HitFilm 2 Express Canada Full Program for FREE

HitFilm 2 Express

For a limited time, you can get HitFilm 2 Express for absolutely FREE! Take advantage of this offer until February 4th 2014 because the regular retail value of this HitFilm 2 Express is a whopping $149!

All you have to do is share the HitFilm 2 Express FREE Offer on Facebook or Twitter to receive your free download. You share other things like massive amounts of game invites, so why not share this! Grab your camera (or SmartPhone), add some effects, and share your movie too!

This is the full HitFilm 2 Express program, not just a limited time trial. They also offer some free video tutorials to get you started. You might as well download it just to say you have tried it.

Get your free HitFilm 2 Express here.

2 responses to “HitFilm 2 Express Canada Full Program for FREE”

  1. SC says:

    Some hefty hardware requirements to run Hitfilm 2:

    • SC says:

      Sorry…that was for ultimate version. Here’s the freebie Express version requirements:
      Not as bad, but still need a 1GB graphics card:
      “Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX or AMD/ATI Radeon HD 4850 with at least 1024 MB video memory and support for OpenGL 2.0. “


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