Garnier Tries To Makes It Right After Contest Issues

For those who entered the contest to receive a free sample from Garnier we blogged about here, many members received an email before the contest was over saying they had won the grand prize.

It was clear by just the number of SmartCanucks members that this was an error, many of us received an email stating we had won one of seven $100 Lululemon gift cards and a full size lotion, which is the week 4 prize.

Last night, Garnier sent these ‘winners’ an email stating:

We understand your disappointment and appreciate your patience. In gratitude for your loyalty to Garnier, a voucher for a FREE full-sized (400 ml ) bottle of our new Garnier Body Intensive 7 days will be sent directly to your home within the next two weeks.

Good for them trying to make it right instead of just saying ooops, sorry.

10 responses to “Garnier Tries To Makes It Right After Contest Issues”

  1. Onshopper says:

    It’s always nice to see a company step up when an error happens. I’m looking forward to my coupon.

  2. Natalka says:

    They didn’t just ‘try’ to make it right, they went above and beyond by doing this!
    I, for one, understood it was just a mistake, and surely didn’t expect anything; it’s very generous of them.

  3. Dee09 says:

    I am happy with how they handled this as well. Really happy to get that voucher

  4. FallenPixels says:

    I agree they did more than most, but other companies have faced legal action for their mistakes in contests

  5. annie says:

    I think they did well, I feel many people will throw it back in their face and complain, but obviously this was a mistake!

  6. kerry says:

    Mistakes happen,but I love the way Garnier corrected this.I have a coupon on the way for a free bottle of lotion.

  7. m.mcstravick says:

    garnier is a class act

  8. Gazpache says:

    I’m really impressed. I was a bit disappointed to see I didn’t win, but this MORE than makes up for a momentary twinge of disappointment. I think I’ll be giving the bottle away to a friend but it’s more than generous enough of Garnier to do this!

  9. maribel says:

    Yes I did get one of those emails 🙂
    bummer i isn’t true but they tried to make up for it

  10. Leia says:

    Do they mail the coupon for the free bottle separately? My sample came today, but with a coupon for $1 off.


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