge last a really long time.
    – It’s super easy to use.

    I bought my mother a Kobo and I don’t think it is as easy to use, I prefer having the keyboard to type with. She however loves it and it was a lot cheaper then my Kindle.

  29. ashokia says:

    When I switched to my e-reader, I downloaded all my books from a website. I do not feel the least bit guilty about it, because I had previously purchased them all in hardcover form. I used to spend hundreds of dollars a month on books. Now I hardly spend anything.

    I donated half of my books to the bank where I work for the CIBC Run For the Cure Fundraiser. The other half I let my family and friends pick through. It’s amazing how much space I have. I also love being able to go on vacation with my entire library of 1000+ books, and being able to download a book someone recommends right away so I don’t forget about it.

    I don’t know how anyone could say that the ebooks are going to produce more waste? It’s a small device vs a whole forest of trees. I’d rather save a forest than read a book.

  30. Simone says:

    I have an iPhone4 and an iPad,and love them for reading. The iPad is nice because of its size (less pages to turn etc) but the great thing about the phone is that it is with me all the time. If I get stuck waiting for an appointment or to pick up one of the kids etc, I’ve always got something to read. The neat thing, too, is that they are synced, so that wherever I leave off on one device, the other will catch up to that spot.

    I won’t even start on the free apps…

  31. Sarah says:

    I just read an entire book on my new smartphone(borrowed for free from my library!). I’m tellin you I’m hooked. I very much now want a kindle or kobo or something. There’s only one thing that’s holding me back though.

    I really, really, really believe the publishing world needs to be revamped, and get their heads out of whatever century they’re lodged in and breathe some 21st century air. Otherwise physical books will falter, and somebody will swoop in a figure out how to do ebooks better.

    I seriously believe they should offer the option of buying ebooks at a reduced price if the physical book is bought. Or maybe a bundle offer. Like if a book is $28.99 normally, I’d pay in a heartbeat $33.99 for both the physical and ebook bundle.

    I don’t even own a blu-ray player, but everytime a movie I want comes out in a dvd/bluray bundle, I buy it even though its a little more. Or even the Disney movies with the Digital Editions. I’m willing to pay more both for the value I believe I’m getting, and the ease and convenience. Years back, I used to go through so much trouble to rip a dvd I had, just to watch it on the go on my cool new mp3 player with a tiny screen that played video.

    They need to rework their ideas of copyrights, distribution, etc. When I want to buy an ebook, they are leasing me the right to read that book in that particular format, and no others. No matter that the ebook costs them substantially less than a physical book, the price is practically the same. Even libraries pay the same price for an ebook as a physical book. Its ridiculous. If I buy a book, I want to read it however I would like, without having to jump through hoops.

    They need to get streamlined. If there’s some sort of publishing/format/platform wars going on, they need to be won. Music and movies have pretty much settled into the 21st century, and have figured out how to be both profitable and convenient.

  32. Chirssy says:

    Kobo, Kindle, Sony, hip street I am so confused! I dont’ know what would work where and what would be worth the money. I have 2 kids and would love to get this for when I take them to appointments this way I can read to them. But I just don’t have alot of money to spend on one but still want to get a good one.

  33. Michele says:

    I’ve had a Sony eReader for a few years now and do check out eBooks at various times. This eReader is a Touch Screen, but not a colour screen. The one thing I miss with eBooks and regular books is looking at the front cover in colour – and before you ask, no I don’t buy books for the cover, but I do love a colour screen – you don’t see too much of the front cover on a eInk only eReader. So, yes the price is pretty decent for eBooks and one day sooner or later I will upgrade to either a colour eReader or a Tablet and get to see my front covers in all their glory, but I doubt if I will ever stop reading a regular paper and print book. Unless of course you just can’t get them…
    Also, I have a tendency to buy ebooks through US supplies and for some unknown reason, I have lost books bought or even downloaded through copyright problems. At least when you buy a regular book, you have it!

  34. Elle says:

    The important part for lending is the “not tied to a device” idea. If you go to say… All Romance Ebooks and purchase a book, it is a downloadable file that you can open on any device that supports that format.

    Yes, but again I think you should state what genres/authors YOU read as a disclaimer (from the example you gave – romance?), because the bestselling/popular fiction type books listed by mupiel in the post are generally not available DRM-free. For the newbies out there, I feel you are posting misinformation.

    Breaking the DRM is a whole separate issue, but yes it is an option if people want to it.

  35. cathy says:

    I don’t think I’m the one doing people a disservice here. Again, it doesn’t matter WHAT books I’m buying, it depends on WHERE I’m buying the books. I could buy an ebook of The Help at Amazon and have different access issues than the one purchased at Kobo, which will be different than the Fictionwise copy. It is up to people to check a bookstore’s terms and conditions as well as how you are going to be accessing your purchases before you buy. (Though I might point out that as romance is the biggest selling ebook genre going right now the tip about the All Romance site might be handier for people than you think.)

    I can’t tell you the policies and procedures at all of the stores you mentioned above because I don’t shop there. However, as an example:

    Amazon Kindle tells you flat out – the books you buy there will only work on authorized devices linked to your account. There is code added to the ebook file that has your account information and will render the book unusable if it is opened on something not linked to you. (I’ve tested this and it’s true. I can’t read their books through my Kindle software on my pc because it isn’t registered to my account.) You can lend books once if the *publisher* has allowed it and (right now) if you’re in the States. The language is very clear.

    In contrast, the FAQ at Fictionwise is very different. They say that once you download a book it can be loaded on all of your electronic devices – computer, ereader, smartphone, etc. The answer to “Can I lend an ebook” runs along the lines of “no, because that would be making a copy and copying books is bad. If you do it and we find out we’ll be really really angry about it and try to fine you.” The fact that you can make multiple personal copies of it to load on various machines means that there isn’t any protection in the file that limits it to certain devices. The format of the ebook (like epub or pdf) means that you need the right software to read it, but the hardware isn’t an issue. They have no way of telling who owns the hardware reading the book so yes, you could probably email the file to a friend for them to read, you just have to hope that they aren’t going to rat you out to Fictionwise. If you COULDN’T do it, it would be much easier to say (like Amazon) “No, lending doesn’t work.” Many many ebookstores and publishers work this way, but you need to look through their FAQs.

    That said, bookstores aren’t even consistent in their DRM protection. The no lending rule at Amazon? I ran my purchases through Calibre and half of them converted to epub. Presto. Those are now lendable if I so choose. (I actually just wanted to have all my books by the same author in the same app on my Touch.)

    More examples: I have a Sony 505, an iPod Touch with Kindle, Kobo, iBooks and Stanza apps, a pc with Sony software and Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) and a netbook with ADE and Kindle for PC but never linked with Sony or Kobo in any way.

    -A book from the Sony store works on my reader, none of the apps, on my pc through the reader software and on ADE as well as my netbook ADE.

    -An NYT bestseller from Kobo works on my reader, the Kobo app but not the others, on my pc through ADE but I haven’t checked the Sony software. It also loads on my netbook ADE. I emailed a copy to a friend to see if she could open it but she hasn’t gotten back to me yet. She’s a busy person.

    These books sound like the Fictionwise example above. I haven’t linked all of my hardware to my Sony and Kobo accounts, ADE isn’t registered anywhere and even if it was I use different email accounts for purchases. There’s no way for the book file to know who owns the device opening it. Odds are (not definite but) pretty good I could email it to someone and they could open it with ADE. All of the protections on the file are probably only connected to format rather than ownership.

    There’s no absolute yes or no here on what is going work. Fiddle around. Try things. Find a friend to experiment with. Some will work, some won’t but since you should have bought your ebook knowing the terms are against lending, anything that does go through is just icing on the cake. (Or gravy if you’re from Toronto.)

    I’ve really only lent a handful of books to a couple of friends, but they were in epub and pdf formats and from a few different stores with the DRM untouched. I do know that with the exception of the non-converted Kindle books, all of them worked.

  36. Tracy says:

    I bought a Nook Colour when I was in the states earlier this year & it is great! Compared to some other eReaders, the battery life doesn’t last as long & it is heavier but it is really handy to have. It supports a variety of formats so all the books I’ve bought off Kobobooks I can read on it, as well as random ones downloaded for free & the ones I bought from Barnes & Noble. All the ebooks I have are also on my computer, which I was able to share with a friend that has a Kobo eReader.

    One feature that I really like is that I am able to buy kids books (which are in colour) so I can read books on it with my kids. We still read traditional books together but every once in a while it’s fun for them to have that change. They think it’s really cool & like swiping to turn the pages.

    Like someone else, I had MANY paper books that I donated to my local library and now have a lot more space.

    eReaders may not be for everyone, but on a personal level I have been really happy with mine.

  37. Shelly says:

    I have the Kobo e-touch and enjoy reading from it. However what i don’t like is that the majority of authors i read are with publishing houses that do not let you apply a discount code. So i still purchase hard copy books. I would probably purchase more books if i was allowed promo codes.


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