Thank you for sponsoring Day 9 of Daily Giveaways and it’s a pleasure chit chatting with you Krista 😉
If you did not win but are interested in buying items from Krista has kindly provided us with coupon code GWSSC . This coupon code is good for 10% off all Victorinox Swiss Army products (watches, knives, luggage) and all Point Zero (socks, leggings, tights, legwarmers). The coupon is good for one-time use and is valid from today through November 18th.
Now onto the winner… Click here for video of today’s winner.
The winner is 548 rainy
lucky you! congrats
way to go!!! great win!–actually they are all great, but I have added this site to my repertoire for sure!!
Congrats! Enjoy your win!!
congrats on you win!!!
OMG did I really win??? too cool!
Thank You
Congrats, rainy:)
Way to go Rainy!
Lucky rainy!!!
That was one I really would have wanted to win!
Haha, I just about had a heart attack as I saw my name scroll by 😡
congrats! 🙂
Congrats Rainy… I was hoping for that win… good one!!!
WTG Rainy – enjoy ur prize.
Congrats! Enjoy your gift!
Congrats on your win!
Congrats, rainy.
great prize rainy!
Congrats rainy on the nice win.
who do I wmail now with my address???? can someone help…lol I emailed an address not sure if I was right.