Heinz Canada Freebie: FREE Ketchup Bottle Pin


If you love dipping your french fries in delicious Heinz ketchup, you’ll love this freebie from Heinz Canada! Head over to Heinz’s website right now and you can request your free Heinz Ketchup bottle pin! Show off your love for ketchup with your own wearable Heinz bottle pin!

To request your free pin, head online to Heinz’s website and follow these steps:

  • Under Choose your region, select Americas
  • (Question 1) Choose your country, select United States
  • Scroll down to (Question 13). The subject should now say “Ketchup Pin”
  • Return to (Question 1). Under choose your country, change to Canada
  • (Questions 5-12) Enter your information, including mailing address
  •  Hit submit at (Question 17)

Once you’ve successfully submitted your information, a “Thank you” message will be shown on the site! All you have to do is sit back and wait 7-10 business days for your free Heinz ketchup bottle pin!

This offer is on for a limited time only.

Click here to get your free Heinz Ketchup pin.

17 responses to “Heinz Canada Freebie: FREE Ketchup Bottle Pin”

  1. newatcouponing says:

    Thank you.

  2. Brenda says:

    thats great and thank you but when the pin is sent to my email will it give me the website to redeem my free bottle ?

    • Am says:

      Hi Brenda, sorry for the misunderstanding. It’s literally a pin for your clothing as far as I understand!

  3. Sampler says:

    What is a Pin? Isn’t that like a code ? or is that a new term for a coupon??

    • Am says:

      Hi Sampler, sorry for the misunderstanding. It’s literally a pin for your clothing as far as I understand!

      • Sampler says:

        OHHH… that “pin”, lol.. I never wear pins, but if it’s free…it’s fine with me ! 🙂

  4. Colsgirl says:

    A pin is the North American word for a badge (the sort you pin on your sweater – not the stitch on ones)

  5. SuperMel says:

    Doesn’t work… Perhaps they are all out and took it down? My kids LOVE Heinz so I let them positive feedback anyways.

  6. laufy says:

    no pin option in number 13 after us as country

  7. krish says:

    not working..i don’t see any option like pin

  8. Lori says:

    Followed instructions, did not see Ketchup Pin under subject, so I just chose other and commented ‘please send me a ketchup pin’.

  9. Linda says:

    I tried several times and no pin option under 13

    • Am says:

      Hi Linda, it appears that Heinz has indeed removed the option for a free pin on their site. I can no longer see it either. They may have run out of stock or been overwhelmed with requests!


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