Home Videos from Expo 67

Other / Canada

A lot of people would argue that Expo 67 was Canada’s crowning cultural achievement. I was born thirteen years to late to have experienced it first hand, but from everything I’ve read and watched on the subject I’d be inclined to agree.

I also love how the internet can create a public archive of personal footage. Back in 1967 who would have imagined that the people of 41 years later would be able to view videos of their family vacation from anywhere in the world?

So without further adieu, I present you with 3 minutes of Expo 67 as seen through the eyes of a vacationing family.


If you’re interested in a comprehensive guide to all things Expo 67, click here. Any of you SmartCanuckers have any memories of the event first hand?

One response to “Home Videos from Expo 67”

  1. Boo Radley says:

    Very interesting video!
    Thanks for sharing this Jim 🙂


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