General Mills Canada: Free Beach Towel Promo


Here is another free with purchase promo from General Mills Canada. Enter the PIN from inside specially marked cereal boxes to claim your free limited edition beach towel. Note the fine print please:

Up to a maximum of 350,000 total towels available. Offer good while supplies last or until October 30, 2011, whichever comes first. Towel styles and designs may vary and are subject to availability. General Mills reserves the right to substitute towel if necessary. Towel may not be returned or exchanged. Please allow 8-10 weeks for delivery. Offer has no cash value. Offer available for Canadian shipping addresses only and is limited to a maximum of 10 items per household.

From the website, they show that the participating cereals are Cheerios, Chocolate Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Oatmeal Crisp. I’ll be keeping my eyes peeled for these boxes.

Click here for complete details.

41 responses to “General Mills Canada: Free Beach Towel Promo”

  1. jason says:

    sweet i want the dough boy one lol thanks for the post

  2. Marta says:

    Woo hoo! I already got all 3 vintage t-shirts from Kelloggs.

  3. LovingMyCoupons says:

    I got mine on the FREE box of Fibre1 from that coupon a while ago. FREE cereal AND FREE towel. I <3 it! 🙂

  4. laniesmom says:

    I did the same, LovingMyCoupons! I got 4 boxes…so 4 free towels coming! I find it funny that they’re BEACH towels…but won’t get here until mid-September, though 😛

  5. Someone says:

    Any in ontario? I’ve been looking everywhere!

  6. Corbinx says:

    I can’t decide which one I like best, maybe the plain cheerios one? Unfortunately I don’t have any pins yet and I’m not sure how much more cereal I want to buy since I stocked up with all the $5 ice cream/skinny cow and other recent coupons. Wish my free cereal had come with a coupon!

  7. ergo2 says:

    I’m in Ontario too and have not seen this?

  8. jthompso says:

    I would love a lucky charms towel – If anyone finds the boxes in Ontario please share the whereabouts.

  9. Folly says:

    The heading says “Genral Mills” which really confused me. You’re just missing the “e”. Cute promo, thanks for sharing!

  10. Shay says:

    Can someone please tell me where to find the pin on the chocolate cheerios and the fibre 1 cereal box…I got a few boxes for free with coupons but I can’t seem to find the pin anywhere……is it inside the box somewhere?? Thank You!!

  11. Saving Moola says:

    I hope to find some marked boxes in BC. I’m hoping to get the striped one for myself & probably the Cheerios & Bee ones for DH & DS. I love the T-shirt that I got for DH during the Olympics – it was made of good quality & had the date & score on one side & all the players signature on the other side. He got lots of compliments on that.

  12. carlyincanada says:

    Awesome! Hope to find them in ON soon!! These would be great for our boating season, lol So cute!! I like the dough boy & honey bee!! haha

  13. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Sorry for the misspelling, I got distracted by the pretty towels 🙂 Look, a shiny thing!

  14. hogama says:

    LOVE the dough boy towel!! Super cute!!!

  15. Nikki says:

    Its saying Promo not available?!

  16. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    If the link is not working for you, try

  17. Nancy says:

    Found boxes in Toronto!

  18. YumYumLuver says:

    OMG! I just ordered one towel, the lucky charm towel, it’s pretty and colourful, I’m glad because I’m getting a FREE towel when I really want one and it’s nice 🙂 😀 but unfortunately, it’s coming mid-September but I’m still excited!!

  19. Cathy says:

    I can’t find the cereal boxes with the beach towel in barrie Ontario, has anyone else seen them?

  20. daddy_of_2_girls says:

    i was in there last night and this morning, but there are only 2 yellow one available, does anyone have the same issues?

  21. TJ says:

    The other original link has technical difficulties .

    GM free towel working link below .…Authentication

    Try this link its working

  22. Elle says:

    found codes in BC!!!

  23. TJ says:

    Use the above link ..that’s the only one working right now .

  24. Rekha says:

    I found the cereal boxes at Sobey’s on yonge st and at Loblows, Markham opposite markville mall.

  25. linds says:

    they will not let me select the towel i can not get passed step 2

  26. J.J. says:

    Cannot get into website to order towel.

  27. Beryl says:

    i bought the new fibre 1 brown sugar flavour shredded wheat ,after liking it so much when i got the first free box with your coupon ,however very disappointed that i did not have a pin # to get a free beach towel.

  28. Carolyn Hammel says:

    I found them in Wiarton, Ont. but its not easy to get to where you can actually put in your order. I am going to try the suggestions that several others had as to a working link.

  29. Beverly Johnson says:

    Hello we were at the grocery store and we noticed the Multi-Grain Cheerios on display first time we seen them at this paticular so where we love eating lots of different grains this seemed like the perfect thing to get either for breakfast or just to take to work for a mid morning snack to hold me over til lunch time them we noticed the beach towels so we like the one with the bumblebee from the Honey Nut Cheerio box and commercial. Thank you this will make our grandson very happy as he loves his cheerios as well as the little bee. Beverly Johnson 780 Herring Cove Road Halifax,Nova Scotia B3R 2M5

  30. kerry says:

    I ordered the Pillsbury Dough Boy towel,and if I get another code my 2nd choice would be the Lucky Charms towel..

  31. IRefuseToPayFullPrice says:

    Received my towels today! Yay!

  32. Marta says:

    found the cereal at Loblaws in Etobicoke (East Mall).

  33. Marie McLean says:

    Where do I go to enter the code in order to get my towel?????????
    I am not going to hold my breath but maybe this time I’ll get lucky.
    8 to 10 weeks eh, do you have to make it before sending it?

  34. kiki says:

    People…ONLY the boxes with the label that says “FREE Towel” have the codes INSIDE the box.

    The only website that works is:

    As of today the Doughboy towel is no longer available.
    In the GTA, found boxes in Sobeys (TO) as well as Walmart (Mississauga) and Metro (TO).
    As others have noted, other than the cereals shown in the add I also found them on boxes of Fibre One (Honey Clusters) and Multi-grain Cheerios.
    Today Sobey’s in Leaside (Toronto)had TONS of boxes of Fibre One (Honey Clusters)and Oatmeal Crisp (Maple) but my family hates those flavours so I had to pass on those and a found another one on a box of Cheerios.

  35. kerry says:

    The offer is now over,as I just tried to put in a new code.All 350,000 towels are gone.I have already received my Doughboy towel,and am waiting for a second one,I managed to get within the time limit ,the Lucky Charms towel…I didn’t even buy the cereal,my aunt upstairs,uses Cheerios and didn’t want the towels….

  36. Mel says:

    I order 3 towels they are the same the one with the bee. The shipping was very fast. Very impressed with the shipping. But the towel????? When I get them out I saw the were very thin but that is ok because Its good for the kids. But when i wash them, god they make mess….. In the dryer and on everything you had wash with them. I know they are free but I order a shirt with fruit loop logo on it just before and very good quality. Nothing to say except very happy with it compare to the towel. Maybe eventually they will stop messing up or else they will visit you know where…….

  37. Bad Promos never enough for demand says:

    My kids asked me to buy the cereal because of the promo. This is the second time I’ve gotten shutout by General Mills on their promo. The first time was the shirts they were giving away. It should be illegal to advertise on their boxes and not give away enough stuff to fill demand. The box says this promo goes on into October(or 350,000, whichever comes first)…..huh??? Talk about underestimating demand, are you serious????!

    Sounds like a scam to me! I won’t be buying GM products based on promos anymore…. GM I’ll vote with my pocketbook, shame on you.

  38. Tamara says:

    I have been trying and trying to enter this promo and I get shutout by General Mills to.

  39. Herminia says:

    I have been waiting for this free beach towel for my own personal thing…..

  40. Melissa Buxton says:

    I have 2 pins, there is no were to type them in! Frustrating!

  41. tina nantais says:

    i cant find a spot to enter the pin code for the free towels. can you help pls


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