Hey Canada, It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time!


Recently on Facebook Welchs posted that 94% of people put the peanut butter on before the jelly (jam) when they make pb & j sandwiches.

I personally don’t eat Pb & J but my kids do.  When I make them I always put the jelly on first because its easy to wipe the knife off then do the peanut butter rather then apparently the “correct” way to do it.

How do you make yours?

*This is just a fun off topic post, you do not have to participate if you choose not to.

57 responses to “Hey Canada, It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time!”

  1. :) says:

    To make a perfect/correct PB&J (and one that has lasting power, so it stays nice til lunch time, put peanut butter on both slices of bread in a thin layer and jelly in the middle.

    That way the bread doesn’t go soggy, and you can ‘seal’ the edges just a bit so that the jelly doesn’t come out the sides.

  2. hadathickwallet says:

    SMOOTH PB on one piece of bread, lick knife, spread SMUCKERS (the best!!) raspberry jam on other piece of bread–tadaa!! 🙂

  3. Eric says:

    We do jam then PB, since getting PB int the jam jar might be bad for the kids lunches at school (nut-free zone). Although sometimes, we just scoop both PB & J into a bowl, mix them up and THEN spread it onto the bread. Makes for a wonderful mix and taste (depending on what ratio you use. (I use 1:1).

    Instead of bread, Use a flour tortilla and roll it up. My kids love it.

  4. Kendra says:

    Yes, the perfect pb&j sandwich, when packing for later, is pb on both sides and j in the middle I completely agree. If just eating though, its always pb first, it’s an unspoken rule. Kinda like the toilet paper roll, it goes on so that you pull down from the top not up from under. One of many unspoken rules!

  5. Kaguya says:

    I like how you had to include the * note because of all the flames and stuff lately lol… *thumbs up.

    I always put on the peanut butter first. But I don’t use jam… I put condensed milk. Does anyone do that? It’s a tasty snack you find a asian places I believe. It IS kind of sweet and possibly fattening so I don’t eat it too often.

  6. Lori says:

    Great idea! Never thought of that. That would solve the peanut butter mess in the jam jar for sure.

  7. tanni says:

    Dont people have two knives so they don’t contaminate the other product? Why does it matter what goes on first, obviously you put the peanut on one slice of bread and the jam on the other, using a second knife.

  8. Allie says:

    I do the peanut butter first because the jelly/jam goes into the fridge. I figure if it has some PB in it, no big deal, but if you have jelly in your PB then it might go bad.

    No scientific evidence, but it makes sense to me. :o)

  9. Mommy2Two says:

    Peanut butter first, but i always just use two knives – one for the jam and one for the PB.

  10. Sally says:

    Lol Tanni, no need to get mean. It’s just a fun post. Everyone is entitled to make their sandwich as they please. 🙂

  11. bluebunny27 says:

    I never had a PB&J sandwich and I never will. 😉 I like either PB or J separately, not together. That doesn’t sound too good to me at all.

  12. adora says:

    I don’t eat it ever, but I think one should put peanut better first. (I do eat peanut butter and butter.)

    Because of its viscosity, peanut butter would not spread well on top of jelly. It would just slide around. To make sure it is smooth, one should put the peanut butter first, which would cling to the bread nicely. It’s science. And yes, agree with you all, 2 knives.

  13. Natalka says:

    Peanut butter spread on first, wipe the knife on the other clean piece of bread, then put the jam on the other piece of bread, and merge to make a sammie.
    LOVE the commercial where the kids do the high five with making PB&J sammies!
    This all said, I prefer PB&J on toast – pb on first so it melts into the toast, then jam on top; I eat it open faced.

  14. Waste-haster says:

    I’ve never even tried Jam first. I figured the peanut butter wouldn’t really stick to it since its slippery.. PB then Jam just always seemed so right.

  15. dandelion says:

    I put PB first than Jam on top. Always have. Makes me hungry thinking about it 🙂

  16. Shelley Conte says:

    Same as above. Peanut butter first, then wipe knife on clean slice of bread, Jam on that slice and then put together. Never jam directly on the peanut butter. My son who is 3 loves PB&J but never eats it as a sandwich. Always pulls it apart and eats it seperately.

  17. odd duck says:

    Call me crazy… I use a spoon for the jam, knife for the peanut butter, that way when you lick the knife when you’re done, there’s a lovely flavour combination there 🙂 P.S. Haters go hate somewhere else!! Grrrr! LOL

  18. Twinmommy says:

    I never really thought of it but I do always start with peanut butter! I love pb & j sandwiches – comfort food to its fullest! When I was pregnant I used to substitute Nutella for the jam – so delicious with a big glass of milk!

  19. baggypants says:

    I make these EVERYDAY (for DH!!) and also use a spoon for the jam (never jelly, ew) and a separate knife for the PB, both spread on one slice of bread then topped with the other slice.

    I hate PB & J unless it’s open face on fresh French bread, then it is heavenly!!

  20. Katie says:

    I can’t eat refined sugar (I KNOW – you condolences are appreciated!) So my PB is all natural on a whole wheat wrap rolled around a ripe banana for sweetness. We call them Banana Rolls (like sushi!) and they are great for “just eat your breakfast in the car we are gonna be late AGAIN!” days 🙂

  21. MoTaffy says:

    Peanut butter first, of course!!!!

  22. Laura K says:

    Peanut butter first, lick the knife clean (don’t let my mom see!) then JAM! Yum.

  23. Kimmie says:

    I’ll never be able to eat a PB&J sandwich due to my peanut allergy. 🙁
    But it sounds delicious!

  24. michelle :) says:

    I am a 2 knife person too… I put peanut butter on one slice and then second knife and second piece of bread gets the jam… My DD has 3 highly alergic kids in her class at school so I am very careful! So much so that mon-fri sept-june I ban pb from them… They had a close call in the class where a “processed in a facility that processes nuts” product was shared (they are 5) and the little guy reacted to it and it was super scary for the kids… Sooooo glad I wasn’t that parent who sent the product! But also don’t want to be the parent who’s kid had pb oil still on their fingers from breakfast!!!

  25. Dyan says:

    Always peanut butter first and I also use a spoon, it’s easier to get those huge chunks of fruit that way 🙂

  26. Lola says:

    I’ve always done PB first then jelly using 2 knives but DH never uses a seperate knife, so I’ve swtiched to the squeeze bottle jelly! Love those, since there’s never a chance of cross contamination. lol.

  27. melissa says:

    peanut butter on first, then jam or jelly. 2 different utensils, i’ve got a dishwasher. i would imagine it isn’t so easy slathering pb onto jam that is sliding around…?

  28. vibrantflame says:

    Never eat them, my kids do though, and I do always put the peanut butter first. Though in my case, there is no science or method to it, it’s just what I do!

  29. frank says:

    My kids love Nutella that is what my wife gives them all the time

  30. Lori says:

    Hey, can anyone recommend a brand of strawberry jam that DOESN’T have huge chunks in it? Kraft is good but too chunky.

  31. Madiken says:

    I put the pb on one slice of bread – wipe the excess pb from the knife on to the edge of the pb jar – and then add jam directly on top of the pb. for some reason i like how jam spreads on peanut butter. then close it off with another slice of bread.

  32. Ray says:

    You guys should try Peanut Butter + Evaporated Milk. Amazing, especially on toasted bread. My grandmna used to make that for me all the time… love it… few people know about it 😉

  33. Lissa says:

    Peanut butter first then wipe the leftover peanut butter on the other slice of bread and use it for the jam/jelly.. I tend to buy squeeze jam now which solves the problem all together 🙂

  34. Mom2three says:

    Lori – i like Greaves personally but not sure where you are or how easy it would be to get (I get mine in Niagara-on-the-Lake – usually get it when we visit for either the strawberry, cherry or peach festivals)

    it might be an italian thing but my kids love PB & Nutella (choc spread)- their own reese’s pieces sandwich (no trademark infringement intended) – either on bread or in a wrap …they’re not wild about jam so we tried this once and it stuck (we adults like it too)

    if we have PB & J – i put PB first and then dollop or 2 of jam on the PB and squish – very technical procedure as you can tell!

    enjoy it anyway you like!

  35. me says:

    Has anyone seen the commercial where the two kids are making a PBJ, one spreads PB on his bread the other Jam and then they high five it together. I think its so cute.

    I use a spoon in my jam jar, just find it easier to get out that way.

  36. Cheryl says:

    I use a spoon too for the jelly

  37. Shelley says:

    I like Smuckers strawberry jam. If you don’t like the chunks look for seedless on the bottle. I don’t believe they sell the seedless in big bottles.

  38. Danielle says:

    I would love to have this P&J as well. But I’m also allergic to Peanuts. NUTS! However.. whenever I read P&J it makes me laugh because this song always comes into my head. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8MDNFaGfT4

  39. pink_panda says:

    I put peanut butter on one slice of bread, and jam on the other. then i will combine them together to make the perfect P&J sandwich 😀

  40. bex says:

    I put peanut butter on both slices of bread and then use smuckers squeezable strawberry jam and put jam on both slices then squish them together. Yummmmmmy 🙂 In fact I’m craving one right now!!

  41. Tara says:

    Like many of the others have said, I put my jelly on one slice and my crunchy PB on the other slice 🙂

  42. ryry - Kerry says:

    2 knives here – one for each 🙂

  43. tudorchick says:

    nutella and welch’s grape jelly…

    i do one on each side of bread.just don’t like knife contamination

  44. bullmastiffmum says:

    I like to eat PB and jam seperately on 2 pieces of toast at the same time, one bite of PB the one bite of jam…it’s weird but I don’t like to mix them, then if I have a sweet tooth I can finish with the jam taste, or the super creamy PB taste depending on the day.

    LOVE the idea of condensed milk sounds devilish…I love condensed milk drizzled on fresh strawberries, beats sugar hands down!

    Kimmie a frind of mine introduced me to a nut free product called “pea butter” at Zehrs, it is AwesomE and tastes just like PB!

  45. frugal.tea says:

    mmm…PB&J – peanut butter first and then strawberry jam in the center 🙂 Yup I use a spoon for the jam three…four. Sometimes I like a toasty PB&J

    Has anyone made a PB&J w/mint jelly?

  46. Danielle says:

    Strawberry jam first. I grew up with siblings with allergies to nuts and if you wanted to be able to use the same knife jam had to go first!

  47. Karen says:

    Peanut butter first then marshmallow fluff( a fluffanutter!)
    Any way you spread it- it is comfort at is simplest!

  48. Amber says:

    Must put on pb, lick the knife, and then dig right in to the homemade jam–raspberry preferably, however, strawberry will do.
    MMMM–just made one now!

  49. Bonnie says:

    I put the peanut butter on both pieces of bread, and then add the jam or jelly to one of the slices, before putting them together.


  50. Amy says:

    Mmmmm, nothing beats a peanut butter and jam sandwich. I’ve never really thought about it, but I always spread my natural PB (I find natural to taste so much better than the alternative) on one slice of bread, and then spread some jam on top (with a spoon), and then top with another slice, or eat it open-faced.

    Also agree with the above comment re: PB&J tasting great on French bread, or a fresh baguette.

    Finally, to those with peanut allergies, I highly recommend almond butter (self-explanatory), or sunflower seed butter (it doesn’t taste like peanut butter, but it tastes great regardless).

  51. Monica says:

    Thanks for the idea about the whole whea wrap, PB, and banana – love my PB with banana. I always buy the natural kind of PB- just peanuts – no trans fats and sugar. Awesome – but you do have to keep it in the fridge to keep it from separating.

  52. Just Me! says:

    Personally can’t stand peanute butter (well, except with chocolate!) and jam only in baking (even though I make it myself every year). But make PB&J for the kids almost every day! One gets peanut butter and the other has no-nut butter (due to allergic child in same class). Four slices of whole grain bread, two cutting boards, three different knives and always start with homemade strawberry or blackberry jam then one knife for PB and then other for NNB!
    For those that lick the knife between jars, aren’t you worried about cross contamination and germs/mould growing in the second jar from the introduction of saliva?!?!!?

  53. Owenx says:

    prefer nut butters,but i had some honey roast pnuts i processed for honey roast pb!a little grainy thouhh.

  54. Kathleen says:

    It’s peanut butter and honey for me. Or has anyone tried peanut butter and letter sandwiches?….one of my favorites.

  55. Beth says:

    Put PB and J on a piece of bread, roll it up, dip it in a mix of egg and cinnamon, fry like french toast. Enjoy….

  56. Sally says:

    I love deleting posts 🙂

  57. Autumn_Lili says:

    Can’t believe I just read all those comments when the topic was PB&J 🙂

    I had never actually considered doing it differently but now I’m dying to try jam first, double PB with jam in the middle and that condensed milk idea…

    Thanks for a fun off-topic!!!


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