What an amazing deal I just came across on Facebook … TODAY ONLY the complete series of Arrested Development is 74% off!
Usually retails for $109.94, today it’s $28.99 USD.
S&H was about $8 to my area of Canada.
I just bought my set, this was one of the greatest shows on tv!
Hurry! This will not last!
my hubby is VERY happy right now lol
appears there are only 25 left
Thanks for this update. Brother’s gift done!!
Wow. Again, too bad amazon doesn’t accept paypal (get with the times, Amazon!)
This is a great deal. But I already have them. It’s one of my all time favorite shows.
agreed Eric, i would have loved to use paypal instead!
I hope there are no customs fees!
Last time I ordered from amazon.com it was a vinyl album, no customs fees.
great deal!
does amazon.com even deliver to Canada? I thought that was what amazon.ca is for.
yes Eric they do!
*shrugs* anyone know if this comes with anything extra than the seasons that are sold separately? Best Buy and Superstore (and I’m sure others too) have had them on for about $10 per season a few times, at $10/season that works out to $30 for the series, no shipping, so duties, no wait.
ya, it does not retail for 110 bucks
well on amazon it does lol
i’ve never seen it for less than $25 each season, so for me it was a great deal. I can’t wait to see if I happen to find it on sale one day at Walmart … hubby has been asking for this since the show ended! 🙂
I love arrested development, what a great show, too bad it was cancelled.
sold out… too bad, one of the best shows ever
If I didn’t have my DVDs that I watch religiously (and quote even more often), I would be ALL OVER THIS.
i loved this show! I wish it had not been canceled. I guess some viewers don’t have the intelligence to understand the depths of humor in this show! 🙂
missed it, boo. 🙁
Unfortunately I only started watching it after it was on DVD so as much as I wanted a second set, I didn’t indulge! I know Rogers had each season for $16.99 last year, and they have often been $19.99 each, so to the poster who had never seen them for less than $25 each, I don’t know where you’ve been looking. Amazing deal though. Congrats to everyone who got it.
Um… ok, I ordered this. I was confused when two packages from amazon.com came in the mail. Then I opened them, and I got TWO of the exact same sets of DVDs! Why would they send me two?1?!? At first I thought they maybe forgot one season, but they’re both season 1-3. Wow. I know they didn’t charge me for two… Cool!