Coupon Codes & SmartCanucks Day 9 Contest Winner

Thank you for sponsoring Day 9 of Daily Giveaways and it’s a pleasure chit chatting with you Krista 😉

If you did not win but are interested in buying items from Krista has kindly provided us with coupon code GWSSC . This coupon code is good for 10% off all Victorinox Swiss Army products (watches, knives, luggage) and all Point Zero (socks, leggings, tights, legwarmers). The coupon is good for one-time use and is valid from today through November 18th.

Now onto the winner… Click here for video of today’s winner.

The winner is 548 rainy

24 responses to “ Coupon Codes & SmartCanucks Day 9 Contest Winner”

  1. Michelle ("Dinglehopper") says:


  2. starrynight8765 says:


  3. spoony says:

    lucky you! congrats

  4. Julie Leeds says:

    way to go!!! great win!–actually they are all great, but I have added this site to my repertoire for sure!!

  5. Rocketgirl says:

    Congrats! Enjoy your win!!

  6. Sneha2008 says:

    congrats on you win!!!

  7. rainy says:

    OMG did I really win??? too cool!

    Thank You

  8. leeda08 says:

    Congrats, rainy:)

  9. Deb says:

    Way to go Rainy!

  10. Natalka says:

    Lucky rainy!!!
    That was one I really would have wanted to win!

  11. Shadyman says:

    Haha, I just about had a heart attack as I saw my name scroll by 😡

  12. Sunraven (Michelle) says:

    congrats! 🙂

  13. Krista Martle says:

    Congrats Rainy… I was hoping for that win… good one!!!

  14. DiamondLil says:

    WTG Rainy – enjoy ur prize.

  15. ivanna_save-alot says:


  16. carlycanadian says:

    Congrats! Enjoy your gift!

  17. shop_til_u_drop says:

    Congrats on your win!

  18. Divine~Miss~M says:


  19. Kelly says:


  20. Smart Ass Canuk says:


  21. sha says:

    Congrats, rainy.

  22. smanda17 says:

    great prize rainy!

  23. Littlemoe0 says:

    Congrats rainy on the nice win.

  24. rainy says:

    who do I wmail now with my address???? can someone help…lol I emailed an address not sure if I was right.


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