It’s a pleasure to meet you… I’m Panda

Other / Canada

Harper meets a Panda


How do you think Harper should reply back?

*Offensive sentence removed*

73 responses to “It’s a pleasure to meet you… I’m Panda”

  1. JG Moore says:

    Why screw up a good website by bringing your politics into it?

  2. DianneS says:

    Thumbs up to JG Moore….I agree with the comment.

  3. Out of all the dictators this world has seen, it is appalling that you would put our prime minister even close to this category.

  4. Me says:

    Yup, this is EXACTLY what I come to this website to see. Politics.

  5. Wow says:

    I am seriously offended by this post. Yes, I am aware that everyone has their right to free speech and that “I could not look at the post” but it was a cute picture, so I was interested to see what it says, and was completely shocked.

    I look at all of the “off-topic” posts and I have never been offended like this.

  6. Boo Radley says:

    I really am not into politics that much and I’m usually very neutral…. I’m more of a nerd who enjoys technology and interesting creative ideas.

    Maybe my comment was a bit extreme, I do apologize about that, I’m sorry.

    I think it stems from my anger at the introduction of this bill:

    But still should’ve just kept my opinion to myself.

  7. Stewart says:

    Agreed. I come here for deals, not politics.

  8. John Andersson says:

    I was a bit shocked at the political commentary on a coupon website too – but after reading Boo Radley’s response I totally agree. In the context of the bill and threat it poses to it’s appropriate.

  9. Jenn says:

    Excuse me?! Harper was elected by the people of Canada to a majority government. I think your choice of words was more than “a bit” extreme.

  10. MarsBar says:

    I am not sure why we are borrowing Chinas pandas at a huge cost and cutting social services, health care and care to the elderly. I think Harper needs to get Canada’s priorities straight.

  11. joshua k says:

    I come here for deals, not politics, with that said. To compare Harper with a Gaddafi or Pol Pot is retard.

  12. Theresa says:

    That is offensive. Is this a political blog now??? A dictator is someone like Bashar al Assad. Bet Syrians would give their right arm to have been able to vote-whether they got the leader they VOTED for or not.

    Good job “Smart” Canucks on allowing offensive and devisive posts. Well done!

  13. TM says:

    I agree with J. Moore and the others. Not a place for politics, and the caption is offensive. Harper a dictator?? Really?? Try living somewhere else….

  14. Natalka says:

    Kisses and hugs to Our Great Leader Mr. Harper!

    I’m pleased that pandas are coming back to Canada! I had a chance to see them at the Calgary Zoo in 1988, and it was absolutely amazing!

  15. Alex says:

    Well, it may not be appropriate to talk politics on this website but still the comment is ironic… Mr Harper has been a member of the ultra right wing which has generated “world-class” dictators from Hitler to Mussolini and his latest measures have sparked outrage and fear from his factually insupportable crime agenda to his caviar tastes for jets…and yes, he scares the hell out of me…

  16. lighten up folks, you will live longer.

    I would reply; “I think you need to freshen up that breath”

  17. heart says:

    Pandas are cute!!!

  18. Coupon saver says:

    Could you please just stick to couponing and leave politics out of the site.

  19. Peppermint Patty says:

    He may have a majority but he only got 39.2 % of the vote. That leaves a lot of disatisfied Canadians, let’s not forget that. We will just bide our time. Afterall we don’t vote in a government we throw out the old ones here once they’ve wreaked havoc for long enough.

    As for the Pandas coming to Canada, I plan on visiting the T.O. zoo to see him/her.

  20. dm says:

    It is due to politics and the govt of the day that we need to coupon so I also would like them to leave politics out of this sit .

  21. Roger says:

    Beary nice to meet you

  22. SeriousSally says:

    Dang! Missed Boo’s response, obviously it was removed, must have been a doozy…sorry I missed it.

  23. Jenn says:

    @Peppermint Patty

    It is well within election rules to form a majority with 39% of the vote. Few political parties with a majority government have every gotten a true majority of the vote. You may well be disatisfied with the current government. The mature way to express this is “I am disatisfied with Harper’s government” not “Harper is a dictator”.

  24. abbasgirl says:

    I agree that we haven’t seen anything close to dictatorship in Canada and it’s inappropriate to refer to the Prime Minister that way. But Boo apologized and removed the comment, so let’s move on.
    This picture makes me laugh because of the body language. He looks completely unsure of what to do with the panda! Like all prime ministers, Harper has made some good decisions and some bad. But this picture sums up his personality very well.

  25. Kristeven says:

    How about removing the picture too, not just Boo’s comment? It doesn’t belong here.

  26. FreeFinger says:

    Hey, might as well show Harper some Pandas while they still exist.. I mean, who else than George W. Bush is so implicated is the massive destruction of the earth while digging for oil sands, and he’s also trying to separate Canada all the while bringing the country in a recession when we were less affected than others. Kuddos for them votes people! … The Reform party is in power and doing what they do best, disruption of everything they can get their hands on hiding behind the PC name! Nice.. Wonder if the next PM will have enough balls to pass a law to bring to Justice those who illegally took us out of the Kyoto accord and then modified the laws to make it legal?… It’s like rapists getting the power to make rape legal… The IQ of this country is going down.. PC in majority power is a good example of it …

  27. b says:

    guys relax. it’s one post out of the 1000x good deal/coupon posts we’ve gotten over the years. let it go and just see it as a cute photo with a fur ball.

  28. BCguy says:

    Harper does not need to say anything, he is destroying Canada. Bill C-30 should be cancelled. If active, it will give Government too much internet privacy power to abuse.

  29. nisiepie says:

    Canadian government is ‘muzzling its scientists’

  30. danifish says:

    I think its a cute picture and was surprised to see all the negative comment!!!
    Not to mention they are endangered, so really it’s exciting to possibly be able to see a real one, before we destroy their entire habitat!!!

  31. Peppermint Patty says:

    @ Jenn I did not say Harper was a dictator that was the OP and if you re-read my post I said I am biding my time until the next election.

    39% of the vote is not the majority of the population that is all I am stating in my post. I know how our electoral system works.

    Don’t know why you had to bring maturity into the issue. It’s called an opinion and that’s the OP’s business if he wants to say that Harper is a dictator. Many agree, many do not.

  32. Raymond Owens says:

    Ok ! Ill shake your hand and make some calls to get you on deal or no deal but you got to promise me and Howie Mandel you wont get overly attached to that red button when we take you back to the zoo!

  33. thaichips says:

    I agree with all the others. I come here for fun and deals… not to talk about politics!

  34. nisiepie says:

    Canadian government is ‘muzzling its scientists’

  35. nisiepie says:

    oh jeez wth, i thought my post went missing, and now i repost, and suddenly it appears alongside many others.


  36. 23edge says:

    Come to Canada, we respect human rights… err most of the time

  37. Megan says:

    I know everyone has a right to free speech, but how does this post help to save me money on groceries?
    Keep politics out of it or you will probably lose a lot of followers.

  38. Jenn says:

    @Peppermint Patty
    My original post was on-topic, relating to the word used by Boo. Your post is an unrelated political opinion, which responds to my use of the term ‘majority government’. At no point did I say you thought Harper was a dictator. As you note, the words used by Boo are his opinion. The maturity of those words is my opinion.

  39. K says:

    Haha, I thought this was funny.

  40. Kamchi says:

    In keeping with the spirit of smartcanucks I’ll give you a deal and give you my 2 cents for free.

    1st Cent: China has long used the tradition of giving pandas to other countries as their way of showing friendship and ‘acceptance’. All in all it should be viewed as a tangible reinforcement that Canada and China are viable allies and partners.

    2nd Cent: I didn’t see the original caption but it surely can’t be as controversial as the uninformed vitriol I’m reading in the comments.

  41. J.G. Moore says:

    Come on, people. The political comment was removed and an apology was posted. Let’s drop it.
    For those of you that want to leave a comment containing political subject matter, check out the newspapers. They will give you ample opportunity to tilt at windmills.
    For Boo: Great site. I will continue “visiting” you every day.

  42. haine says:

    Comment removed, apology there (wasn’t personally offtended though). Calm down people, seriously. Go sign up for some freebies or something. -_-

  43. Bigal says:

    My reply was inadvertently cut out?

  44. Bigal says:

    Here it is again, at the risk of loosing trades; Why don’t we view the animals in th wild? How would you feel being taken by another species and made to believe you are well in this artificial environment? Not to put Harper down as he is for Seal skin boots but what about the Canada Goose jackets with all those wolves being slaughtered? Why not Pandas too? I must have missed a memo about fur being IN! Just appalled!

  45. Betty says:

    I wonder how many mouths the cost of the Panda could have fed in Canada

  46. HappyCouponSaver78 says:

    The panda is cute but leave politics out please 🙂

  47. PWest says:

    I also didn’t see the original comment, but for all of you who come to this site for coupons and coupons alone, (and for the millionth time) I say, they’re trying to make this site a little more exciting and to get people to use it for more than the one thing, and yet every blog entry and commentary gets attacked like someone’s personally trying to kill you with words! What is it about this site’s extracurricular content that makes you feel like it’s your personal mission to put a stop to it? Did the person address the thing to you? Did Boo’s comment begin with Dear Mary-Jo and your real name is Mary-Jo so you feel you have a right to start publically freaking out? Of course not, because in real life you would just shoot the person a dirty look and walk away.

    Why can no one ever seem to walk away, or click away, on the internet? Is the comment section (in general) the new shooting range, boxing ring or therapist’s office? Do you think it’s okay to publically (because the internet, in it’s essence, is public) spew your pent up rage at random strangers simply because it makes you feel better to hate something for a few minutes?

  48. tudorchick says:

    ummm…do i seem stupid by asking …. what?

  49. tudorchick says:

    okay..i get it now..but you all (i underline you) voted him in….and i didn’t…i was getting drunk that week for frosh….i am against any kind of bill that says i can’t get a movie or a song….internet as i know it would be done,so i would just simply not have it..but yes…politics,religion,race issues…playing with fire…..

  50. A.L. says:

    This is supposed to be a shopping site to find deals. I don’t understand why Harper is appearing on the homepage that should be focusing on specials not politics. We come here to try and save money, not this sort of thing.

  51. jasmynflower says:

    if you dont like it, skip over it 🙂
    its posted on the blog…
    its not strewn all over the coupon, freebie, deals etc. areas

  52. jason says:

    hey jas when theres an action theres a re-action so i think you should respect peoples comments 🙂 Maby you should say how you really feel

  53. Gazpache says:

    I’m not going to say anything about politics.

    I just think the picture itself is very cute and the caption fits it perfectly. It really is as if the panda is reaching over to shake paws!

  54. Leslie says:

    Seriously, people, do lighten up. Don’t shoot the messenger. This is an awesome site. I visit it every day and appreciate the $$$ this person helps me save my family. What’s an “Oops” here and there between friends? I think the majority of the comments I am seeing here are “monkey-see, monkey-do”. Think for yourselves and don’t follow the pack, especially when they are beating someone up. You bunch of cowardly bullies!!

  55. jason says:

    hey leslie i told my mp how it was and hes the coward as he was told by mr. harper that to vote a certain way in a bill and not what the people in our riding wanted him to vote. Weres the democracy ? Oh ya he was told he would be booted out if he didnt comply now tell me thats not a dictator. When you go to parliment hill to lobby you tell me how it is you need to get out more often and stop listening to corperate media

  56. Me & My 2Cents says:

    Wow! Lighten up people! Okay… so I missed Boo’s controversial comment. Besides the comment that Boo made, it’s only a picture of a politian and his wife and a cute bear- why all the fuss about bringing politics and free speech and everything irrelevant into it. What I think is that posters should stop bringing their own agenda and political views into SC. I do however agree that this post has nothing to do with deals and the general theme of the website but it shouldn’t hurt to post a cute picture once in a while.

    BTW, it costs $1 million to rent the panda per bear per year. Althought I think the money could be better spent on more pressing matters, it is still nice to see a panda in our neighbourhood- at least at a drivable distance 🙂 So lighten up people!

  57. Greg says:

    Keep in mind, the Government is not paying for the Pandas. Your tax dollars are not (directly) going to fund bringing them over. The Toronto and Calgary Zoos are paying the fee (which, incidentally, is being used for Panda Bear Conservation) out of their general revenues. They have stated that they feel they will come out ahead, as there will be increased visitors to the zoos as well as more merchandise purchased.

  58. J.G. Moore says:

    For Me & My 2Cents.
    You shouldn’t comment unless you have all the facts. This has nothing to do with the picture. It’s cute and I like it. The crux of this matter was the comment underneath the picture which was definitely political and has no place on this website. Having said that, I agree with you that posters should not be airing their political views here. I also agree that people should lighten up and let go of this.

  59. Anna says:

    Lol, something different there and there does not bother me.
    I think it was cute photo.

  60. nsnsns says:

    if you don’t like it don’t look, the picture itself made me giggle because it’s so cute!

  61. Me & My 2Cents says:

    For J. G. Moore,

    Yes, I already noted that I did indeed missed Boo’s comment. However, based on all the previous posts I was able to deduce the opinion/post which Boo made. I am not expressing my concurrence nor am I debating on this issue. Eventhough, you are entitled to your opinion and conclusion but please do not disparage my intelligence by claiming that I do not have all the facts. Furthermore, the poster deleted the comment and apologized, what more do you want? Pressing the matter further will not alter this in any way. So please stop being a hypocrite and just let the topic go!

  62. Cigale says:

    Friendly Panda says: “Why can’t we just all… get along.”

    Quizzical Harper thinks: “Did he wash his hands?”

  63. :) Monica :) says:


  64. TakeItEasy says:

    why do some guys take it so seriously? it’s just for fun! feel offensive? i feel it too when people said they were offended by that “pic”? take it easy, please!

  65. Funkymunky says:

    this is Boo’s site, so what exactly is the problem? Don’t like it, don’t let the door hit you in the face

    ffs’s people, grow up!

  66. Deb says:

    “What no High-5, Dukes!”

  67. Mary Walsh says:

    My first thought was “What a cute picture”. Next was “Welcome to Canada”. Culture is good for anyone and I think it is very generous of the Chinese to let us enjoy them. Political motives and negative thinking didn’t come into my mind until I read some of the other comments. They spoiled a happy moment.

  68. jason says:

    hey funky mummy i guess people are not entilted to their own opinion dont like freedom of speech then get out of our country dont the door hit you on the way out

  69. MonkeyGirl says:

    It his blog….. he can say what he wants on it…..

  70. Jill says:

    Too bad we can’t all have this much to say to help each other find deals.
    Happy to know in my lifetime I will get to see a Panda,don’t think I will make it to China on my budget

  71. Jan says:

    JG Moore said “Why screw up a good website by bringing your politics into it?”


    don’t assume that everyone who visits this site is going to agree with your politics – the least you could do is state your opinion on the matter in a civil way.

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